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Dyslexia and reading blogs

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Closure. Can you tell what this a picture of, even though it's not all here? Can you read these words even though part of the letters have been erased? Can you recognize these animals, even though most of the lines in the pictures have been removed? If you can, it means you have good visual closure skills! Return to main activity page. Dyslexia Test - 3 Things Everyone Should Know About Testing - Dyslexic Advantage. So much more than words on a page. The More that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go -Dr. Seuss "Come let me take you on a journey; to teach you, to fascinate you, to engage you. To keep you wanting more of the knowledge within, the new experiences, surprises, fun, laughter. Come read with me. This is the message that we should be relaying to a child every time we open a book*. As a therapist I have always valued books as essential components in not only literacy development, but in language building, vocabulary enhancement, increasing moments of engagement, building social interaction skills, and many other areas of a child's development.

"He's too young to read" "She's not going to sit still to look at a book" "He doesn't like books/ He's just not interested" "I really don't have the time to read to her" ....and the list goes on Reading is so much more than words on a page. How do I make it interesting? First by not making it seem like a punishment. Where do I start? Dyslexia Tutor: News-Resources. Luqman's Dyslexia Blog.