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7 Awesome Things You Could Buy for the Average Cost of a Wedding | Glamour. While lots of couples like to go all-out with their weddings, some find the $26,645 that the average American wedding costs a little excessive. Eloping is becoming increasingly popular as more couples decide they'd rather hold an intimate event than dish out the big bucks. After all, money is a big reason fewer millennials are getting married than ever. If you decide to skip out on the big wedding—or go for a cheaper version of it—one advantage is that you can spend the cash you would've reserved for it elsewhere. Here are just a few ways you could allocate it: 1. That $26,645 is enough for a long, luxurious trip is an understatement. 2. You can make your everyday living space crazy-gorgeous for less than the cost of decorating for that one event: $26,645 is more than enough to sub out your Ikea furniture for several cute antique pieces, invest in some artwork to make your walls a bit less drab, or get that king-sized bed that would help both of you sleep better. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Bp youth inequality global 120816 en 0. Young People in Canada Have Never Been as Financially Crippled as They Are Now | VICE | Canada. Surely this is more than most of us have in our wallets currently. Photo via Flickr user Andrew Currie When it comes to student debt, most of us are fucked and we know it. But some days, proof about just how fucked we are is released to ensure we never forget our dire situations. Today is one of those days. If you're not already thoroughly triggered, consider another finding that this report included: The income gap between the young and old is widening. According to the report, "The policies that enabled an outrageously large portion of the world's wealth to accrue to the very top of the income spectrum have delivered a difficult present and uncertain future to a huge majority of today's youth.

" Most of us find ourselves in "low paying and temporary" work, according to report, and adding insult to injury, most jobs these days require some type of postsecondary education. Home - Canada Benefits. Writer Sloane Crosley Tells Wealthsimple Why She Hasn’t Given Herself a Raise Since 2009 | Wealthsimple. This is the latest in our original series "Money Diaries," where we ask interesting people about the role money has played in their lives. Sloane Crosley is an author of I Was Told There'd be Cake and the novel The Clasp (just out in paperback), and is a frequent contributor to GQ and The New York Times.

The richest I've ever felt was probably when I got my first book advance. The first cheque was something like $4,500. It was the biggest cheque I had ever seen. Actually, years ago, I worked for Scott Turow’s agent, and I used to send him cheques. It was not like I was rolling in it, so I had no business doing this, but instead of putting it all toward rent, I bought this blue Givenchy bag. I remember my first emotion around money was confusion. I hate to use the phrase “penny wise, pound foolish,” but my parents demonstrated a certain good-natured impracticality with money. I always wrote, though not always with a mind toward making it my career. I'm moving in with my girlfriend. She makes way more than I do. Can I suggest we "ratio" our rent or is that weird and unsexy? | Wealthsimple. In our original series Ms. Etiquette, our columnist Jane Larkworthy untangles the issues that happen when people and money get together.

Here’s the truth about that: It is unsexy. But it’s also practical. So you’re going to have to decide what you care about more when it comes to the financial part of your relationship: sexiness or having an awesome QuickBooks relationship and no debt. My personal take is that even the sexiest relationship should (and will inevitably) have a dose of practicality. But either way, I will share one ingredient to every good cohabitation: openness. “Great, Ms. Here’s a more extreme version of doing that (for people who really love QuickBooks): Pass the list back and forth, so neither of you are dominating the conversation—food, cleaning lady, rent, dog walker, vet, dog food, dog groomer, mortgage, utilities, garage, vacation.

She also suggests using to help organize it all. Once that icebreaker exercise is done, you can address your “ratio” concept. 13 Ways to Make Money in Canada -- Without Leaving the House. We know the internet is full of ways to make money at home… but they’re not all legitimate. So we’ve weeded out the scams to share some of the best opportunities with you. These are all ideas we’ve tried before, so we know they’re legit and that you’ll get paid. And we bet there are some in here you’ve never heard of! Here are 13 ways you can make money from home if you live in Canada: 1. Surveys aren’t our favorite way to make extra money, but if you’re just hanging out watching TV, why not click a few buttons on your phone to put your time to use? Vip Voice & Ipsos Panel are some of the best paid survey companies around. Some of their top-end surveys can pay up to CA$123 (US$95), but those are rare and can take awhile to complete. 2. Did you know that the Nielsen company will pay you to scan your groceries each week?

Once you sign up to become a Nielsen Consumer Panel family, you’ll be asked to simply scan the barcodes on your groceries and send your data off to Nielsen each week. 3. 4. Millennials Need Credit (But Don't Have It) | Nick Cowling. When in debt, shy away from credit? That may just be the case with millennials. With the continued rise of student loans, debt isn't new to this generation. According to the 2015 Graduating Student Survey by the Canadian University Survey Consortium, the average student in Canada owes $27,000 and growing. And while credit card arrears in the US added up to around $917.7 billion in 2015 the country is experiencing an all-time-high $1.2 trillion student loan debt owed.

Yes, millennials carry debt, but they're seemingly cautious about the kind of debt they carry. Graduation often means the start of years of student debt repayment. The millennial payment method of choice isn't a credit card. According to this article, one survey showed that 63% of adults aged 18-29 didn't have a single credit card, while another 23% had one only Visa or Mastercard. Stats show that millennials prefer to use debit cards to credit cards for their purchases. Missing out on credit advantages. Study Shows Financial Stress is Like PTSD | Glamour. Financial stress is no joke. It can screw with your appetite, your sleeping habits, and it can even affect how well you perform on the job. But a new study by a financial wellness company shows a surprising and serious result of difficult money problems—posttraumatic stress disorder.

That's right. According to the Payoff study, 23 percent of Americans—and 35 percent of millennials—experience a debilitating degree of stress over their finances, affecting their thoughts and feelings in ways that are most commonly associated with PTSD, a disorder most commonly associated with combat, sexual assault, and other serious traumas. Those who suffer from this debilitating stress act out in inexplicable ways without being able to adequately think through things, according to the study, and experience a diminished ability to plan, organize, and manage their finances.

But, says Scott Saunders, founder and CEO of Payoff, the results should come as no surprise to a society swamped by financial woes. How To Save Money Every Week. Six money milestones to hit while you’re in your 30s. Welcome to your 30s. It’s time to get serious about your finances. (iStock) There’s something about being in your 30s that feels more adult. You’ve probably been on your own for a little while and you’re starting to get the hang of it (life, that is). Hopefully you’re making more money now and — after some trial and error — you’re better at managing your finances.

But that doesn’t mean you’re exactly where you want to be. So, what should you aim for? 1. For instance, someone with unsteady income may need a bigger fund than someone with more predictable income. 2. To get a better idea of how much you should save for retirement, you can go a step further. [Why putting off retirement savings until you make more money is a big mistake] 3. Your 30s are a good time to start building wealth outside of your house and your retirement account. 4. 5.

While you’re at it, write up a health-care proxy that explains your medical wishes and who should make medical decisions in your place, advisers say. Rent vs Buy - What to Rent. 2012 vs. 1984: Young adults really do have it harder today. All young adults who think they’re getting a raw deal in today’s economy, let me tell you about how it was back in my day. In 1984, my final undergraduate year of university, tuition cost more or less $1,000. I earned that much in a summer without breaking a sweat.

When I went looking for a new car in 1986, the average cost was roughly half of what it is now. It was totally affordable. The average price of a house in Toronto back in 1984 was just over $96,000. I had it easier than today’s twentysomethings, and I have no problem saying so. This became clear as responses poured in to last week’s column tying the Quebec student protests to the financial challenges faced by people who are trying to make the jump from college and university into the work force. Some responses were heartfelt, like the one from a 78-year-old gentleman who said he grew up “in abject poverty on a farm” and worked to pay for his education.

My sense is that’s what they’re trying to do. Back in my day? Financial security 'elusive' for many Canadian families. Income security for many Canadian families is an “elusive dream” in the after-shocks of the recession, with those at the older and younger ends of the age spectrum in particular struggling. The young are having a tough time entering the job market, as more than half of the net jobs created since the recession's low point have gone to those aged 55 and over, the Vanier Institute of the Family says in its annual review of the state of Canadian family finances to be released Thursday.

At the same time, older workers are having to either stay in the work force longer, or go back to work after retirement to make up pension shortfalls. The squeeze at both ends is putting further pressure on working-age parents. “More young people are living with their parents longer and staying in school longer,” says the institute's CEO Nora Spinks. Debt loads remain unusually high, with average family debt at $103,000 last year. Among the study's other findings: