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90DayPro : Website Setup is Easy... If ... Website Setup is Easy... If You Know What You're Doing. The GoDaddy Inspiration Commercial Here’s a typical real life scenario… you feel inspired one night after seeing a GoDaddy commercial, you go to your computer, you search for the domain you want, it’s already gone, so you settle for another one, then you have no idea what to do with the domain or how to set it up, and nothing ever occurs. If You Know What You’re Doing If this sounds like you, you need to have someone, preferably a 90DayPro Business Sponsor, take an hour and get you all set up with everything. For a person that knows what they’re doing, website setup is easy, for a person that doesn’t know what they’re doing, it’s like pulling your fingernails across a chalkboard. The Simple Setup You Need A few things that you’re going to need to get done are: get your bought domain ( setup on a website builder platform, pick out a template (what the site) looks like, and get a business email ( setup.

It’s Time to Save You Time and Money. ?ref=zerge&add_to_network=true&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fthemeforest. Key Features Theme Features Responsive Design – This means you website will automatically adjust its layout and proportions to suit the device it is being viewed on. The theme content will be easy to read and easy to navigate whether it is being viewed on a desktop computer, a tablet or a mobile device. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Page titles are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines.

NewsTrick – Responsive WordPress Magazine / Blog TrustMe – Responsive WordPress Magazine / Blog CrossRoad – Responsive WordPress Magazine / Blog Crumble – Responsive Wordpress Magazine / Blog. ?ref=zerge&add_to_network=true&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fcodecanyon. ?ref=zerge&add_to_network=true&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fthemeforest. Ocean is a WordPress Theme suitable for personal, photographers, blog and portfolios. It comes with six background color schemes and some background texture. Since the Ocean is used 960 grid systems, the theme is easily customizable. The most important moments settings are written in the documentation. HTML version: Features Cross Browser Compatible2 SlidersUnlimited Background Colors3 Portfolio Templates20+ Short Codes960 Grid SystemClean and SmoothCufon Text ReplacementWP Menu 3.0+Widget Ready Credits ChangeLog Version 1.03 Fixed: Bug in the WP admin.Fixed: Minor bugs Version 1.02 Modified method of inserting the image into the post, instead of Custom Fields – Featured Image with automatic post thumbnail resizing (cropping) Support Documentation included in the download file.

Recent Projects Crumble – Responsive Wordpress Magazine / Blog Claystone – Responsive HTML Template Photomin – Responsive HTML Template Eltorn – Premium WordPress Theme Incorn – Portfolio HTML Template. Las 7 herramientas SEO imprescindibles para WordPress. ¡Hola a todos! , hoy vamos a hablar de SEO, pero de SEO para WordPress. Como es bien sabido la plataforma Wordpress se está convirtiendo en una de las plataformas más utilizadas del mundo para crear páginas de todo tipo, la gran cantidad de plantillas y de herramientas o “plugins” que hay en Internet facilita enormemente el uso de este famoso gestor de contenidos.

Tal y como viene Wordpress fuera de la caja o “out of the box” como dicen los angloparlantes, es un buen gestor de contenidos, viene con cierta optimización para SEO. Sobra decir que cuando estamos hablando de SEO para Wordpress estamos pensando en la optimización SEO para el sitio web en concreto, lo que se conoce como “Seo Onpage”, no trataremos en este artículo otro de los aspectos fundamentales del SEO como puede ser el “Seo Offpage” con técnicas de construcción de enlaces o “link building” entre otras, muy necesarias para conseguir una total optimización de tu web, pero cuando ya está optimizada primero. Color-Theme: Premium Wordpress Themes and HTML Templates. Martinus partnerský systém. EzRedirect. WordPress Themes. ¿Cómo instalar WordPress con cPanel? » Andy Garcia, SEO 2.0.

Si tienes tu web o blog con y quieres pasarte a utilizando un asistente automático desde cPanel aquí tienes un tutorial paso a paso... Si tu plan de hosting incluye Plesk no desesperes porque también hemos publicado un tutorial para instalar WordPress desde Plesk. ¿Cómo instalar con cPanel? Acceder al panel de control cPanel usando tu nombre de usuario administrador y su contraseña. Sólo necesitas 2 botones o acciones, crear tu dominio o subdominio e instalar WordPress. Crear tu dominio es tan sencillo como indicar su nombre y la ruta que prefieres. El instalador de WordPress que hemos usado como ejemplo usa Softaculous. Pulsa la pestaña "Install", rellena los datos y pulsa el botón "Install" del final de la página.

WordPress ya ha sido instalado y sólo tienes que hacer un clic para verlo en acción. Tu instalación de WordPress recién instalado luce así de bien, de momento apenas sin contenidos. Contenido relacionado que puede interesarte: Los mejores plugins para WordPress. ¿Cómo instalar WordPress en Plesk? » Andy Garcia, SEO 2.0. WordPress es el framework de desarrollo web y gestor de contenidos más popular del mundo, ¿te gustaría instalarlo de la forma más fácil desde Plesk? Si estás harto de sufrir las limitaciones de y quieres pasarte a utilizando un asistente automático, para no preocuparte de subir ficheros por FTP o crear la base de datos MySQL sigue leyendo... Lo siguiente es un tutorial ilustrado, paso a paso, para aprender a instalar WordPress desde el panel de control Plesk que viene incluido en la mayoría de los planes de hosting, no es la única forma ni la mejor pero si la más rápida.

También hemos publicado un tutorial para instalar WordPress desde cPanel. ¿Cómo instalar WordPress en Plesk? Acceder a tu panel de control Plesk usando tu nombre de usuario administrador y su contraseña. Añadir dominio o subdominio nuevo pulsando en la pestaña correspondiente (en sitios web y dominios). Indicar la ubicación donde se instalará WordPress o dejar vació para instalar en la raiz.

AffiliateWP MailChimp Add-On. This plugin requires AffiliateWP to be installed and activated on your site. It will NOT function without it. AffiliateWP MailChimp Add-on adds a checkbox to the Affiliate sign up page, which enables your affiliates to subscribe to your MailChimp powered newsletter when registering. An admin can also choose whether to add an affiliate to the newsletter when adding a new affiliate from the WordPress admin.

What is AffiliateWP? AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress e-commerce and membership platforms. It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use. Suggestions / Feature Request If you have suggestions or a new feature request, feel free to get in touch with me via the contact form on my website here. Personal Admin Footer. Los 6 mejores frameworks para #WordPress | Social Media. iTheme2 - Mac-style Responsive Blog Theme by Themify. Auto Content Poster. This plugin allow you to get product/link from your commission junction account and post it into your blog automatically.

This plugin is intended as a tool for affiliate marketers to add products from the Commission Junction network to their blog. plugin first tries to get product, if its not found for any advertiser then it will get a text link for that advertiser and post itUses your api key and website id to get only joined and approved advertisers. So you have to provide your API KEY and Website ID (PID), You can get them from Here Informations about auto poster Please note that this plugin will enables link manager function in wordpress also. Additional informations Plugin supports i18n. Ayuda Urgente ¿Artículos relacionados sin plugin? WordPress 3.9.1 ya está aquí. 10+ Must to Download WordPress Plugins of 2014. ShareThis: Share Buttons and Social Analytics. Updates 4/23/2014 New Look. Same Function. You may have been selected to get a free ShareThis Multi Post widget upgrade. This subtle change will give your social tools a more modern look and improved user interaction.

And don’t worry, the widget still functions the same way so your users can choose from 120 social channels to share your content with their friends and family. Learn More Increase social activity on your site with ShareThis! Choose from 120 social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.Use small or large buttons, add counters or use one of the Sharing Bars Access to greater insights by creating a Social Analytics Dashboard account Miss our Webinars? ​ Evaluate your Social Cycle: Connect. Join the ShareThis Network Join the ShareThis Network of over 2.4M sites and get access to your analytics: Check out the live demo. Enable CopyNShare for your widget! More information about the ShareThis plugin for WordPress. Jetpack, un muy buen plugin para tu blog - #Wordpress. How To Enable Hashtags Inside WordPress Blog Posts ? - Internet Growth Engine.

Just like Twitter, Google+ and now Facebook also you can enable Hashtags feature inside your WordPress blog posts too. WordPress Plugins Repository has a new plugin Hashtag. The plugin is easy to use, it automatically converts#Hashtag keywords in to searchable hashtag search link that directs user to search results page showing posts containing the clicked hashtag. Installation & Usage: Install and activate Hashtag. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> #Hashtag and your can se following options: You can select class for hashtag linkYou can select a custom color for hashtag linksYou can add additional CSS properties for hashtag linkYou can make #Hashtag link to perform search for “keyword”(i.e. default WordPress search) instead of “#keyword” That’s all for the options.

Now you can start using words prefixed with # sign and they will get converted in to searchable hashtag strings in your WordPress site. Imagen Al Compartir entradas en Facebook. How To Speed Up WordPress Load Times. I’ll admit it: I’m addicted to speed. No, not the psychostimulant; I’m talking about website speed. I’m not alone, either. Google recently announced that they consider website speed when determining search engine rankings. Oh, did I mention that a slow website can literally kill your revenue stream? Check out what the experts at have to say about the topic: Google found that moving from a 10-result page loading in 0.4 seconds to a 30-result page loading in 0.9 seconds decreased traffic and ad revenues by 20% (Linden 2006). It’s quite clear. What Determines Website Page Speed? The Yahoo! So, I’ll break down the top performance recommendations and show you you can apply them to your website.

Let’s do it. 1. Translation: Limit the number of files required to display your website When someone visits your website, the corresponding files must be sent to that person’s browser. As expected, every file you use to enhance your design detracts from its performance. 2. 3. 4. What? Los mejores plugins para WordPress. Breath - WordPress Theme Preview. Buddypress Profile Views. ARYO Activity Log. Like being in control? Check this out. We all know that it’s relatively easy to analyze what your visitors are looking for while browsing your site.

But there is really no easy way to know what registered users (say, with an Administrator account or even Editors) are doing on the dashboard of your site. How can you know if a post was deleted? Or if a plugin was activated/deactivated? Or if the active theme was changed? If you have tens of users or more, you really can’t know who did it.

As of this moment, the plugin logs things when: New! What people are saying Translators: German (de_DE) - Robert HarmDutch (nl_NL) - Tom AalbersSerbo-Croatian (sr_RS) - Borisa DjuraskovicDanish (da_DK) - Morten Dalgaard JohansenHebrew (he_IL) + RTL Support - Aryo DigitalArmenia (hy_AM) - Hayk Jomardyan The plugin does not require any kind of setup. We’re planning to add a lot more features in the upcoming releases. Contributions: Would you like to like to contribute to Activity Log? Cómo mover un blog WordPress de alojamiento web con Duplicator. Breath - WordPress Theme Preview. Mostrar usuarios recién registrados. En un sitio que tenga funciones de comunidad, o simplemente donde se incentive el registro de usuarios, un modo estupendo de animar a la gente a formar parte de tu sitio es mostrar una lista de los usuarios más recientes.

Esta funcionalidad, que existe por defecto en BuddyPress mediante el widget de usuarios recientes, no está disponible de manera nativa en WordPress, pero podemos añadirla. El modo más inmediato y limpio sería añadir un código como este a la barra lateral de tu tema activo: Después del título muestra los cinco últimos usuarios registrados, pero puedes cambiar la cantidad al número que quieras.

Mostrará el nombre elegido a mostrar (user_nicename), no el nombre interno de registro. Otro método, muy chulo, es usar el plugin denominado “Vertical scroll recent registered user“, que añade un widget que, una vez en tu barra lateral favorita mostrará una lista deslizante de los usuarios registrados recientes, con su avatar. Los mejores plugins para WordPress. Milano - Portfolio, Photography, Hotel, Restaurant WordPress Theme.

6 Best Dropbox Plugins for WordPress. When you’re on the go, having access to your important files on multiple devices is crucial. Dropbox makes storing and sharing your files easy. No wonder more than 50 million people use it. According to Dropbox, more than 1 million files are saved every three minutes and 500 million files are saved daily. Dropbox has become an essential tool in many people’s workflow and there are a lot of WordPress plugins available to help make the most of this fantastic service. The list below brings together many of the top plugins available for integrating WordPress with Dropbox. WordPress Backup to Dropbox The WordPress Backup to Dropbox plugin will backup your site’s files and a SQL dump of its databased and send it to your Dropbox account.

You can also set where you want your backup saved within you Dropbox account and you can choose to exclude certain files or directory from the backup. This up-to-date plugin is popular with more than 752,417 downloads from the WordPress Plugin Repository. Cómo configurar el plugin SEO by Yoast correctamente. El contenido de este post (Configurar el plugin SEO by Yoast) está extraído del capítulo 7 de la guía “SEO para WordPress” que próximamente podrán descargar los suscriptores de la newsletter. Dentro de unos días, los suscriptores tendrán acceso tanto al e-book “WordPress en 101 preguntas” como a este nuevo manual “SEO para WordPress”.

Si tú también quieres recibir información en exclusiva para aprender a mejorar tu blog, suscríbete ya a la newsletter. Los plugins más populares dedicados al SEO de tu blog son All in one SEO Pack, Ultimate SEO y SEO by Yoast. Cualquiera de ellos te proporcionará una valiosa ayuda para realizar automáticamente los ajustes necesarios y adaptarse a los requisitos de los motores de búsqueda, especialmente Google que abarca la mayoría de las búsquedas en Internet. En este capítulo aprenderás a configurar correctamente el plugin SEO by Yoast (también conocido con el nombre de WordPress SEO). ¿Por qué hemos elegido SEO by Yoast para esta guía? Sitemap XML Social. How to Track Links in WordPress using Google Analytics. Rafa @ escola adults alfafar. Condicional para ocultar banner adsense en cierto post. Forzar el color de administración por defecto. Plugins que NO deberías instalar. Recuperar admin contraseña y correo de mi wordpress. Como hacer esto en Wordpress. Reemplazar Url href en the_content.

Duda sobre Wordpress. How to Create a WordPress Blog in 5 Minutes. Mostrar y orgranizar fotografías en una entrada. Los 18 Mejores Plugins WordPress Organizados por Categorías. Plugins esenciales para wordpress. 4 brilliant WordPress techniques you need to know | Web design. Guía SEO para WordPress All In One SEO Pack de Tutorial - Diginota. Google Publisher, plugin de Google con Adsense y Webmasters Tools (WordPress)

Guía de WordPress para principiantes. Ayuda con Mi Web. Los mejores plugins para WordPress. ¿Qué es un plugin WordPress y para qué sirve? Best Wordpress Plugins: 53 Pros Share Amazing Plugins to Inspire You. Milano - Portfolio, Photography, Hotel, Restaurant. Make Mobile Apps With WordPress. Contador de visitas. Create your own #Wordpress MOBILE Website in 3 steps. 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins of 2013 Every Blogger Should Know About. 2100+ WordPress Plugins. 10 Mandamientos de un Excelente Blog de Wordpress. Plugins WordPress 5 recomendaciones para bloguers. Retro - Premium Vintage WordPress Theme.

Mostrar la contraseña en la pantalla de acceso de WordPress. Learning to Love Your WordPress Sidebar: Examples, Code & Advice to Improve it. Color-Theme: Premium Wordpress Themes and HTML Templates. | TheProfessional Theme. Aggregate Theme Readme. Premium WordPress Themes, Web Templates, Mobile Themes | ThemeForest. WordPress 3.0 multisite: cómo instalarlo (I) Usando Wordpress como Portal. Point your feed here. We'll do the rest. Optimiza la base de datos de Wordpress eliminando revisiones | Diseño Web, posicionamiento SEO SEM, Social Media, LOPD y E-learning en Valencia. Blogs I Follow |