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Small Words in Japanese. The Ultra Handy Japanese Verb Conjugator. Japanese Words and Vocabulary. Build up your knowledge on Japanese words and vocabulary. This can really speed up your Japanese learning process. I can't stress more on the importance of doing the above. Sometimes you will get bored on studying grammar alone. While I don't deny the importance of grammar, increasing your "word inventory" is equally important as well. When I was studying my Japanese courses, my teacher gave us separate Japanese word lists containing vocabulary related to that particular lesson.

Throughout the years of my studies, these stack of vocabulary lists have not only helped me to enrich my knowledge in Japanese words, they have also strengthened my Japanese studies. In addition, there are more advantages of knowing more words... 3 Advantages of knowing more words 1. 2. 3. How to increase your Japanese Vocabulary? 1. Believe it or not, you really can learn and increase your vocabulary by listening to your favorite Japanese songs. 2. 3. Japanese Vocabulary lists on different categories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maggie Sensei.

Kenkyusha idioms. Japanese thru adverts. Japanese thesaurus. Giongo / Gitaigo.