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Legion of Super-Heroes: An Introduction. The Legion of Super-Heroes is a large group of teen heroes whose adventures take place one thousand years in the future! The Legion's first appearance was like any other Silver Age Superboy (or Superman) story: freewheeling. In Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958), three super-teens invited the teenage Superboy to join their "club. " Something about these heroes resonated strongly with fans and the characters sparked continued interest. In Adventure Comics #364 (Jan. 1968) DC editors even encouraged fans to vote for the next Legion leader (the results appeared in Adventure #368). The team's popularity eventually led to their independence from the Boy of Steel. The Legion's membership numbers in the dozens, and its supporting cast is enormous. The Legion resides a thousand years in the future, so events that happen in the current-day DC Universe frequently have ripple affects on the Legion's reality.

Cosmic Teams organizes the Legions of the DC universe in the following way: Key Series. British Comics Compilations – British Comics Compilations. Chris is on Infinite Earths. Box | Simple Online Collaboration: Online File Storage, FTP Replacement, Team Workspaces. THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (II) The profusion of Super-Heroes The decline of The Legion of Super-Heroes, editorially speaking, happened when Mort Weisinger decided to displace the series from ADVENTURE COMICS to ACTION COMICS. Nevertheless, there were prooves of the decline before that and you will be able to see them in the number of magazines in wich The Legion appeared. If the Legion was published in its begining in almost every Superman family magazine, as we have seen in the page before, the contrary happens now. There is no collection with the Legion except ADVENTURE COMICS.

Actually, in 1966 it only appeared in ADVENTURE COMICS; in 1967 were some exceptions, SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN NO.99, NO.100, NO.106 and WORLD'S FINEST NO.168 and NO.172, but in 1968 only one: ACTION COMICS NO.365, as we see in the page before. Jim Shooter as scripter and maker of layouts and Win Mortimer with Jack Abel as artist and inker respectively, were the ones who made the creative in The Legion from ADVENTURE COMICS NO.373 to NO.380. Superheroes a 'cultural catastrophe', says comics guru Alan Moore. Comics god Alan Moore has issued a comprehensive sign-off from public life after shooting down accusations that his stories feature racist characters and an excessive amount of sexual violence towards women.

The Watchmen author also used a lengthy recent interview with Pádraig Ó Méalóid at Slovobooks entitled "Last Alan Moore interview? " – to expand upon his belief that today's adults' interest in superheroes is potentially "culturally catastrophic", a view originally aired in the Guardian last year. "To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence," he wrote to Ó Méalóid. His thinking, he said, was that "sexual violence, including rape and domestic abuse, should also feature in my work where necessary or appropriate to a given narrative, the alternative being to imply that these things did not exist, or weren't happening. Download 15,000+ Free Golden Age Comics from the Digital Comic Museum.

The Digital Comic Museum offers free access to hundreds of pre-1959 comic books, uploaded by users who often offer historical research and commentary alongside high-quality scans. The site’s moderators and administrators are particularly careful to avoid posting non-public-domain comics (a complicated designation, as described in this forum thread). The resulting archive is devoid of many familiar comic-book characters, like those from Marvel, D.C., or Disney. On the other hand, because of this restriction, the archive offers an interesting window into the themes of lesser-known comics in the Golden Age—romance, Westerns, combat, crime, supernatural and horror. The covers of the romance comics are great examples of popular art. Interested in understanding how homefront American culture reflected fighting in World War II and Korea, and the anxieties of the Cold War? The museum holds some unexpected and forgotten titles, like the Mad Magazine knock-off “Eh.” Related Content:

#133. The Kirby Effect | The Journal of the Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center. For the 2013 Best Picture Oscar-winner Argo, Jack Kirby’s Lord of Light artwork was omitted and his crucial role in the CIA’s rescue plot was downplayed and distorted, but that is only a part of the problem with the film. …History cannot be swept clean like a blackboard, clean so that “we” might inscribe our own future there and impose our own form of life for these lesser people to follow. —Edward Said “ARGO – The Rescue of the Canadian Six” (artist unattributed)—CIA’s Intelligence Art Gallery Ben Affleck’s film Argo embodies the racism that Western governments display towards the peoples and governments of the East that Edward Said described in his groundbreaking study, Orientalism. Due to the inherently covert nature of the operations of the Central Intelligence Agency, the events surrounding the rescue are still enmeshed in a web of misinformation, apart from what the agency released in 1997 when it declassified the mission.

Dissemination is celebrated throughout Argo. Comic Book Plus - Home Page.