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At LogicSpice we believe in providing intelligent and practical web and mobile app solutions, according to the given budget, size of operations. We offer end to end web and mobile apps development services which enhance your brand presence on the web. Our skilled team is completely devoted to offer convenient, quality, innovative and timely services to all our clients.

PHP Web Development Services Agency. Groupon Clone Script. 5reasons-why-e-learning-Is-beneficial. The idea of e-learning is presently a well-known term in learning.


With different applications, these days, several e-learning apps like the Udemy clone app are going to do a blast in the learning market. Because of the recent development in e-learning stages, part of people does not have the information on how e-learning benefits them and choose study hall preparing. Despite the fact that both have their own preferences and hindrances, seeing how e-learning offers a bigger number of advantages and adaptability than study hall preparing will help people settle on a choice on their next adapting course. e-learning has gotten one of the popular expressions in preparing in the Learning and Development area.

Logistics Transport Management System Software Development. Online Food Ordering & Delivery App Script. Top 10 technology trends for 2021. Nobody imagined the year 2020 when it started.

Top 10 technology trends for 2021

The COVID-19 forced the business to transform digitally more than ever. As the year-end is nearing, we experience the top leading industries have done to present our reports on top technology trends for 2021. It is proved that human life revolves around technologies. Why PWA Development Is the Future? Progressive web app development services are the new sensation in the web development community that includes incredibly rich and reliable platform-specific services.PWA is going to gain traction because of some of its dignified features.There is a million-dollar question from web development companies about how to target mobile and desktop users without developing an amazing mobile app and a responsive website.

Why PWA Development Is the Future?

Let’s define progressive web apps The term PWA was coined by Google in back 2015. Online Event Booking System. Online Food Ordering & Delivery Apps and Script. Progressive Web App Development Services. We create Progressive web applications that ensure seamless performance and are identical to that of the native mobile application.

Progressive Web App Development Services

Intending to maximize user engagement our progressive web app development services creates web apps that run faster across all platforms with minimum effort At Logicspice, our experts make use of the latest technologies to design feature enriched progressive web applications that are fast loading and secure. Our progressive web app development company builds your application in such a manner that is more efficient and elegant that pleases your customer.

Our main motive is to maximize user engagement by delivering innovative ideas to your clients by developing faster applications that run on all the platforms that 100% satisfy their needs. News Management System. White Label Job Board Script. What are the various web development services? In this era of digitalization professional and clean websites look up for the traffic.

What are the various web development services?

These days the websites are becoming very popular and web development is touching the new horizon! The look and content of the websites determine whether someone stays or leaves. It is said that your website is the face of your business in this digital era, and the face is the first thing that people often notice. A professionally designed website adds credibility and improves the ranking of your business.

So, while designing a website you should follow a systematic approach: Brand Identity Appeal Usability Target Composition Call to action When it comes to developing an effective website the design of the website matters the most. To make the website more efficient, web developers use various tools to write, test, and debug website codes. In this cut-throat competitive world Custom website development is in the trend that helps to design and develop the website of your choice.

Transportation Management System. PHP Classified Ads Script. Mobile App Development Company. The mobile phones have changed the landscape of market and this is why it has become important for every company to have its mobile application.

Mobile App Development Company

We at the LogicSpice can help you with different types of mobile apps for both the android and iPhone users. We are amongst the top mobile app development company that have been developing quality apps from past few years. We have a broad clientele base that includes several hotels, pubs, medicine companies, finance companies, ecommerce stores, transport companies and many other industry verticals. On Demand Marketplace Software. Online Food Ordering & Delivery Apps and Script. Latest technology Updates. Uber Clone. Groupon Clone Script. Mobile App Development Company. Custom Mobile App Development. Web Development Services. Website development is one of the key aspects for any business entity these days with today’s generation becoming digital.

Web Development Services

Web development is an extensive term that includes website designing, creation of web content, Web App Development, e-commerce designing. It varies with the needs from designing a simple page to creation of bulky and complex websites. With increasing competition in the market, there is a trend of Custom Website Development to help you have your website as per your liking. There are various platforms available in which your website can be designed and developed. The most common open source platforms that are used for website development include WordPress , Joomla, PHP and others. We, at Logicspice provide the best website development services from last 13+ years. In today’s market, there is a need for highly responsive websites that can be opened on any kind of device. Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script Like Etsy clone.

LinkedIn Clone Script. PHP Classified Ads Script. On Demand Service Marketplace. UberEats Clone Script. Website Clone Development. We offer an effective website cloning service in a way that allows entrepreneurs to imply their thoughts within the process.

Website Clone Development

We do our best with some fresh improvements in basic ideas of solution, through proper research and development. The entire process is executed with a technological holistic approach and our ready-made customized cloning services suit the specific requirements in accordance with your organization. The website cloning service draws attention from your targeted audiences while reflecting a strong organisational competency. We help create your brand identity and make sure your visitors get the best user experience of the brand. Our experts collaborate throughout the development process to ensure whether you are receiving expected design and functionality from the process. Logicspice offers bespoke website cloning services in order to let our customers experience the rapid growth of the online platforms. Web & Mobile App Software Development Company - Logicspice. WhatsApp Clone Script. Applicant Tracking System Software.

Chat Room Script. Online Forum Software. Real Estate Classifieds Website Script. News Management System. Transportation Management System. On Demand Marketplace Software.


Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script Like Etsy clone. Online Test Exam App & Software Development - Logicspice. Laravel Application Development Agency. CakePHP Development Company. CakePHP has emerged as a well known platform for the PHP development due to its flexibility and a number of capabilities.

CakePHP Development Company

Inspired by Ruby on Rails, CakePHP has become one of the commonly used development systems. Our team of expert cakePHP developers build the scalable applications and websites such as e-commerce sites and complex web applications for management for various businesses processes. CakePHP framework has always been the first choice for many professional developers and business houses, because of its extraordinary features & simple interface to use it. So, if you are looking for professional CakePHP development services and customized solutions, modified as per your needs, then your search ends here. PHP Web Development Services Agency. UberEats Clone. Grocery delivery app like Bigbasket.

Applicant Tracking System Software. Job Portal Script. Freelancer Clone Script. Logistics Management Software. On Demand Service Marketplace. On Demand Marketplace Software. Custom Mobile App Development. How Much Does It Cost to Make an E Commerce Site like eBay? Can a marketplace be too large?

How Much Does It Cost to Make an E Commerce Site like eBay?

Well, it is so in the digital world! Yes, you’ve got it! We’re talking about the e-commerce sites and their unbeatable dominance over the recent years. As time proceeds, more and more customers (who were not even interested in buying or selling products online) are moving into this modern and qualitative way of commerce executed in the ‘electronic’ way. ...and which is the most known, the most appreciated, the most used one?

eBay of course. The Thing about eBay Let’s face it! Plainly put, eBay allows customers to buy and sell products online. Today, this remarkable e commerce website has over 117 million active users all over the world with the numbers growing. Apart from buying and selling products online, eBay also allows auction for those who are interested in it. Appointment Scheduling Software, Booking system Software Development. White Label Job Board Script. Online Forum Software. News Management System. What is Appointment Scheduling Software and Who Needs It ? The time, when we think of appointment scheduling software, various apps are there that come to our minds.

Does it include setting appointments in Microsoft Outlook, seeing the calendar pop while booking a flight or a room, and using Google Calendar for interactions with friends and organisations acquaintances? Or you may think about the software that doctors, colleges, most of the large organisations use to set up appointments with their patients, students, and clients accordingly. More than 90% of people use the internet daily and some will be familiar with the wide array of calendars, drop-down buttons, location fields, specifically the fields found on websites.

These technologies bring ease to the process as it helps manage the important events in our daily lives. Generally, this is how we do the work of scheduling everyday. Why Are Businesses So Interested In Opting For SaaS Models These Days? Gone those days when a large portion of an organization' storage closet were being taken up by software boxes and bulky training manuals. At that time, depending on the size of that company, more and more shelves were dedicated to all those discs and soft manuals. Alongside the organizations had to dedicate their digital space to data storage as the software generated GB upon GB of files. Online Test Exam App & Software Development - Logicspice. Fundraising Software. PHP Blog Software. Real Estate Script. Logistics Management Software. Freelancer Clone Script. eBay Clone Script. Online Tutor Marketplace. On Demand Marketplace Software. Recruitment Management Software. WhatsApp Clone App. Job Board Software. Chat Room Script. WhatsApp Clone Script.

On Demand Service Marketplace. Job Portal Script. Appointment Scheduling Software, Booking system Software Development. Social Media Optimization Services. Social media has become an intrinsic part of our daily life, as our day to day life is governed by the presence & dominance of social media reason being, millions of people are engaging with different social media platforms.

So, every organization tends to focus on it and try to reach this huge target audience. With the digital era, online reputation management is one of the key factors to spread the business globally and without social media, it is not possible. Thus, in order to take a lucrative approach on it many enterprises are investing heavily on social media optimization agency to manage their online reputation.

We at Logicspice, being one of the leading players in the social media optimization sector provides comprehensive SMO services to create social media presence that increases the awareness of your overall brand name, products, services, events and more. Want to boost your brand awareness? Want to boost your brand awareness? SaaS Development Company. Web & Mobile App Software Development Company - Logicspice.

Website Calculator Builder. Affordable Website Design Pricing. Free Website Template. Logistic Marketplace Software. PHP Blog Software. LinkedIn Clone Script. Hire Laravel Developers, Programmers. PHP Classified Ads Script. Appointment Scheduling Custom App & Web Development. Groupon Clone Script. On Demand Booking App Development. Restaurant Table Booking System Development. Our Restaurant Table Booking Custom App Solution will serve as an attractive medium for customers to book table at different restaurants of their choosing. They can search for restaurants by cuisine type or location and view the complete list of restaurants that match their search criteria.

Customers can go through the menu of the different restaurants by our restaurant reservation management software. With the help of on demand restaurant reservation software, customers can view the available tables in the restaurants and book them by entering the details about it. Customers can rate the restaurants on the basis of their experience through this restaurant seat reservation system. They can also cancel a table booking and get a refund. Restaurants can get registered to the website and put their information about their restaurant.

CakePHP Development Company. Hire Quality Assurance Tester. Graphic Design Agency. Dedicated Web Programmer. Whether you’re a service provider, artist or a having a small business, for a growth in this competitive market, you must have a strong web presence and for that, you need a web programmer. Software Quality Assurance Services. Software testing is a quality assurance (QA) process in which we analyze a system and its workflow with the intent to find the vulnerability of the application/product and also check whether it meets the specified project requirements. Every software system or app we develop, goes through the process of manual testing, in order to identify any gaps, errors, or missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements and this professional practice strengthen our client’s confidence in our software development services.

Quality is the top criteria for any new innovative product or service and a valuable aspect for users for its selection. Web Development Service Provider. Fundraising Software.