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SpeakingOfSpeech. Assistive Technology Trends. AT Cubed:: Thinking about Relationships... Anyone who has been around education knows that there are always initiatives....always. Some make sense while others don't. I have the privilege of working with a number of different future and practicing education professionals in helping them understand the role that technology could - or should - play in the education of students with disabilities and other diverse learning needs. About three years ago, I was invited by a colleague, Dr. Maureen Angel, to do a guest presentation in her class. The class was comprised of future special education administrators and schools psychologists and focused on technology applications in special education. Let me see if I can break this down.

UDL cannot be accomplished without access to universally designed materials. So what about Response to Intervention? Now...some disclaimers. This representation of relationships is one that is in constant development. EdTech Solutions - Teaching Every Student. Applying Technology to assist Study Skills Development. Read the Words: Another Res.