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Lofranco Corriero

Whether you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident or suffered from a slip and fall injury, then Lofranco Corriero is here to help you.

Personal Injury Case: Know the Family Member's all the Rights. Sponsoring Best Buddies Thrill of Ascot Fundraising Event In case of personal injury, often, not just the victim, but the entire family is affected.

Personal Injury Case: Know the Family Member's all the Rights

One can never underestimate a family member's role in the life of their loved ones. If the victim cannot play their role in the family, or their role changes forever, the relatives are entitled to seek compensation according to the Ontario Family Law Act. Checkout Common Causes of Car & Motorcycle Accidents in Canada. Although the population of Canada is quickly growing the number of fatalities and serious injuries as a result of car and motorcycle accidents, according to Statistics Canada, has been slowly decreasing.

Checkout Common Causes of Car & Motorcycle Accidents in Canada

Several serious proactive measures within the Traffic Act such as increased fines for speeding no tolerance for impaired distracted driving License suspension for stunt driving are bringing results, however, at a much slower pace than we all would have wanted. A fatal collision or a collision resulting in serious injuries is a life-altering experience for those who were involved and their close ones. The impact on lives is just too big to ignore. In most cases it could have been preventable. Slip and Fall - Know the Consequences, Prevention & What to Do. Whether it happens at the local Wal-Mart or a neighbour’s house, slip and fall accidents occur fairly often.

Slip and Fall - Know the Consequences, Prevention & What to Do

This is especially true for this season, as it gets darker and snowier, in the coming months. In some cases, the property owner is responsible for the injured party's injuries, and in others, the property owner will not be held liable. There are many contributing factors to slip and falls: wet or oily surfaces occasional spills weather hazards loose, unanchored rugs or mats flooring or other walking surfaces that do not have same degree of traction in all areas What are the consequences for slip and falls?

Bicycle Accidents: What are the Steps After a Bicycle Crash. Whether you commute by bicycle, ride it as a part of your workout, or simply enjoy an occasional ride in the city, navigating urban traffic might be quite a challenge.

Bicycle Accidents: What are the Steps After a Bicycle Crash

Canadian municipalities, especially, Toronto, Vancouver, BC, and Montreal invest a lot in bicycle lanes, looking at it as a solution to traffic gridlock. Toronto alone has over 37 kilometres of segregated lanes and is adding more every year. Dedicated bicycle lanes dramatically reduce the risk of bicycle accidents, but, unfortunately, the width of the streets is limited in older cities. Luckily in newer developments such as some areas in Mississauga, Vaughan, Markham, and Brampton, they are becoming a part of new road infrastructure. Bicycle Safety Goes a Long Way No matter how experienced you are and how confident you feel on a bicycle simple precautions and following the traffic rules will help keep you safe.

Although every driver must check the blind spot when changing lanes, always assume that they do not see you. 1. 2. Know the Common Injuries in a Car Accident. A sudden car accident can happen to anyone at any time.

Know the Common Injuries in a Car Accident

The most common reasons for getting in one are: weather conditions, poor driving habits, bad pavement conditions or mechanical issues. Regardless of the cause of your accident, any part of your body is in danger of suffering an injury. Depending on the force of the impact, you can suffer minor and serious injuries. Do I Need to Pay Taxes On Personal Injury Damages. If you recently received money compensation from a court settlement, you might be wondering, how are you going to report these earnings?

Do I Need to Pay Taxes On Personal Injury Damages

Are they taxable? Let us help you clarify your doubts. When you suffer a physical or emotional injury caused by an accident, you will probably be entitled to a non-pecuniary damage, also known as compensation for “pain and suffering”. Is it logic that an amount of money you receive to reimburse you for your loss is taxable? The answer is no. The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) based on the Surrogatum Principle will determine if the compensation award received is an income or a capital receipt based on the nature of the income this compensation is meant to replace, then, the court will determine which will be the tax treatment of this award. In the case of Personal Injury Damages, the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) does not consider awards for pain and suffering taxable income. Short & Long-Term Disability: Mistakes to Avoid when Applying. Disability insurance - for long or short-term - protects employees from loss of income in the case of an illness, injury or accident.

Short & Long-Term Disability: Mistakes to Avoid when Applying

This ensures that the employee will receive a percentage of their income while they can’t work due to one of the reasons previously mentioned. The loss of your income may cause an economic instability to you and your family and in theory, disability policies were made to prevent this, but in practice, there are many common mistakes that can cause your application to be rejected. To prevent this from happening, we recommend you to follow these tips on how to avoid common mistakes when applying for short and long-term disability. Do your research! Don’t rush into filling applications without reading or understanding what you are signing up for.

Are Long Term Disability Benefits Taxable? If you recently applied for long-term disability benefits plan, you might be wondering if your monthly income is taxable or not.

Are Long Term Disability Benefits Taxable?

Let us help you to clarify all your doubts. Some Collateral Benefits You Need to Know. It is common in personal injury actions arising out of a motor vehicle accident for plaintiffs to be receiving so-called "collateral benefits" such as statutory accident benefits, long-term disability benefits, and employer-provided health care benefits while their lawsuit is ongoing.

Some Collateral Benefits You Need to Know

The Insurance Act contains provisions which essentially allow a tort defendant to deduct certain categories of collateral benefits from similar types of damages which they would ordinarily have to pay to the plaintiff. While the legislation sets out a general framework detailing what deductions are to be made, there remain questions among both plaintiff's and defence lawyers alike about how to apply these deductions in practice. For example, should there be any distinction between past and future benefits when deciding what should be deducted?

Are settlements treated differently than benefits actually received? 1. 2. 3. A. Best Long Term Disability Lawyer in Scarborough - Lofranco Corriero. CCanadian consumers can obtain long-term disability coverage through their places of employment or as part of group coverage plans.

Best Long Term Disability Lawyer in Scarborough - Lofranco Corriero

There are also individual plans available for purchase. The basic principle of long-term disability insurance is for the insured and/or their employer to pay regular premiums in order to secure coverage that is intended to provide financial assistance (benefits) in case the insured suffers a qualifying disability. Lofranco Corriero – Experienced Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers. Owners and tenants of homes, businesses, government agencies and those exercising responsibility over practically every other place where people frequent are obliged to keep their premises safe for the public.

The occupiers are obliged to ensure that the premises are safe and do not pose a risk to people frequenting them. Unfortunately, many of the occupiers neglect their duties which often lead to slip and fall injuries right on their premises. Best Brain Injury Lawyer by Lofranco Corriero. Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most severe injuries that can be sustained as a result of a motor vehicle accident. They occur when the brain is injured by a sudden force, or trauma. The brain can be driven into the the skull by a sudden blow, or by the force of shaking or whiplash.

In either case, the brain can suffer bruising and swelling, and in some cases the impact can be so strong that it tears blood vessels in the brain, causing intracranial bleeding. Traumatic brain injuries can cause serious, life-threatening events and can result in permanent irreversible damage to the brain. Professional Personal Injury Lawyers - Lofranco Corriero. Lofranco Corriero – Top Rated Personal Injury Lawyer. Lofranco Corriero Provides Best Consultation on Personal Injuries Cases.

Best Personal Injury Law Firms in Toronto - Lofranco Corriero.