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Brian Sell

I live on the outskirts of Indianapolis in a quaint town in a modest home with a modest garden and a chubby cat. I am the proud father of a witty teenage daughter who enjoys writing, music and documentaries as much as I do.

Native American sites. Native American Celebration of the Summer Solstice. The Miami Nation of Indiana holds an annual summer solstice celebration on a weekend near the solstice to honor the indigenous peoples who trekked to the Great Mound for over four and a half centuries.

Native American Celebration of the Summer Solstice

Beginning in the evening and lasting a little past sunset, a number of activities and ceremonies are performed on the Great Mound’s platform. A brief history tour of the Mounds is followed by Indian folklore tales told from the Lenape tradition by a chubby fur trader who bears a striking resemblance to another folklore legend, St. My HubPages/Squidoo. Skepticism. promotes quack medicine. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is a marketing phrase, not science-based medicine. promotes quack medicine

It doesn't use the methods of science in researching treatments before treating people. CAM treatments can be dangerous. Some supplements advocated by CAM practitioners can be harmful.7 Recent research published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood concluded, “CAM use has the potential to cause significant morbidity and fatal adverse outcomes.” 8 CAM is an ideology, not a science. Lance Armstrong and Demand Media profited handsomely from their dealings. The Lance Armstrong Foundation raised a significant amount of money for cancer research and cancer awareness from the sale of Demand Media stock when the stock went public. LGBT. Homo sapiens are the only animals to fear homosexuality. With the rise of the Abrahamic religions, homosexuals became less tolerated eventually becoming vilified and persecuted as sodomites.

Homo sapiens are the only animals to fear homosexuality

Beginning in the Late Middle Ages, homosexuality could be punishable by death in many European countries. Many Middle Eastern countries still reserve capital punishment as the maximum penalty for homosexuality. Ironically, pederasty is common in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan even though homosexuality is punishable by Islamic mores. Further irony can be found in the pederasty practices of Jewish and Christian clergy members which resulted in numerous child sexual abuse scandals in countries where homosexuality is legal between consenting adults. No law or religion in any country has prevented someone from becoming a homosexual. For all intents and purposes, homophobia is learned. Homo sapiens are the only animals to fear homosexuality. Kindle. Top 7 Kindle Touch features Amazon should include in future Kindles. 4.

Top 7 Kindle Touch features Amazon should include in future Kindles

Ability to Change Text Size and Fonts in Each Book. Save money by buying a refurbished Kindle or Kindle Touch - a Kindle review. Why Buy a Refurbished Kindle?

Save money by buying a refurbished Kindle or Kindle Touch - a Kindle review

Why buy a refurbished Kindle? Good question. Here's a brief list of the benefits. Price- an entry level Kindle for $49 with a voucher, $69 without. The price is low, but this doesn't mean the Kindle's cheap.Build quality - outstanding look and feel - refurbished Kindles are certified to look and work like new, and they do.Warranty - refurbished Kindles from Amazon carry the same warranty as the new KindlesTotal cost of ownership - digital titles don't require the same physical space or resources to manufacture and transport.

I'm not advocating giving up physical books, although when I've discussed the issue with bibliophiles, they acted as if I asked them to burn their books. There are plenty of online resources for obtaining ebooks. I've had my refurbished Touch for a few months now. Future Kindles. Simple Living. Save electricity by hanging a clothesline in your garage. Ah, the warmth of summer!

Save electricity by hanging a clothesline in your garage

Some folks look forward to the warmer months but dread the electric bills. With electric rates rising steadily over the years and weather forecasters predicting record warmth, the need to find more economical ways of doing things without using electricity is on the rise. One of the easiest and least expensive ways of cutting your electric bill is to hang up a clothesline. Electric clothes dryers use a fair amount of electricity.

They are responsible for about 12% of your electricity consumption so you can save a considerable amount of money by line drying your clothes. Gardening & Foraging. How to make free self-watering containers for rooting tomato cuttings. Hardening off Six days after being potted and resting in the shade on the porch, the cutting is now officially a tomato plant complete with a bloom.

How to make free self-watering containers for rooting tomato cuttings

It's time to harden it off by placing it in direct sun for a few hours a day over the next several days. Expose the plant to three hours of direct sunlight at first and work up to eight hours. When the plant can tolerate a full eight hours in direct sun, it's time to transplant it into the garden. If the cutting is blooming, pinch the blossom off. Ready to transplant After a full day in the sun yesterday with no wilting, my cherry tomato cutting is hardened off and ready for the garden.

I'm ready to start another cutting! Learn more The advantages to using this self-watering container method are three-fold. Go get your hands dirty! Living Well Now.

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