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Onion Chutney Recipe | Belly Bytes.


Sweet. Sushi. Molecular gastronomy. In 1969, the hungarian born physicist Nicholas Kurti (1908-1998) held a presentation for the Royal Society entitled “The Physicist in the Kitchen”. He started of by refering to one of the aphorisms in Brillat-Savarin’s book “The physiology of taste” which translates to something like: “The invention of a new dish is of greater importance to the happiness of mankind, than the discovery of a new star” It was also in this presentation that we find the perhaps most quoted words by Nicholas Kurti: “I think it is a sad reflection on our civilization that while we can and do measure the temperature in the atmosphere of Venus we do not know what goes on inside our soufflés.” In his lecture, Kurti suggest using syringes to inject rum into mince pies and to use the proteolytic enzymes in fresh ananas juice to tenderize meats. One of the recent inventions in the kitchen at the time of the presentation was the microwave oven.

Kurti also advocated low temperature cooking. 11Share. Nigel Slater cooks a light and simple Sunday supper. Strange, isn't it, how we often want a little something to eat in the evening, so soon after passing round the Sunday roast? Sometime around seven, I find an excuse (any excuse) to wander into the kitchen in search of the second, occasionally third, meal of the day. My head is keen to object on the grounds of greed. My tummy thinks otherwise. Last weekend was no exception. Four hours later, the sight of the cool, fudgy flesh of the leftover fish looked tempting, but the remains of Sunday lunch are too precious to scoff in a fit of Sunday evening peckishness. The "other Sunday meal" has long been made up of bits of the preceding lunch: snippets and nuggets from the roast, maybe leftover potatoes and greens fried up as a contemporary version of bubble and squeak, the meat stuffed into a doorstop sandwich of the best bread we can find on a Sunday.

Puddings from Sunday lunch are often appreciated even more later in the day, when they have had time to settle. Heat an overhead grill. Foodtease: Canadians in Texas. Star Wars™ Pancake Molds. SARAH ILLENBERGER. Milk Bottles - Eat like a girl.