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The Official Travis Walton Web Site. Incredible Vampire Hunting Kit From The 1800s. UFOs &the Bible: Genesis 6 &Nephilim Angels Aliens &Demons, 2012 End Time Prophecy, Fatima Vatican, Israel Temple antichrist ufos. From noted author and UFOlogist John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse p. 215, 216: "Throughout most of history, the manifestations of demonology and demonopathy have been viewed from a religious perspective and explained as the work of the Devil.The bizarre manipulation and ill effects described in the demonological literature are usually regarded as the results of a great unseen conflict between God and the Devil.

UFOs &the Bible: Genesis 6 &Nephilim Angels Aliens &Demons, 2012 End Time Prophecy, Fatima Vatican, Israel Temple antichrist ufos

In UFO lore, the same conflict has been observed and the believers have explained it as a space war between the "Guardians" (good guys from outer space), who are protecting our planet, and some evil extraterrestrial race. UFOs/Interdimensional/Ultraterrestrials.