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Bycykelkort: Aarhus Bycykel. En cookie er en tekstfil, som lægges på din computer eller andet IT udstyr. Den gør det muligt at genkende din computer og samle information om, hvilke sider og funktioner, der besøges med din computer. Cookies indeholder oplysninger i anonymiseret form. Cookies anvendes af stort set alle websites og er i mange tilfælde en forudsætning for at websitet kan fungere. Cookies på dette site På dette website anvender vi cookies til en række forskellige formål i forbindelse med funktion, webanalyse og marketing. Vi anvender overvejende cookies til at samle statistik om brugernes besøg. Vi bruger oplysningerne til at forbedre brugeroplevelsen. Du kan læse mere om vores cookies under de tre faneblade, hvor vi inddeler alle cookies i kategorier og informerer om deres navn, levetid, formål og hvem der er afsender. Fravalg af cookies Hvis du nu eller i fremtiden ønsker at fravælge cookies, kan du gøre dette via dinebrowser-indstillinger. Hvad sker der, hvis jeg fravælger cookies?

Students in Aarhus | Student discounts | Student offers. Kløvergården. Grenåvej 681 • 8541 Skødstrup Locate this residence on an interactive map. Please take time to carefully read this information about your accommodation. By signing the contract you confirm that you have read and understood all the information. Terms and conditions ContractChange of moving out dateMoving inRent and depositMoving outInformation regarding telephone, internet access and TVFurniture and kitchen equipmentPractical information and social eventsContact information Rent, deposit and cancellation policy 1.

I can cancel my lease without any costs up to 14 days after I have accepted my housing offer and paid the first months’ rent. Find out which termination notice applies to which leases here 6. Moving in and out 9. Behavior 15. > to top < - In the info-folder you will find two copies of your contract. If you wish to prolong your accommodation, please do so ASAP. Download form. Google Tradutor. AFD_vedligeholdelsesreglement_UK__juni_2011.pdf.

Kløvergården. Kløvergården. Kløvergården. Kløvergården :: Forside. Beboermappen :: Kløvergården EN. Beboermappen :: RENT - how to pay, if rent is not paid, rent increase etc. The rent must be paid on the 1st working day of each month at the latest. If you pay later than that, a fee of DKK 273 (2014 standard) will be included in next month’s rent. You may choose between the following three methods of payment: 1. Nets (payment service). We recommend that you use this method of payment, as it is the cheapest and easiest for all parties. Nets is free and can be discontinued at any time. 2. If you do not receive a monthly paying-in slip or if the slip is lost, it is your responsibility to make sure that the rent is paid on time. 3. 4. No respite of paymentIt is not possible to apply for respite of payment. If rent is not paid If you do not pay rent, we will first send a reminder with fee.

Rent increaseIf rent is increased, it usually happens August 1 and it will be notified 3 months ahead, i.e. usually before May 1. Practical information. Paying the rent. Paying your rent Your housing reservation will not be finally confirmed before we have received your payment for the first monht’s rent. This payment must be made no later than two days after receipt of your housing offer. If your contract starts on the 15th of a month, you will be charged a half month's rent only. The deposit will be charged together with the payment for the second month’s rent. Invoices from Student Housing Aarhus As an exchange student who has received housing through the International Centre in one of Kollegiekontorets (Student Housing Aarhus') dormitory rooms, you will receive monthly invoices exclusively from the International Centre. In the mistaken event that you should receive an invoice requesting rent from Kollegiekontoret, then it is very important that you do not pay this invoice.

You need a credit card We accept rent payment for accommodation via our online payment system by credit card only. Your deposit will be charged with your second month's rent. Nerdy humor and help with exam writing | hey you, AU! Lame, I know. But make sure you’ve got some reliable “sauces” for your exam papers!

Ever find a site after you’ve written a paper/are about to hand a paper in and thing “dang if only I’d known about that before….”? Here are some great study/writing sites that I like to use while hammering out an exam paper I’ve waited too long to start on: Study Metro – Yes, I know it’s also for studying. Those are just a few that I find useful and I’m sure there are a million more that I’d love to know about! Like this: Like Loading... Tags:Aarhus, Aarhus University, AU, Essay Writing, exams, GetPocket, Google Scholar, Monday Punday, Procrastination, RefWorks, Scribo, Sources, state library, study metro, Yellow Highlighter Pen, Zotero.

Intro Week 2013. Preliminary Intro Week dates More information regarding actual events during the Intro Weeks are in the process of being finalised. Prelimiary dates for the Intro Weeks are as follows: Exchange Faculty of Health and Arts: Intro Week activities will begin on 1st September 2013 Science & Technology and Political Science: Intro Week activities will begin 19th August 2013 Business and Social Sciences: Intro Week activities will begin 26th August 2013 Full Degree Full Degree Science & Technology: Intro Week activities will begin 19th August 2013 Full Degree Business and Social Sciences: Intro Week activities will begin 26th August 2013 Full Degree Arts: Intro Week activities will begin 31st August 2013 The Pre-Arrival Guides have been designed for incoming international exchange and full degree students to read before you come to Denmark. To view the guides, simply click on the photos of them.

Travel grants. IMPORTANT: Please be aware that the AU Travel Grant is limited to exchange students from selected partner institutions. Description The Travel Grant is a reimbursement of travel expenses up to 1000 € for students from selected partner universities. Please check with your university or on our website to see if you are eligible to apply for this grant. Please note that you can only apply for the travel grant once! If you have not booked your return ticket, please contact your travel agency to get an offer, and enclose this document with your application form.

Requirements Be enrolled on a full-time basis as an exchange student at Aarhus University for a period of at least three months Be enrolled in one of the selected partner universities. “Full-time basis" means that the student must be able to document that he or she has signed up for at least 30 ECTS per semester (Not including the Denmark Today course). How to apply? Documents to enclose Back.

Practicalities. Intercãmbio Estudantil. Informações para pedido de visto através de intercâmbio (ROTARY ou AFS) - a entrega da solicitação deve ser feita pessoalmente. - para estudantes menores de 18 anos, a solicitação poderá ser entregue: 1º - Quando há guarda legal conjunta: por um dos responsáveis + estudante (não obrigatória a presença) + autorização para viagem com firma reconhecida em cartório por autenticidade - pode ser a mesma autorização que será feita para a criança viajar para o exterior por um ano (Autorização de Viagem para Exterior de Menor) para a Policia Federal Brasileiro. 2º - Quando há guarda legal total para um dos pais: pelo responsável legal + estudante (não obrigatório a presença) + cópia autenticada da decisão judicial da guarda ou atestado de óbito em caso de morte de um dos pais.

Documentação necessária: 1) Formulário ST1, encaminhado através do órgão de intercâmbio, devidamente preenchido e assinado pelo órgão de intercâmbio e pelo estudante e ambos os pais. 3) Carta da organizacão, original e 1 cópia. Studenterrådet ved Aarhus Universitet. SU Indlæg af Pernille Melander Thorsen Lad mig starte med at slå én ting fast: det er dyrt at være studerende. Pensum er dyrt (1500 kr. til et semester er ikke højt sat), mad er dyrt, boliger i studiebyer som Aarhus og København er meget dyre. Selv blev jeg nødsaget til at bo i lejlighed, da jeg ventede forgæves i halvandet år på kommunale studieboliger, som jeg aldrig blev tilbudt. Heldigvis er min lejlighed billigere end flere af de kommunale studieboliger, så på det punkt var det ikke det store nederlag.

Og det er faktisk ikke det nemmeste at skaffe sig studiejob i disse tider. Tid brugt på andet end uddannelse er ikke nødvendigvis spildtid, men en udvidelse af ens horisont, der kan hjælpe til bedre forståelse af sit fag eller som en praktisk øvelse i sit håndværk. Det er da ikke så sært, at stress er blevet en folkesygdom, der rammer yngre og yngre. Man kan af den ene eller anden årsag blive forsinket, uden at man er “mindre værd” end de, der fuldfører hurtigt. Study in Denmark. F you are sensible and follow local habits – such as cycling to university and eating at home – life in Denmark shouldn’t blow your budget.

Read about living expenses and how to open a bank account Denmark is an expensive country – but the standard of living is among the highest in the world. However, if you are sensible and follow local habits and economise – such as cycling to university and eating at home – life in Denmark shouldn’t blow your budget. Opening a bank account All international students are advised to open a Danish bank account. You will need to bring enough money or a credit card for the first few weeks of your stay in Denmark. "Nemkonto" - the public payment system You need to register your Danish bank account with the Danish tax authority as a ‘Nemkonto’ (i.e. an ‘easy account’), which will allow public authorities to make direct payments to you – like wages, tax rebates or maintenance payments. Cost of living Price examples The Danish currency Check currency converter.

Secretaria de Relações Internacionais. Data: 25 de outubro de 2012 Meu nome é Ludimilla Fonseca e estudo Comunicação na UFJF. Morei durante um ano na Dinamarca onde frequentei a Universidade de Aarhus – localizada na segunda maior cidade do país. Viver na Dinamarca é como viver em um conto de fadas. Se você é capaz de aguentar muito frio e muita escuridão, não há mais nada com o que se preocupar. Você estará estudando em uma das dez melhores universidades do mundo! Melhor, não só em relação ao ensino e infraestrutura, mas também em apoio às necessidades dos intercâmbistas. Você estará vivendo em um país que foi eleito por três anos consecutivos como o lugar mais feliz do mundo! Em pouco tempo percebi que invernos tenebrosos com noites intermináveis e com ruas onde não se vê nada além do branco da neve, não eram simplesmente uma lenda viking de filme de “Sessão da Tarde”.

Então, não dá vontade de voltar nunca mais. Este relatório se refere ao período de intercambio (semestre/ano) de: Ago/2011 – Ago/2012. AU: Selvbetjening. Search Course. About housing. Read this first Aarhus University does not own any student accommodation. In order to be able to offer accommodation to international students, the International Centre has reserved rooms with a number of different housing organisations and private landlords in Aarhus. International students offered housing through the IC must sign a leasing contract between you and the housing organisation/private landlord and it is your responsibility to acquaint yourself with the rules applying to your particular housing organisation or landlord.

Translated material is not available from all housing organisations; if you need help with translation or clarification, you are always welcome to contact the IC housing office. You should be aware that not all housing organisations/landlords have the same rules, so what applies for your study mate might NOT apply for you and therefore it is YOUR RESPONIBILITY to read and understand the rules applying to your lease. Housing periods Confirmation Cancellation. Perguntas mais frequentes -Site Oficial da Dinamarca. Student Residences. Ruby - The ad portal - best rent offers in Scandinavia. Costs, money and banking. Living expenses Living expenses for the average student in Aarhus are estimated at DKK 5,000 per month, including travel expenses. However, expenses vary depending on your own spending habits and your living situation. The prices of housing, food, transport and leisure activities are relatively high in Denmark in comparison with many other countries.

However, salaries are also relatively high, and many services such as medical treatment and schools are paid for via taxes and the Danish welfare system. You can keep expenses down by borrowing school books from the library, cooking your own meals, shopping at discount supermarkets and looking out for sales and student deals. Click here to see a budget and sample prices. Currency and Taxes The currency in Denmark is the Danish Krone (DKK) and one krone equals 100 øre. Tips are automatically included in all bills, but it is common to leave a small tip if you are at a good restaurant and think the service has been good. Danish Bank Account. Budget and sample prices. Prices overview. Estudante. A permissão de residência e trabalho na Dinamarca para pesquisadores acadêmicos é concedida a estudantes dos seguintes programmas educacionais: ensino superior, intercâmbio e "Folk High School".

Informações adicionais e atualizadas na página do Serviço de Imigração do Ministério da Dinamarca São requeridos os seguintes itens: 1. Formulário ST1: O solicitante recebe o formulário do instituto com a parte 2 já preenchida, assinado e carimbada. Preencha a parte 1 e entrega junto ao restante da documentação. 2. Duas (2) fotos (35mm x 45mm) coloridas. 3. 4. Extrato bancário em nome do solicitante com valor mínimo de DKK 4.200,00 por mês (Máximo de 12 meses), ou Comprovante de bolsa de estudo (Em inglês) 5. Duas vias da confirmação de pagamento referente ao primeiro semestre ou ao primeiro ano. 6. 7. O processo dura em média 2 meses, contados somente quando todos documentos tiverem sido entregues. Expediente. Tabela de taxas. New to Denmark - How to apply. If you wish to apply for a residence permit as a student, both you and the educational institution in Denmark must supply information for the processing of your application.

The application form contains a detailed description of how you and the educational institution should complete the form, and which documents you must attach. The educational institution in Denmark begins the application process by completing its part (part 2) of the application form and attaching the required documents. The educational institution sends or gives the form and attached documents to you. You then complete your part (part 1) of the form, attach the required documents, and submit the entire application. The application form contains a detailed description of how you and the educational institution in Denmark should complete the form, and which documents you must attach.

Residence permit as a student > ST1 Family members Accompanying family members > FA8 Fee for submitting an application Read more about fees.