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Crianza Pokémon

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Pokémon breeding. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Pokémon breeding

In the games How to breed Breeding rate The chances of finding an Egg are different in Generation II, and the compatibility can be checked by interacting with the Pokémon themselves instead of with the Day-Care Man. Receiving the Egg. Una descripción de el método de crianza, Otro vistazo a la crianza. The Breeding Guide Part I. Introduction to IVs and Nature Individual Values, or IVs for short (sometimes also called Diversification Values or DVs) are essentially numbers that act as the Pokémon's "genes.

The Breeding Guide Part I

" Every Pokémon has a "gene" for each of its stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed), which is a number between 0 and 31. The higher the number, the better that particular stat will be for that Pokémon. The player cannot alter the IVs of any Pokémon in any way. They are set in stone the moment you encounter that Pokémon in the wild, or the moment that Pokémon's egg is given to you.

Since the player cannot change the IVs of his or her Pokémon, the temptation would be not to even bother about IVs. In addition, each Pokémon has a nature (sometimes also called personality). If you want your Pokémon to have the highest speed possible, for example, you'll want it to have a 31 Speed IV and a nature that boosts Speed. Abbreviations Explained How to discover the IVs of your Pokémon 1. 2. 3. Un apartado más de crianza. Crianza Pokémon. La crianza Pokémon es el conjunto de actividades que se realizan para obtener crías de otros Pokémon.

Crianza Pokémon

Se introdujo en la segunda generación. Aparece gracias al Sr. Pokémon, quien descubre un huevo misterioso que los jugadores de Pokémon Oro, Plata y Cristal tienen que entregar al profesor Elm. Funcionamiento Editar sección La crianza en los videojuegos solo se produce en la guardería Pokémon. Con los requisitos cumplidos, los dos Pokémon pondrán un huevo cuando hayas avanzado un determinado número de pasos. Si son de la misma especie y diferente entrenador la probabilidad será de 69.3%. Del huevo nacerá un Pokémon después de una cantidad de pasos determinada, que depende de la especie que salga del huevo, y que puede reducirse con ciertas habilidades.

La especie del Pokémon será la de la madre, aunque siempre la etapa evolutiva inicial, excepto si esta es una cría Pokémon que necesite un objeto equipado que los padres no lleven. Otro concepto de crianza. Net Games - Breeding Pokémon. Breeding Pokémon In the all out quest to have one of the best Pokémon, many people have turned to breeding.

net Games - Breeding Pokémon

There are many advantages to breeding that you can't obtain with the normal catch-in-wild routine. Some of them are getting moves that you can't normally obtain on a Pokémon, getting somewhat better Individual Values for your Pokémon (stats), and just a less harder impact on your wallet in the game since you're saving pokeballs. If you want to obtain some interesting movesets or would like to have some better stats for your Pokémon, then breeding is for you. To start off, let's talk about the basics of breeding. Thirteen in all. So after you stick a compatable male and female Pokémon into the daycare, the old man outside will tell you the status of your two Pokémon, if they're going to mate or not. Same species with different ID numbers: Chance of getting an egg; 70% | Statement; "The two seem to get along very well!

" Eggs A common question is what will hatch from the egg? Poké Balls. Reseña y teoría de la crianza. Crianza Pokémon, usa la guardería Pokémon. La Guardería Contenido Introducción Los Padres El Huevo La Cría La Guardería La guardería es un instalación, que se puede encontrar en el juego desde la Primera Generación, en la que puedes dejar uno o dos de tus Pokémon para que sean cuidados por unos señores.

Crianza Pokémon, usa la guardería Pokémon