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10 TED Talks to Watch for Some Major Career Inspo. Whether you’re dreaming of moving up the corporate ladder at your current gig or you’re considering a career pivot, finding and landing your dream job is no easy task.

10 TED Talks to Watch for Some Major Career Inspo

Luckily for us, the Internet is filled with much more than cat Vines and fail vids (although, we do love a good summer Pinterest fail). Inspirational folks from across the globe have teamed up with TED to share meaningful advice on everything from going back to school to how to push your creativity to the next level. Get ready to be inspired by 10 of our favorite career TED Talks. 1. The Career Advice You Probably Didn’t Get by Susan Colantuono: Fighting for a promotion in a dog-eat-dog business environment is tough, especially when you’re missing out on some critical information. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is the best career advice you’ve ever received? (Photo via Getty) Ashley Macey is a lifestyle freelance writer who loves all things fitness, wellness and creativity.

32 Best Netflix Movies You Haven't Yet Seen. An Academy Award nominated documentary about the genocide committed against nearly a million “communists” in Indonesia in 1965.

32 Best Netflix Movies You Haven't Yet Seen

Still in power, the paramilitary of Indonesia commonly known as the gangsters, call themselves “free men” and glorify their acts of government-sanctioned blatant extortion and heinous cruelty while the film cleverly juxtaposes them against the nation’s scarred history. The corruption, fear and violence that characterizes the figures of authority in the Indonesian military government are revealed in a raw manner in the film. As its name suggests, the film will take you through the actual act of forcing a human to die. The gangsters that committed all those murders speak about and recreate the gruesome details of the circumstances, methods and experience of taking a life. Even more interestingly, they explore whether they believed it to be the right thing and how their conscience copes with the aftermath. Cortometrajes de Disney en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los que hayan visto la película "Captain America: First Avenger" recordarán las escenas en las que Steve Rogers, o mejor dicho, el Capitán América forma parte de un espectáculo musical propagandístico que tiene como objetivo incentivar la compra de bonos de guerra entre la población estadounidense (algo que también quedó retratado en la película Flags of Our Fathers de Clint Eastwood).

Cortometrajes de Disney en la Segunda Guerra Mundial

Durante cualquier período bélico, la propaganda siempre ha sido un arma importante que, bien utilizada, puede servir para conseguir apoyos entre la población, incentivar el alistamiento u obtener financiación económica. Watching complete strangers kiss for the first time is really beautiful.

Prof. Life

Varios. #56 - Creative thinking hacks. All of us possess everything necessary to be more creative.

#56 - Creative thinking hacks

The problem is we’ve been trained away from our creative instincts by schools, parents, movies and workplaces. The word creativity is frequently inflated by association, frequently appearing with overused, hype-laden words such as genius, brilliance, revolution and innovation. Hype mongers and creative intimidators throw those labels around like candy, scaring most people out of their own natural creative instincts. This essay, a high speed hack-centric interpretation of the creative thinking course I taught at the University of Washington, offers both concepts and tricks to help anyone be creative at any time. If you don’t want to read, you can watch the presentation: Kill creative romance First, like most media today, this essay starts with violence (and unnecessary exclamation points)!

On the new creative landscape you’ve made, place the following simple definition: an idea is a combination of other ideas. Combinations Related. Aquí el porque Michoacán se levanto en armas ante el crimen organizado. Office Yoga for the Neck and Shoulders. Jyothi Meditation (English) #Video: Martin Scorsese para Dolce & Gabbana y Wes Anderson para Prada. Ya hemos dicho que los Fashion Films se han convertido en un medio de expresión sin precedentes para la moda.

#Video: Martin Scorsese para Dolce & Gabbana y Wes Anderson para Prada

Aún más: varias firmas han recurrido a directores de cine para abordar historias en torno a sus colecciones que van más allá de un video dirigido a incrementar las ventas. Ejemplo de ello son los cortos de Roman Polanski para Prada, Guy Ritchie para H&M, Sofía Coppola para H&M y Dior, Nicolas Winding Refn para YSL y Luca Guadagnino para Giorgio Armani.

Ahora, se suman a la lista Martin Scorsese para Dolce & Gabbana y Wes Anderson para Prada. 01. Martin Scorsese filmó el comercial Street of Dreams para la campaña de la fragancia The One de Dolce & Gabbana. 02. 03. . — [27 de noviembre de 2013] Tags: Dolce & Gabbana, Martin Scorsese, Prada, Roman Coppola, Wes Anderson. Quantum Physics: Double Slit Experiment & Consciousness. The World Roundest Object. Sex: Can we talk? Tristram Stuart: The global food waste scandal. (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?