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Worldwide Photography #34: Fortaleza. By marcos333 Thu, 09/01/2011 - 10:31 Worldwide Photography is a series of posts where every week we're going to show a city or location around the globe bringing the coolest photography samples of it.

Worldwide Photography #34: Fortaleza

The photographs authors are all credited right above their pictures. Today feature: Fortaleza, Brasil. For the next week we're going to feature San Juan, Puerto Rico so if you want to send your submissions for the next Worldwide Photography, please tweet the tag #wwphoto and the link of the photo(s) on twitter. I'll be wainting for your submissions :) mhm_ce felipe sahd Leley Martelozzo Filipe Rodrigues nicksarebi Fernando Bryan Frizzarin Carlanga Beto Frota Francisco Aragão Tereza Duarte.

Worldwide Photography #20: Curitiba. By marcos333 Thu, 05/26/2011 - 11:32 Worldwide Photography is a series of posts where every week we're going to show a city or location around the globe bringing the coolest photography samples of it.

Worldwide Photography #20: Curitiba

The photographs authors are all credited right above their pictures. Today feature: Curitiba, Brazil. For the next week we're going to feature Lima, Peru so if you want to send your submissions for the next Worldwide Photography, please tweet the tag #wwphoto and the link of the photo(s) on twitter. I'll be wainting for your submissions :) Mathieu Struck rick ligthelm javi.muniain vivoandando MARI Curbani Johann Stollmeier. Worldwide Photography #1: Porto Alegre. By marcos333 Thu, 01/13/2011 - 09:09 Hey guys, today we're going to start a new series of posts called Worldwide Photography, basically every week we're going to show a city or location around the globe bringing the coolest photograpy samples of it, enjoy it.

Worldwide Photography #1: Porto Alegre

For our first feature I thought that it would be nice to show you the hometown of most of the Abduzeedo Team: Porto Alegre. i do love my city a lot, it's not huge like São Paulo and it's lot prettier, hope you guys can figure how is our life thru the photographies we collect for the post, have fun. Lucas Pedruzzi Su Luz F. Luciana.perez Larissa Bulcão Sony Linhares Jefferson Bernardes laurallis. Mendes da Rocha . BAK GORDON. Arquitectos: Paulo Mendes da Rocha .

Mendes da Rocha . BAK GORDON

BAK GORDON . + afaconsult La realización de un evento de la magnitud de los Juegos Olímpicos en Río de Janeiro es una gran oportunidad para llevar a cabo acciones ejemplares en la ciudad, con el objetivo de provocar cambios deseables y, al mismo tiempo, consolidar los aspectos de la belleza inherente ya inscrita en su paisaje natural y construido - éste era el propósito de la participación en este concurso. La solución aportada para la apertura de un canal de corte recto a lo largo del suelo, lo que indica su mitad sur, como una isla del lago, mientras que la mitad norte se mantuvo conectada con el continente. Con esta nueva configuración del territorio, el proyecto creó un modelo importante de la urbanidad de la zona: un canal de 40 metros de ancho y aproximadamente 1 km de longitud, que alberga un nuevo frente para el agua de hasta 2 km de longitud, a través de visitas públicas bajó y animado el paisaje y un mercado local muy animada.


20.87 Estúdio

São Paulo 20.87 Estúdio . + moco loco An ephemeral installation was made at the Casa do Lado, the building that composes the design’s center of store Micasa. The design was made to take advantage of the existing structure and changed the house into a lamp in architectural scale and the same time preserve the “house’s soul” by the use of simple/cheap materials such as plastic tiles and LED lights. AD Photographers: Leonardo Finotti. Leonardo Finotti is a brazilian architect and photographer.

AD Photographers: Leonardo Finotti

He has documented several works from Brazil, Portugal and Latin America that we have featured here at ArchDaily. Leonardo Finotti also maintains a blog with a new photo every day, and keeps an interesting photo archive with over 200 works by Brazilian modern master Oscar Niemeyer. Other sections include projects from Switzerland, Alvaro Siza, Mendes da Rocha… and many more. 1.

When and how did you start photographing architecture? I started studying architecture and photography at the same time. 2. Yes I am, I graduated at the Federal University of Uberlândia MG, Brazil. 3. Architecture and photography are subjects I really love and architectural photography brings together these two passions motivated by espontaneous light. 4. 5. I had an unique experience on shooting Ibere Camargo Museum from its construction in 2005 widely published. Worldwide Photography #49: Cuiabá. By marcos333 Thu, 12/15/2011 - 03:11 Worldwide Photography is a series of posts where every week we're going to show a city or location around the globe bringing the coolest photography samples of it.

Worldwide Photography #49: Cuiabá

The photographs authors are all credited right above their pictures. Today feature: Cuiabá, Brasil. For the next week we're going to feature Busan, South Korea so if you want to send your submissions for the next Worldwide Photography, please tweet the tag #wwphoto and the link of the photo(s) on twitter.