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Casual trendy / love it!! Weird Beauty Facts and Myths - True Beauty Myths. Then: Suntanned skin was a sign of health, high status, and style. Coco Chanel was the poster child for high fashion—and high status. So when she came back from a cruise with a deep golden tan in the 1920s, it’s no wonder her fans began adapting darker skin tones too.

Sporting a bronzed glow sent the message that one was wealthy enough to afford a leisurely outdoor life and by the 1930s sunlight was touted as a cure for everything from acne to tuberculosis. The result: Tanning oil became a beauty staple through the 1980s and was applied as vigorously as SPF lotion is today. Now: A little sun can perk up your complexion, but even a slight tan represents injury to your largest organ (your skin). Then: Eyewash and lash trimmings would help play up your peepers. Now: Instead of enduring questionable eye mixtures and stubby lashes—trimming them won’t make them grow in thicker! Then: Sleeping with a meat-muslin mask would keep you young. Then: The thicker the cream, the better it hydrated.

Triple Max Tons: Easy Holiday Hair - StumbleUpon. THE LONG + THE SHORT OF IT - - StumbleUpon. How-To: The Cascade/Waterfall Braid. The waterfall braid also known as the cascade braid recently exploded as the new "trend braid" of the season. The waterfall effect looks cool and complex, but it's easier to style than you think. Give this beautiful braid a try when Beautylish takes you through the how-to! Section Off The waterfall braid works best on straight or loose waves. Braid As Usual Braid your strands regularly three times, beginning from the right strand. Drop the Strand This is where it gets tricky. Step and Repeat Repeat this process—French braid the left strand, drop the right strand, and pick up an adjacent new piece. Pin and Secure Once you've reached a comfortable point to stop your braid, secure it to your scalp with bobby pins.

Fishtail It! Braid the remaining piece of hair left from your cascade into a fishtail braid. Accessorize Add a cute bow or flower to hide your bobby pins and give this look some extra hair flair. - StumbleUpon. How To Put Your Hair Up In A Cute Bun | Guide « Wonder How To - StumbleUpon. Comb your hair carefully to eliminate any tangles or knots.Take some hair from the top of your head. 3. Tie off this hair with a hair elastic. 4. Don't pull off the ends. 5. 6. 7. 8. HAIR: How to get Vintage Style Curls without Heat! How to curl your hair with a sock! No heat - StumbleUpon.