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Révolution des intermédiaires. Lydec. Article e-diplomatie. Survey Report: Young Arab Citizens and Govenments on Social Networks. The ongoing sociopolitical unrest in several Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries underscores the value of social media and government engagement with the region’s young Arab citizens. The massive Arab youth population — rightly described as a youth bulge — can be a boon if properly tapped by state institutions and government agencies. These institutions and agencies can capture the minds and hearts of the young Arab adult population through clever, effective and efficient use of social networking. To coincide with the Government Social Media Conference taking place in Dubai on June 7-8, 2011, ThinkMedia Labs and Youngberry teamed up to answer a fundamental question: Exclusive RH - 2 pistes pour recruter rapidement des fans sur Facebook, Reese Maabich.

Il ne suffit pas d’avoir une Official Page sur Facebook pour recruter de manière efficace et rapide des fans.

Exclusive RH - 2 pistes pour recruter rapidement des fans sur Facebook, Reese Maabich

Or une Page sans fan ne présente que peu d’intérêts. Cela peut même nuire à votre image de marque employeur.