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Food design

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La cannella: brucia grassi - Studio Medico Perrone & Associati. La Cannella appartiene alla famiglia delle Lauracee in particolar modo la Cinnamomum zeylanicum, (nativa dello Sri Lanka, di color nocciola e più costosa) e la Cinnamomum cassia (originaria della Cina dall’aroma più aspro e più economica, spesso addizionata alla prima).La cannella è una fonte di olio essenziale costituito per lo più da aldeide cinnaminica, contiene tannini (sostanze antiossidanti) e cumarina, una sostanza moderatamente tossica per reni e fegato.

La cannella: brucia grassi - Studio Medico Perrone & Associati

Ha numerose proprietà, molte conosciute sin nell’antico Egitto e dai Romani, presso i quali era considerata una spezia afrodisiaca, ma fu nel Cinquecento che l’effetto stimolante a livello sessuale di questa droga fu sancito da diversi trattati medici. La cannella è ricca di Manganese, Ferro e Calcio e fonte di fibre, efficace in caso di rallentamento della peristalsi intestinale, potente antiossidante naturale, stimola la circolazione sanguigna e contribuisce a combattere il colesterolo. Ricetta per la prima colazione. What Are the Ingredients Of Natural Products ? Australian chemistry teacher James Kennedy has created a stunning project about the ingredients of natural products… James Kennedy.

What Are the Ingredients Of Natural Products ?

What 200 Calories of Various Foods Look Like. WiseGeek started a photo project that shows what 200 calories look like in different kinds of food… Sesame Seed Bagel (70 grams/2.47 ounces = 200 Calories) Apples (385 grams/13.58 ounces = 200 Calories) Avocado (125 grams/4.41 ounces = 200 Calories) Baby Carrots (570 grams/20.11 ounces = 200 Calories) Blueberry Muffin (72 grams/2.54 ounces = 200 Calories) Broccoli (588 grams/20.74 ounces = 200 Calories) 25.

What 200 Calories of Various Foods Look Like

Canned Green Peas (357 grams/12.59 ounces = 200 Calories) Canned Tuna in Oil (102 grams/3.6 ounces = 200 Calories) Celery (1,425 grams/50.27 ounces = 200 Calories) Picture Cook by Katie Shelly. The Health Benefits of Coffee vs Tea. Kitchencheatsheet.gif 900×5.870 pixels. Fearon Hay Architects. Pantone Pairings. As a designer, David Schwen is constantly picking color chips and pairing them up with one another.

Pantone Pairings

A while back he had the idea of making Pantone chips out of real household objects—sponges, cardboard, and the like. Though while he was finishing up a poster design, he had taped two Pantone chips together to see how they looked next to one another. Instantly Schwen thought of how people pair food together, and the Pantone pairings were born. All images © David Schwen. Pantone Tarts. Nahezu alle Berufe, die irgendwie mit Design zu tun haben kommen regelmäßig mit dem Pantone Farbsystem in Kontakt.

Pantone Tarts

Für die Französin Emilie Griottes Grund genug den Farbkarten eine neue Funktion zu verleihen und sie in kleine Leckerbissen zu verwandeln. Die 26-jährige backt, entsprechend der nummerierten Farben, Kuchen in beerenrot, bananengelb oder gurkengrün. Emilie Griottes hat Essen zu ihrem Beruf gemacht und backt, kocht, arrangiert und fotografiert es für Zeitschriften und andere Printmedien. Die Pantone Tarts entstanden für das Magazin Fricote. All images © Emilie Griottes | Via: Picame. Pantone Food by Alison Anselot. Great project titled ‘Pantone Food’ by Belgium-based artist Alison Anselot… Alison Anselot Similar project : Pantone Tarts Superbe projet intitulé «’Pantone Food” par l’artiste Alison Anselot, de la Belgique… Projet similaire: Pantone Tarts.

Pantone Food by Alison Anselot

Pantone Food & Condiments by David Schwen. “Pantone Pairings”, a series on Instagram by Minneapolis-based David Schwen, he has combined foods and condiments to look like Pantone swatches… Pantone Pairings | David Schwen «Pantone Pairings», une série sur Instagram par David Schwen basé à Minneapolis, il a combiné des aliments et des condiments pour ressembler un échantillons Pantone…

Pantone Food & Condiments by David Schwen

The Geometric Food Art of Sakir Gökçebag. Turkish photographer Sakir Gokcebag created a series of geometric arrangements using food, and without any digital manipulation … Sakir Gokcebag L’artiste turc Sakir Gökçebag a créé une série d’arrangements géométriques en utilisant de la nourriture, et ce sans aucune manipulation numérique …

The Geometric Food Art of Sakir Gökçebag