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It's me, Jesus! This was during my audition for The Lion King. I didn’t get the part. braiker: thanks again, internet A portrait with my dear friend, Bob Ross. Fear not children for he is with me now. I shall always look after my sheep. My newest attempts to convert my children that follow a more revolutionary path. My classic mosaic has been restored. One of my followers has gotten a beautiful tattoo of me on his back. Me as a child. Slave Leia PSA starring Kaley Cuoco. How to be English: EXTREME. Formal Logic. "3 Flowcharts for People with Social Anxieties" by CH Staff (Page 2) OMFG Watch Out, Here Comes a Huge Group of Girls.

The 5 Things That Separate Troubled Geniuses from Jerkwads. Have you guys seen Sherlock? It's a pretty fantastic show, and it brings up some very valid points, such as: Does extreme intelligence always equate to isolation? Are human beings really just a collection of transparent self-serving impulses? And when, exactly, are Sherlock and Watson going to bone already?

Just ... just touch him, Sherlock. You know you want to. You're so lonely, and he loves you. Just touch his mouth. But perhaps the most important question that shows like Sherlock, House and Luther raise is this: What's the difference between being a troubled, misunderstood soul and just being an asshole? #5. Getty The most obvious difference between assholes like me and Troubled Savants like House is that the latter are constantly making observations, while I'm constantly making crude snare traps to set around my box of Work Wine. "I'll take a large Irish, with room for coffee," I said, just waiting to T-bone her with the garbage truck of deductive reasoning. "Wait! " "What?! #4. "Dan! 6 Things Rich People Need to Stop Saying. All of a sudden, it's like you can't make huge amounts of money without people getting all pissed off about it.

And it's only going to get worse -- with the election coming up and the weather getting warmer, this whole "Occupy" movement is probably going to come back strong. The 1 percent will feel even more besieged than before. "What the hell? " you're probably thinking, if you're somehow both rich and reading an article with this title, "I didn't crash the economy!

" You might even be tempted to take to a microphone, to defend yourself and your wealthy friends. But before you do, I want you to stop and ask yourself, "Will this make me sound like an out-of-touch douchebag? " #6. "The amount that I have to reinvest in my business and feed my family is more like $600,000 ... and so by the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over ...

" -- Congressman John Fleming Pictured here with his poverty. "It is hard to ask more of households making $250,000 or $300,000 a year. What We Hear: