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::::::::: mohamed bourouissa : Livre / Edition. Untitled Document. Craft in America - Kathleen Walkup - Important Books. 12 Hot Thoughts on the Future of Photobooks | RESOLVE — the liveBooks blog. Photo zine. More on the future of photo books: digital offset creations | Mrs. Deane. Herr lezmi’s book sign­ing party @ galerie lichtblick Last Thurs­day, Fred­eric Lezmi had invited us over to Cologne for his book sign­ing party at Galerie Licht­blick (annex home of Wolf­gang Zur­born, who taught him a thing or two). Pub­lished by White Press, another off­shoot from the Schaden clan, it is a good show­case of ways to be cre­ative with the pos­si­bil­i­ties opened up with the arrival of afford­able and decent dig­i­tal off­set print­ing.

Lezmi pub­lished his trav­el­ogue From Vienna to Beirut not as a tra­di­tional book, but as an impos­si­bly long (11 meters) lep­orello, sand­wiched between two can­vas clad hard­cov­ers, in which he slipped (not glued) both ends of the folded paper. This whole con­struc­tion is held together by a wide band of paper that may dou­ble up as a can­dle shade (just place over a tea light).

Prod­uct dis­play image as found on schaden website Thekla Ehling on the right at herr lezmi’s book sign­ing party @ galerie lichtblick. What are the best printers if you want to self-publish a photo book? | RESOLVE — the liveBooks blog. ‹ Home December 11th, 2009 What are the best printers if you want to self-publish a photo book? Posted by liveBooks RJ Shaughnessy, Your Golden Opportunity Is Comeing Very Soon.

Via eyecurious On Tuesday we started a cross-blog conversation about the Future of Photobooks, the first wave in a multi-week, crowd-sourced project to see if we can collectively figure out what of the more difficult questions facing our industry: “What will photobooks look like in 2019?” In the course of that conversation, J. J. Dalton says: “I have heard good things about this place, which has a much more hands-on process on and is tighter with the QC. And the prices are very good, especially once you start looking at 10+ copies.”

@JSandifer says: “OR you could decide to buy a Vandercook and do it all by hand! Joerg @ Conscientious wrote a post a year ago about “Richard Renaldi and Seth Boyd’s Charles Lane Press and their first book Fall River Boys.” The Future of Photobooks: A cross-blog discussion | RESOLVE — the liveBooks blog. ‹ Home The Future of Photobooks: A cross-blog discussion It’s hard to deny there are seismic shifts happening in the publishing industry right now. Between digital readers like the Kindle, print-on-demand publishers like Blurb, and the rumored Apple tablet computer, there are a lot of questions right now about what exactly a book will be in the future — especially photobooks. Photo by Miki Johnson Spurred by a feature on FlakPhoto highlighting the winners of Blurb’s Photography.Book.Now contest, RESOLVE has teamed up with Andy Adams, creator of the online photography showcase, to build a month-long cross-blog discussion around the Future of Photobooks.

In order to include as many viewpoints as possible, we asked bloggers to contribute posts, shared some of their best ideas, then brought it all back to a central point where readers could grasp the larger issues more easily. How did we get here? As we hoped, a flood of fascinating links poured in from bloggers and commenters. Erreur d’impression. Publier à l’ère du numérique Une exposition proposée par Alessandro Ludovico, artiste, théoricien des nouveaux médias, rédacteur en chef de la revue Neural. 23 octobre 2012 – 7 avril 2014 Cette exposition en ligne propose de mettre en lumière, d’une manière critique, conceptuelle et expérimentale, l’un des phénomènes contemporains les plus importants dans le domaine de la communication : la métamorphose des médias imprimés et ses conséquences sur la transmission de l’information et la préservation des contenus.

Les publications imprimées ne sont pas obsolètes, mais elles traversent une phase de mutation profonde, en grande partie liée au fait que les écrans supplantent progressivement l’imprimé. Quand une nouvelle technologie toute puissante semble changer les règles préétablies du système, celui-ci réagit très lentement. “Erreur d’impression. De nouveaux projets conçus par d’autres artistes s’ajouteront régulièrement à l’exposition.


WEBZINE. Une conversation avec Sybren Kuiper, Jeroen Kummer et Arthur Herrman. Inconnus de l'immense majorité du public de la photographie, leurs noms sont de ceux que photographes et amateurs de livres de photographie s'échangent pourtant comme des sésames. Sybren Kuiper, alias SYB d'une part, Jeroen Kummer et Arthur Herrman, œuvrant sous le label Kummer & Herrman de l'autre, sont néerlandais et graphistes. Ils ont conçu quelques-uns des meilleurs livres de photographie contemporains. Abba… Zappa de Gijsbert Hanekroot, Macedonia de Cuny Janssen ou Gomorrah Girl de Valerio Spada par exemple pour SYB. Empty Bottles de WassinkLundgren, Antipersonnel de Raphaël Dallaporta ou Empty land, Promised land, Forbidden land de Rob Hornstra pour Kummer & Herrman. Il était dès lors fort tentant de les faire parler de leur métier, méconnu mais essentiel à la réussite d'un livre. Commençons par LA question : existe-t-il, selon vous, une école néerlandaise du graphisme ?

Sybren Kuiper : La question est compliquée. Jeroen Kummer : Je suis d’accord avec toi. SK : De narration. Have A Nice Book. Indie Photobook Library. The Independent Photobook.