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54 Keyboard Shortcuts for VLC Media Player. Windows 8 - Starting VLC via command line to play a video as desktop wallpaper. XSPF: XML Shareable Playlist Format: Home. 优酷真实视频地址解析. 序:优酷之前更新了次算法(很久之前了,呵呵。。。)


,故此很多博客的解析算法已经无法使用。 很多大牛也已经更新了新的解析方法。 我也在此写篇解析过程的文章。 (本文使用语言为C#) 由于优酷视频地址时间限制,在你访问本篇文章时,下面所属链接有可能已经失效,望见谅。 例: 在视频url中标红部分。 String getVid(string url) { string strRegex = "(? 将前述vid嵌入到上面url中访问即可得到视频信息文件。 上面显示的内容后面都会使用到。 以上共有6个参数,其中vid和oip已经得到,分别之前的vid和json文件中的ip字段,即(XNzk2NTI0MzMy和1991941296),但是ep,sid,token需要重新计算(json文件中的ep值不能直接使用)。 3.1计算ep,sid,token 计算方法单纯的为数学计算,下面给出计算的函数。 计算得到ep,token,sid分别为cCaVGE6OUc8H4ircjj8bMiuwdH8KXJZ0vESH/7YbAMZuNaHQmjbTwg==, 3825, 241273717793612e7b085。 3.2视频格式及清晰度 视频格式和选择的segs有密切关系。 “segs”,”视频格式”,”清晰度” "hd3", "flv", "1080P" "hd2", "flv", "超清" "mp4", "mp4", "高清" "flvhd", "flv", "高清" "flv", "flv", "标清" "3gphd", "3gp", "高清" 3.3拼接地址 最后的m3u8地址为 将上述m3u8文件下载后,其中内容即为真实地址,不过还需要稍微处理一下。

#EXTM3U #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:12 #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXTINF:6.006, #EXTINF:5.464, #EXTINF:5.505, #EXTINF:9.26, #EXTINF:11.136, #EXTINF:8.258, #EXTINF:9.843, #EXTINF:10.26, 其中每条url只包含6s左右视频,但是可将url中参数部分去掉即可得到实际的长度。 将m3u8中所有的url片段全部下载即可大功告成。 原文地址: Windows 8 - Created A Custom Protocol For VLC, but VLC doesn't like it? 自定义URL Protocol Handler - 戏水. Windows 8 - Created A Custom Protocol For VLC, but VLC doesn't like it? How to register vlc protocol in windows registry ? - The VideoLAN Forums. Register protocol. From MozillaZine Knowledge Base A protocol is a method that is used to send, receive, and handle information over a connection.

Register protocol

Common protocols viewed from the browser include http, https, ftp, and mailto. In order for you to view information sent over a specific protocol, it must be registered. If you enter a URL for an unknown protocol (foo) in the Location Bar, you will receive a message such as, Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (foo) isn't associated with any program or, in Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey, foo not a registered protocol. Once registered, the protocol can then be handled by the program you specify, such as your browser or a third party viewer. Windows On Windows, protocol registration is done by the operating system (OS). Other protocols can be registered and associated with an external application by configuring an installed program to handle the content.

Linux All Firefox versions (Requires certain Gnome libraries to be installed) Mac See also. The Tech Journal. This tutorial will show you how to re-authorize opening of external applications such as Picasa,, Google Earth, and Spotify from Google Chrome.

The Tech Journal

Loading ... If you use Google Chrome as your default web browser, you’ve probably noticed that when you click on some links they can open in external application such as Picasa, Spotify,, Google Earth etc. When you do this for the first time, you receive a message titled “External Protocol Request” and you have the option to choose “Remember my choice for all links of this type”. Once you choose that option you can not go back and re-allow or block an application, because Google Chrome does not offer any such option inside its settings. Fortunately, there is a solution which can help you fix that problem, and in this tutorial I will show you how to do that.

To get started follow the steps below. Step 1: Close your Google Chrome and then open Windows Explorer. Step 3: Right-click on file Local State and then choose Open with. The Tech Journal. Loading ...

The Tech Journal

Have you ever bought a music CD from Amazon? If so, there is a chance that you may be eligible for a free digital copy of that CD. The e-retail giant is offering free digital copies to such users who have bought a CD from a catalog of 50,000 select CDs. The free copy will be available through Amazon’s AutoRip service. AutoRip generates a digital copy of a CD that is eligible and then stores it in the user’s cloud storage account. The company has certainly decided to be generous by offering the digital copies to all such customers who have bought an eligible CD from Amazon ever since 1998.

The albums in the catalog include the likes of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon.” Courtesy: BBC Buy Cheapest Related Product From You can also press the left/right arrow key on your keyboard to go to previous/next post. Chrome Web Store - vlc. 如何从零开始写一个 Chrome 扩展? - 编程 - 知乎.