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Welcome to Alvin Toffler Sobre Prosumo y Prosumidores. El 'boom' del consumo colaborativo. Del intercambio de casas al coche compartido, del 'crowdfunding' al 'coworking', de los préstamos entre particulares (P2P) a los 'solucionadores' a domicilio.

El 'boom' del consumo colaborativo

El universo del consumo colaborativo se expande día a día y en España ha tomado velocidad de crucero en 2012, a pesar de la crisis (o gracias a ella). Así lo certifica Albert Cañigueral, creador de y conector en Barcelona de Ouishare, la red global creada hace exactamente un año en Francia y que se ha convertido en el referente mundial de esta tendencia imparable: la alternativa más real a la economía del 'comprar por comprar'. "La tendencia ha madurado en España y el paisaje ha cambiado radicalmente en un año", asegura Cañigueral. "La crisis ha obligado a la gente a buscar alternativas, no sólo para ahorrar, sino para hacer dinero al mismo tiempo. A esto se une la explosión de las redes sociales, ahí es donde todos comprobamos todos los días el poder de compartir. 'Reiniciar el sistema'

IMP Group. How Coca-Cola uses co-creation to crowdsource new marketing ideas. When Coca-Cola’s ad agencies ran out of ideas for a marketing brief, the company decided to turn to an online community to crowdsource some ideas.

How Coca-Cola uses co-creation to crowdsource new marketing ideas

By using co-creation Coca-Cola was able to generate thousands of new ideas from a global community of creative individuals, giving it a huge amount of content to inspire future marketing activities. And the drinks brand isn’t the only major business using co-creation. BMW has a minisite that allows people to contribute to its current projects. So to find out more about why Coca-Cola moved away from the traditional agency model and its on-going work with co-creation community eYeka, I spoke to the Asia Pacific regional director for sparkling and activation platforms Leonardo O’Grady...

Micael Dahlén at Nextopia. I get that question a lot these days.

Micael Dahlén at Nextopia

The most obvious reason, of course, is that my new book is titled “Life on Mars”. I’m really excited and nervous about it. After all, it’s my first novel. And it’s a really crazy, yet somehow personal, story. Theories of Markets by carlos diaz on Prezi. Yannig Roth / marketing, design & other exciting subjects. Putting people first.

Big Data powers the modern world.

Putting people first

What do we gain from Big Data? What do we lose? Al Jazeera America examines the role of technology and the implications of sharing personal information in the network’s first graphic novella, Terms of Service: Understanding Our Role in the World of Big Data. The new comic novella, available on Al Jazeera America’s website at is a thought provoking, entertaining field guide to help smart people understand how their personal, and often very private, data is collected and used.


CRM 2012 Forecast - The Era of Customer Engagement - Part I. I have to tell you up front - this is not strictly a forecast.

CRM 2012 Forecast - The Era of Customer Engagement - Part I

There are elements of a forecast - a few likely trends for 2012 are embedded in the piece. But just so expectations are clear, this is more of an assessment of what I think is an important shift in Social CRM and the customer facing side of social business. At least, important to me, since for the life of me, I can never understand why anyone pays attention to what I say, but in the spirit of the season, I am eternally grateful that someone does. ENGAGEMENT. INTERACTIONS/SOCIAL MEDIA. Napkin Labs. Tide Dry Cleaners: We're Changing Dry Cleaning for Good.

The Rise of the Sharing Economy - Jobs & Economy. Co-creation is today's most accepted model for innovation.


De la interacción a la cocreación. O cómo resolver un problema científico jugando. Concursos. Cultura comunal. The science of shopping: The way the brain buys. Co-Creating the Future of Travel with Customers: Ideas in Flight. Co-creation: when the crowd goes beyond the experts. Historically, most organizations in our society (governments, armies, companies) structure themselves in a hierarchy, with knowledge and power concentrated at the top and segmented visibility of smaller decomposed tasks distributed along its base. Crowdsourcing technology is enabling less structured and specialized organizations to solve complex knowledge problems competitively. It is not a cheap way to outsource work to volunteers.

When done right, it is an entire new form of knowledge production with the potential to revolutionize our approach to solving simple and complex problems. Knowledge has a long tail The Open Source Software Community and the volunteers of Wikipedia show that in at least some knowledge domains, unstructured crowds of regular people produce results that are competitive with hierarchical organization of professional experts (professional software teams, the Phd’s of Encyclopedia Britannica). Co-creation – From the existing users to new users. Co-Creating the Future of Banking with Customers. 3 Ways To Respect The "Co" In Consumer. When we look back at 2011, many will remember it as the year of the Occupy Movement, as the representation for the 99% found their voice, aiming to bring about change by influencing the controls of economic wealth and political power.

3 Ways To Respect The "Co" In Consumer

Meanwhile, earlier in the year, Professor Michael E. Porter of Harvard University published a paper in Harvard Business Review entitled “Creating Shared Value.” His writing focused on the redefinition of capitalism in order to create a value model where both economic and societal benefit is generated. What each of these examples potently illustrate is the real power of our cultural values in society and how the foundations of capitalism, democracy, and consumerism are being profoundly redefined.

For brands the challenge goes far beyond the marketing department and demands a complete rethink about the fundamental relationship between the brand and the end user. Emphasizing The Co In Consumer 1. The 4Ps in marketing - revisited. Value Co-Creation Canvas. 2007_Clever_Consumers_BH. It’s about human experiences…. and beyond, to co-creation « Rethinking Marketing.’s 2011 most important consumer marketing developments.

The Future of Online Research: ENgaging and ACtivating Stakeholders. Editor’s Note: I have a pet theory that European firms are leading the charge in developing new business models that combine the best elements of Marketing/PR agencies, consulting practices, and technical innovation providers.

The Future of Online Research: ENgaging and ACtivating Stakeholders

One of the best examples of this trend is InSites Consulting. Along with MESH Planning, Join The Dots, BrainJuicer, and a host of other smaller and progressive firms they are building the research practices of tomorrow right now. With that in mind, I think it is particularly appropriate to showcase some of the thought leadership coming from these folks here on GreenBook Blog, so I am thrilled to present the first of what I hope will be regular contributions from the InSites team.

Dr. F-Commerce, the Arrival of the Facebook Consumer. Janice Diner | May 10, 2011 | 11 Comments inShare0 Retailers, businesses, and brands test approaches for commerce inside or influenced by Facebook.

F-Commerce, the Arrival of the Facebook Consumer

What is social commerce? Wikipedia defines it this way: "Social commerce is a subset of electronic commerce that involves using social media, online media that supports social interaction and user contributions, to assist in the online buying and selling of products and services. " Let's consider F-commerce or Facebook commerce. Commerce on Facebook: This e-commerce happens inside Facebook, referring specifically to the purchase of real goods and real services inside Facebook with a credit card or other valid monetary system.Facebook stores or F-stores: They're emerging in a variety of formats and are not limited to traditional retailers. Commerce off Facebook (on other sites): This is commerce that takes advantage of Facebook's Open Graph, allowing shoppers to sign into Facebook from any online site with a PC or mobile device.

Getting Collaboration Right - Herminia Ibarra and Morten T. Hansen - The Conversation. By Morten T.

Getting Collaboration Right - Herminia Ibarra and Morten T. Hansen - The Conversation

Hansen and Herminia Ibarra | 8:38 AM May 16, 2011 This post is part of the HBR Insight Center Making Collaboration Work. Prof. Ramaswamy answers eYeka’s questions (part 2/4): Challenges and the value of co-creation. Professor Venkat Ramaswamy, Palladium Group Asia-Pacific Fellow Last week, we started a series of blog posts featuring Prof.

Prof. Ramaswamy answers eYeka’s questions (part 2/4): Challenges and the value of co-creation

Venkat Ramaswamy, co-author of The Future of Competition and The Power of Co-Creation (read it!) And consultant for The Palladium Group. In the first part, published last Wednesday, Prof.