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Pinheads C4D, BodyPaint, Bryce Tutorials and Oddities. Title: Visible Light from the Ground Up by Pinhead Description: Somebody asked me about visible light and I couldn't find an easy way to explain without building a basic scene with all elements needed. The result is this tutorial. Visible Light from the Ground Up - Bryce 4/5 For newer and interested Brycers. With thanks to Arianod.Meant to illustrate how to create visible streaming light through room windows starting from ground level. That means making a basic room, use the terrain editor to create negative boolean window cutouts, adding a few shapes for window sills and rafters, sticking some mats on, disabling the sun then finally adding the visible lights and gloomy atmosphere. A lo0ong one, better get out the No-doze© hahahhahohoaaahhhhheeyaaaBryce 4 Mats, Sky, Bryce 4 scene file and graphic for terrain editing available as zips - linked to the document.

Hope someone finds it useful.Best wishes, Paul. Bryce tutorial. Basic camera keyframe animation. - Free Bryce 5 Image Gallery for Artists.