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» Don’t Be Evil? 10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World Alex Jones. Steve Watson & Paul Watson February 18, 2011 As far as mega corporations in bed with the government go, Google sits somewhere close to the top of the tree. The company was seeded with CIA money and is literally an a corporate arm of the intelligence community. The following ten facts highlight how much influence Google has, and how the company has seemingly abandoned its own corporate motto, “Don’t be evil”. #1 – Google has intimate and long standing connections to government spy networks.

The company has established a close working relationship with the National Security Agency, the government spy force responsible for warrantless monitoring of Americans’ phone calls and e-mails in the wake of 9/11. Google’s partnership with the intelligence network is not new. Recent disclosures under the Freedom Of Information Act have also revealed that the federal government has several contracts with social media outlets, including Youtube which is owned by Google.

10 Ways Rising Oil Prices Endanger the U.S. Recovery - Daniel Indiviglio - Business. Generally, more democracy has a positive effect on the global economy. Freer people have the ability to buy, sell, and innovate as they please. But the political unrest in the Middle East is having a negative effect on the markets thus far. What makes those revolutions different? The Middle East is a major source of the world's oil. Political uncertainty in the region leads to oil supply uncertainty. In fact, we're already seeing oil prices hit highs this week not seen in two-and-a-half years. Please use a JavaScript-enabled device to view this slideshow First, it's important to note that none of these ten factors are mutually exclusive. Of all these factors, a decline in consumer spending is arguably the most significant. Oil averaged around $80 [per barrel] in 2010. He went on to say that a $92 average sounds reasonable. While all of these possibilities are serious, it's not time to panic just yet.

Four time bombs that will blow up Wall Street Paul B. Farrell. By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Put Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein in jail for six months, and all this will stop, all over Wall Street and America, a former congressional aide tells Matt Taibbi in his latest Rolling Stone attack, “Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail? Financial crooks brought down the world’s economy — but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them.”

Taibbi’s right, everyone knows Wall Street’s run by a bunch of dictators who are doing more damage to democracy and capitalism than North Africa’s dictators. Berkshire contemplates acquisitions Jamie Heller and Erik Holm discuss the implications of the newly released letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders from billionaire investor Warren Buffett. Only a revolution will stop Wall Street’s self-destructive capitalism. During the S&L crisis two decades ago America had a backbone, indicted 3,800 executives and bankers.

Jail time? Jail Wall Street? But so what? Get it? Denver Attorney Exposes Porn-Surfing Public Servants. Highly paid employees at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Denver regional office and six other locations were "counseled or disciplined for accessing pornography sites" at work, according to a new disclosure. The Office of Inspector General publicly disclosed last year that 33 SEC employees and agency contractors were investigated for viewing porn or sexually explicit websites on government computers and time from 2005 through 2010. "Many of the employees who engaged in such conduct were at a senior level and earned substantial salaries through their government employment," the OIG revealed in a summary report, noting that 17 employees had an annual salary of at least $99,356.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request by Denver attorney Kevin Evans, the SEC stated in a March 3 letter that agency employees caught in the porn probe worked in Denver; Atlanta; Boston; Chicago; Fort Worth, Texas; Los Angeles; and Washington. "Now look, I'm no a prude. Mid-Haircut, Connecticut Man Stabs Victim With Pair Of Scissors. Michelle Preston, Shawnee Mission West teacher, accused of inappropriate relationship with a student - Kansas City News - Plog. US backing for world currency stuns markets. ABC News - Japan Earthquake: before and after. Development: Andrew KesperSource: Google Aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across dozens of suburbs and tens of thousands of homes and businesses. Hover over each satellite photo to view the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami. Sendai Airport © Google, Digital Globe, GeoEye Hover over the image to toggle before/after Arahama in Sendai Fujitsuka in Sendai Yuriage in Natori Yuriage in Natori (looking west) Fukushima nuclear plant Kashimaku in Minamisoma © Google, Cnes/Spot Image, GeoEye Kashima in Minamisoma Haranomachi in Minamisoma Ishinomaki in Miyagi © Google, Cnes/Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye Iigohama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) Yagawahama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) Village wiped out near Fukushima nuclear power plant © Google, Digital Globe Hirono oil-fired power station South of Fukushima nuclear plant © Google, Digital Globe, TerraMetrics, GeoEye Iwaki beach © Google, Cnes/Spot Image, Digital Globe Ueda in Iwaki, Samegawa river outlet Kesennuma Odohama.

In face of government shutdown, it's still party time. Despite the looming possibility of a government shutdown, federal layoffs and furloughs, there’s at least one thing members of Congress from both political parties can readily agree on these days: partying. Morning, noon and night, more than 150 fundraising parties are scheduled all over Washington this week for Democratic and Republican politicians in bars, restaurants and private town houses and at sporting events — even to watch the woeful Washington Wizards play.

Other lawmakers are gearing up for March Madness, the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament, with luxury suites for fundraising at the Verizon Center. The flurry of fundraising comes as the end of the first quarter for reporting election contributions comes up. Also, Congress will be adjourning next week, so politicians might be scurrying to raise money in Washington while they still can. Democratic Rep. Bruce L. Republicans were planning several fundraisers Wednesday at the Capitol Hill Club for, among others, Reps. Mr. S Fast Money: No Trust: Fear of 'Catastrophic' Crash Rising Despite Bull Market. This means the Flash Crash Advisory Commission that met on Friday has a long way to go in restoring confidence to the point that will bring the individual investor back into a market still ruled by high frequency trading, exchange-traded funds and leveraged hedge funds.

The Yale School of Management since 1989 has asked wealthy individual investors monthly to give the “probability of a catastrophic stock market crash in the U.S. in the next six months.” In the latest survey in December, almost 75 percent of respondents gave it at least a 10 percent chance of happening. That’s up from 68 percent who gave it a 10 percent probability last April, just before the events of May 6, 2010. “Even though the market is firing on all cylinders, that fear of big losses still looms large for investors in a way that it didn’t prior to the last bear market,” wrote analysts from Bespoke Investment Group in a report citing the Yale data.

For Doug KassSeabreeze Partners Management Is Short (HSIC), (PDCO. The 7 Most Terrifying Sex Toys Ever Patented. Patent # US006050959A This is another patent that reveals much more about the inventor than what he actually invented. This guy proposed a Saw-style contraption to tell when people are sexually excited by sensing genital swelling. Because the penis is normally so subtle about that. The device involves copper wiring, hinges, electricity and harnesses -- he only needs hissing spiders to complete our "things we don't want on our dick" list.

He's also convinced that this baby is the Swiss army knife of genital measurement. Because apparently, it works on boobs, too. The Eureka Cock-Measuring Bath Patent # US 20060111650A1 (Note: Do NOT offer to wash the dishes in this man's house.) The very first line of this patent is "A volumetric device for measuring a body part," which is a bit shy for a man who invented a way to stick his dick in a water hole that wasn't his wife. Was that offensive to women? No d'enregistrement national (French): 198800-17191 The sex doesn't stop there, folks. Your Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Before I started writing this column on why paychecks are likely to keep shrinking even if unemployment starts to inch down, I consulted Google to see if the term Marxism was trending upward. It was and has been ever since the end of December, the conclusion of a year in which workers' share of the U.S. economic pie shrank to the smallest piece ever: 54.4% of GDP, down from about 60% in the 1970s.

No wonder Marx is back in fashion. It's been more than 100 years since the German philosopher predicted that capitalism's voraciousness would be its undoing — as bosses invest more in new technologies to make things more cheaply and efficiently and less in workers themselves, who, deprived of fair wages, would eventually rise up and revolt. That hasn't happened, of course, though depressed wages certainly contributed to the revolution in Egypt, not to mention lots of other instances of public unrest over the past few years.

And fall they have, to an extent not seen since the 1930s. Raunchy Nintendo Wii game for kids as young as 12. Federal, state and local debt hits post-WWII levels. The daunting tower of national, state and local debt in the United States will reach a level this year unmatched just after World War II and already exceeds the size of the entire economy, according to government estimates. But any similarity between 1946 and now ends there. The U.S. debt levels tumbled in the years after World War II, but today they are still climbing and even deep cuts in spending won't completely change that for several years. As President Obama and Republicans squabble over whose programs to cut and which taxes to raise, slow growth and a rising tide of interest payments - largely beyond their control - are making the job of fixing the budget much harder than in the past. Statehouses and governors face similar challenges.

After World War II, the federal debt - including debt purchased by the Social Security Trust Fund - hit nearly 122 percent of gross domestic product. But today the U.S. economy is in a polar opposite condition. Robert D. A Frightening Satellite Tour Of America's Foreclosure Wastelands. Big Cable fed up with endless P2P porn subpoenas. The big ISPs, especially Comcast and Time Warner Cable, have intervened for months in massive file-sharing lawsuits, telling judges that they simply can't drop all of their activity for law enforcement in order to spend weeks doing IP address lookups on behalf of pornographers.

And, when the ISPs get the chance to make their arguments before judges, they routinely go beyond complaints about the workload and challenge the very basis of the mass lawsuits. One recent case serves as a good example. Last November, the large New York law firm of Foley & Lardner jumped into the P2P game, filing John Doe lawsuits on behalf of films like Anal Fanatic. A judge granted expedited discovery and subpoenas went out to ISPs—but the ISPs objected. Comcast tried privately to negotiate a schedule, suggesting that the company could do 25 IP address lookups a month and for $95 apiece (a bargain given the $120 list price).

The Foley & Lardner attorneys didn't agree. The Geek-Kings of Smut. JP Morgan Makes Big Bucks from Food Stamp Growth, Then Hires Workers in India with Our Tax Dollars. Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback. U.S. economy enters “total freefall” as double-dip recession looms Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Thursday, July 1, 2010 The dollar plunged today following a United Nations report which called for the greenback to be replaced as the global reserve currency by the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights (SDRs). The dollar’s trend of moving inversely to the stock market has seemingly been snapped, with the Dow Jones falling over 100 points at one stage today. However, as soon as markets began to claw back losses, the greenback failed to follow suit, indicating that whichever way markets move, the dollar is in big trouble. The UN report called for “abandoning the U.S. dollar as the main global reserve currency, saying it has been unable to safeguard value,” according to Reuters.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t A cascade of negative U.S. economic data was released today, with job figures turning sour once again. In the video below Alex addresses the issue once more: Print this page. But The Shocker Is Eternal Picture. 2600. Google Blacklist - Words That Google Instant Doesn't Like Updated 2010-09-30 18:35 UTC Google Instant is the latest incarnation of the search engine that fills in potential responses as you type them into the Google search bar. Some people think this is great while others feel like Google is reading their minds and are freaked out by it.

We believe it's fun for at least one reason. Like everything these days, great care must be taken to ensure that as few people as possible are offended by anything. Give it a try. Obviously, all you have to do is hit return to get the results like you always could. We thought it would be great fun to compile as many of these objectionable terms as possible - and also see what objectionable terms were NOT included. This page is NOT suitable for children, ministers, senators, or the mass media.

Google Blacklist Words (the capital letter indicates where the blacklist kicks in) Words That Are NOT Blacklisted (a bit surprising based on the above) First genetically modified salmon sparks FDA debate. By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY A Food and Drug Administration panel will spend Sunday and Monday pondering the science of whether the first genetically engineered animal— in this case a salmon — should be sold as food for humans. The agency's Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee will offer its opinion to the FDA on whether these salmon are safe for people and the environment.

On Tuesday, a public hearing will address whether the salmon can to be labeled as different from conventional salmon. The Waltham, Mass., company that has been developing these salmon since 1989, AquaBounty Technologies, got a thumbs up from a panel of FDA scientists last month, which found the fish as safe to eat as any other Atlantic salmon. The FDA is taking comments and has set no timeline for when a final decision is to be made, spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey says. FDA approval is necessary for the salmon to be sold in the U.S. as food. Complex safety controls There are two levels of biocontrol.

Questions remain. Banks Keep Failing, No End in Sight. ESPERANZA SPALDING - "Overjoyed" Robert Lanza, M.D.: What Happens When You Die? Evidence Suggests. What happens when we die? Do we rot into the ground, or do we go to heaven (or hell, if we've been bad)? Experiments suggest the answer is simpler than anyone thought. Without the glue of consciousness, time essentially reboots. The mystery of life and death can't be examined by visiting the Galapagos or looking through a microscope. But if you remove everything from space, what's left? I was a young boy when I realized there was something unexplainable about life that I simply didn't understand.

Over his shop a chimney cap went round and round, squeak, squeak, rattle, rattle. The woodchuck's hole was in such close proximity to Mr. I followed him into his shop, which was crammed with all manner of tools and chimes of different shapes and sounds hanging from the ceiling. The next day I set off with a butterfly net. As long as I live I will remember that day. Before he died, Einstein said "Now Besso [an old friend] has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. Former Mayor/Principal's Wife Accused of Sexual Contact With One. 5 Horrifying Things You Didn't Know About the Vagina.

Police: Man shot wife with toilet paper. Facebook feud led to crash death, Pontiac police say | Interesting Facts about Sex (Infographic) | SkitZone.