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Text Effects

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Plexi Text on Spotlight Tutorial. Hi molly.

Plexi Text on Spotlight Tutorial

I'm going to explain why your result came out a little different from mine. 1. The 3D Text is thicker than mine, so drop the Gradient layer (top layer) a little more. Instead of hitting the Down button 25 times like on the Step 7, go 40 times. Brushed Aluminium Texteffect with layerfx. In this tutorial i will show you how to make a brushed aluminium texteffect with layerfx.You will need the layerfx script by Jon Stipe.

Brushed Aluminium Texteffect with layerfx

I recommend the python version, because it has a preview. This will NOT look the same when done with other Layer Effects scripts, like iccii or Graechan's iccii update ! Christmas Candy Text Effect. Christmas Candy Text Effect When I think about Christmas, among my many wondrous childhood memories is that striped hard candy that inspired this effect.

Christmas Candy Text Effect

The Python based Layer Effects filter can be used in a very powerful way to achieve those eye popping effects that jump off the page. Tutorial list for cool text effects!