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From slavery to Windrush: My family's story (Full Documentary) BBC News. BBC News - Windrush anniversary: Three stories Video Windrush anniversary: Three stories of coming to the UK. Shebeen, Theatre Royal Stratford East: a promising new playwright gives voice to the Windrush Generation. "Windrush": tout comprendre au scandale qui fait trembler le gouvernement britannique. Des immigrés arrivés sur le sol britannique pour reconstruire le pays et qui s'en retrouvent chassés: le scandale Windrush éclabousse depuis plusieurs semaines le gouvernement outre-Manche.

"Windrush": tout comprendre au scandale qui fait trembler le gouvernement britannique

Une centaine d'immigrés caribéens, qui s'étaient vus promettre un droit de séjour illimité, serait aujourd'hui menacée d'expulsion. Le terme "génération Windrush" désigne la population d'immigrés d'origine caribéenne arrivée sur le sol britannique après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En 1948 le premier bateau à débarquer ces nouveaux habitants s'appelait "l'Empire Windrush", un nom qui est resté. D'après les informations de la BBC, en tout ils seront environ 500.000 à débarquer en Angleterre dans les années 1960 et 1970. Ces immigrants, qui vont aider à reconstruire le pays après la guerre, sont à l'époque bien accueillis par le gouvernement britannique, qui autorise les citoyens du Commonwealth à rester indéfiniment en Angleterre. Expulsions et licenciements pour les immigrés du Windrush.

Royaume-Uni: il y a 70 ans, les débuts de la «génération Windrush» - Europe. Au Royaume-Uni, au terme d’une intense polémique, la ministre de l’Intérieur Amber Rudd a finalement été contrainte à la démission, une décision qui fragilise la Première ministre Theresa May à quelques jours d’élections locales cruciales.

Royaume-Uni: il y a 70 ans, les débuts de la «génération Windrush» - Europe

En cause, le « scandale Windrush », qui a vu des milliers de Britanniques d’origine caribéenne et leurs descendants exposés au risque d’expulsion, avant que le gouvernement, secoué par l’émotion provoquée par cette mesure, ne rétropédale et ne présente ses excuses aux concernés. Il y a très exactement soixante-dix ans cette année, le 22 juin 1948, l’Empire Windrush s’amarrait dans le port de Tilbury, tout près de Londres, en provenance de Kingston, en Jamaïque. À son bord, pas moins de 492 passagers originaires des Antilles britanniques, dont de nombreux enfants mais aussi des anciens combattants de l’Empire récemment démobilisés.

. « No blacks, no Irish, no dogs » En 1971, la législation se durcit encore. . « Environnement hostile à l’immigration » Royaume-Uni: quand le scandale de la génération Windrush refait surface - Europe. Migration and empire 'should be taught in English schools' The government is being urged to make lessons on migration, belonging and empire mandatory in every secondary school in England.

Migration and empire 'should be taught in English schools'

The Runnymede Trust, a race equality thinktank, said last year’s Windrush scandal had exposed a “shocking lack of understanding” at government level about the winding up of the empire. It’s important to say this is not a step towards a paywall We need more readers to register with us to help sustain our independent, quality journalism. Without you taking this simple step, we miss out on revenues from personalised advertising - a critical source of funding for our future. Through doing so, you'll help ensure that our reporting remains freely available to everyone, and if we recognise you when you come back, we can improve your news experience too.

Windrush memorial belongs in Brixton, not Waterloo. Windrush victims still waiting for payments from Home Office. The government has still made no compensation payments to Windrush victims and has failed to introduce legislation that would allow damages to be paid, 15 months after Theresa May apologised for the scandal and promised a financial settlement.

Windrush victims still waiting for payments from Home Office

The compensation scheme that was announced in April requires legislation before payments can be made; however, the Home Office revealed yesterday that the pressures of Brexit have meant it has not been possible so far to find parliamentary time for the legislation to be debated. Instead the Home Office has announced a temporary fix, which will now allow compensation to be paid, in the absence of legislation. People waiting for compensation responded with frustration to the revelation that the government has only now made arrangements to make the payment of damages possible.

“Everyone is struggling to fill in the forms. Raise the Windrush anchor – and make it a statue to modern Britain. Almost a decade ago I started the campaign for a national Windrush Day, alongside a range of individuals and race equality organisations.

Raise the Windrush anchor – and make it a statue to modern Britain

It was conceived as a day to recognise and celebrate the achievements of the postwar migrants who first arrived aboard the Empire Windrush – a generation that made a significant contribution to the society we take for granted today. After years of lobbying, petitions, events, letter-writing, debates in parliament – and last year’s Windrush scandal, which put the government on the wrong side of history – Theresa May agreed to this annual commemoration. Yet today, on Britain’s first national Windrush Day, the government’s announcement that there is to be a new memorial statue in London raises a fundamental question about what sort of permanent marker we want to commemorate multicultural Britain as we head towards Brexit.

The ship itself was originally called the MV Monte Rosa, and was launched in 1930. This may, to some, appear over-ambitious. Windrush scandal continues as Chagos Islanders are pressed to ‘go back’ British passport holders from the Chagos Islands are being systematically targeted in a “shameful” attempt to have them removed from the UK, the Observer can reveal.

Windrush scandal continues as Chagos Islanders are pressed to ‘go back’

The revelations expose a fresh dimension of the UK’s hostile environment, showing that the strategy also persecutes passport-holding British citizens of colour. A series of interviews corroborated by internal government emails reveal that the sizable community of British Chagossians in Crawley, West Sussex, have faced a lengthy campaign putting pressure on them to leave the country.

They say they have felt intimidated by hostile officials. British Chagossians say the local council offered to pay for flights to the Indian Ocean rather than provide them with housing assistance in the UK, which is potentially unlawful. Others allege that council officials aggressively told British passport holders seeking housing assistance that they should return to the Seychelles or Mauritius.

Platell's People: Can't Stormzy show any gratitude? Michael Omari was born in a council house in Croydon, South London, in 1993.

Platell's People: Can't Stormzy show any gratitude?

He is one of four children raised by his single mother Abigail, an evangelical Christian, after his father walked out when he was an infant. Mum emigrated from Ghana to Britain in the hope of giving herself and her family a better life. And she succeeded. On Wednesday her son — now known as grime rapper Stormzy — won two top gongs, for best British male solo artist and best album at the Brit Awards for pop music.

If ever there were proof that whatever your background, this is a country that provides opportunities, Stormzy is it. Stephen Glover for the Daily Mail. STEPHEN GLOVER: Couldn’t Afua Hirsch summon a smidgen of gratitude?  Afua Hirsch (pictured) may seem a slighter figure, but she is feted as the darling of the trendy Left.

STEPHEN GLOVER: Couldn’t Afua Hirsch summon a smidgen of gratitude? 

The hatred of British intellectuals and writers for their own country has a long pedigree. It is usually combined with a misguided conviction that everything abroad is better. More than 200 years ago, the young William Wordsworth celebrated the French Revolution. The History of the British Empire. Following Portugal and Spain’s lead in overseas exploration, King Henry VII of England began to commission voyages across the Atlantic.

The History of the British Empire

Several unsuccessful attempts were made to create colonies along the North American coast under Queen Elizabeth I. It was in the early seventeenth century that, under the rule of King James I of England, the British Empire truly took a leap forward. The first permanent settlement in the Americas under English rule was Jamestown, founded in 1607. No 10 refuses Caribbean request to discuss children of Windrush. Downing Street has rejected a formal diplomatic request to discuss the immigration problems being experienced by some Windrush-generation British residents at this week’s meeting of the Commonwealth heads of government, rebuffing a request from representatives of 12 Caribbean countries for a meeting with the prime minister.

No 10 refuses Caribbean request to discuss children of Windrush

“We did make a request to the CHOGM summit team for a meeting to be held between the prime minister and the Commonwealth Caribbean heads of government who will be here for the CHOGM and regrettably they have advised us that that is not possible,” said Guy Hewitt, the Barbados high commissioner. The refusal has given Caribbean diplomats the impression that the UK government is not taking a sufficiently serious approach to the problem that is affecting large numbers of long-term UK residents who came to Britain as children. British residents deported to Jamaica told to 'put on accent' The government has been criticised over a leaflet for people it claims to be deporting to their home country, which includes advice to put on a local accent. David Lammy, the Labour MP who spoke passionately about the Home Office’s treatment of the Windrush generation on Monday, said the document demonstrated the government’s “callous attitude towards thousands of people who have made their lives here and harks back to campaigns for ‘repatriation’ of migrants”.

The guide, produced in 2013, offers a list of dos and don’ts for people being deported to Jamaica, including the tip: “Try to be ‘Jamaican’ – use local accents and dialect”. It also reveals the name of the Jamaican currency and the names of some major Jamaican television stations and newspapers. “How exactly can someone pretend to ‘be Jamaican’ when they are British and have lived here all their lives?” Alphabet phonétique augmenté. British residents deported to Jamaica told to 'put on accent' Where the public stands on immigration. Jayne Dowle: Windrush scandal a blow to Commonwealth future. UNTIL recently, I hadn’t thought much about the Commonwealth since I received a shiny 50p piece for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977. All the children at my school got one, marked with the word “Commonwealth” and presented in a velvet sleeve.

Opinion today: Lessons from the Windrush scandal. With Windrush, Theresa May mistook a national treasure for an easy target. One of the most tragic aspects of writing about gun deaths in America is hearing black parents make the case for why their child should not have been killed. They will impress on you that their children were not gang members, even when you don’t ask. They will make sure you know their kids had never been in trouble with the police, even when it is not relevant. Windrush - London is the place for me.

London: Windrush 65 Years On - Jamaicans came to help plug Britain's post-war labour shortage.

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