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Delicious. PHP + Twitter + Google Calendar + SMS | Working on a little side project, I wanted to be able to add an event to Google Calendar by text message like our American friends can using GVENT. I figured I could hook my Twitter account up to Google Calendar using their APIs. I tinkered with it for a couple of hours and it works! Background If you don’t know about Twitter, it’s a free service that allows you to share messages with your network of friends by a number of means, which includes via text messages sent to Twitter from your mobile phone. Twitter has this useful feature called direct messages. How is this useful for adding an event to Google Calendar? It’s a bit round about in implementation, but it allows you to update a Google Calendar by SMS. Obviously, I’m not the only person who’s thought of hooking up the APIs; Twittercal will give you basic functionality if that’s all you need.

Twitter to PHP So, I can set up a new Twitter account for my application, become friends with it (!) <? <? Google Calendar from PHP Related. Twistori. ProgrammableWeb: Mashups and the Web as Platform.