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Avatar gender - Journey Message Board for PlayStation 3. Juxta13 posted...I love the Journey avatar - absolutely love it! However, I'm female and to me the avatar looks feminine. I always refer to my companion as a she. I want my husband to play, but he won't because according to him it's emasculating to play with a feminine avatar. That's just sad, because I want so much for him to play and to experience what the game has to offer. Considering this, I'm wondering if the creators would have benefited from a more gender neutral avatar.

Or is it my imagination and this avatar is gender neutral? I think it's gender neutral, though Jenova Chen actually called it the "Journeyman" once. As for what your husband said about avatars I think that's silly. Game Studies - Lara Croft: Feminist Icon or Cyberbimbo? On the Limits of Textual Analysis. By Helen W. Kennedy As the title suggests, the feminist reception of Lara Croft as a game character has been ambivalent to say the least. The question itself presupposes an either/or answer, thereby neatly expressing the polarities around which most popular media and academic discussions of Lara Croft tend to revolve. It is a question that is often reduced to trying to decide whether she is a positive role model for young girls or just that perfect combination of eye and thumb candy for the boys. It is also increasingly difficult to distinguish between Lara Croft the character in Tomb Raider and Lara Croft the ubiquitous virtual commodity used to sell products as diverse as the hardware to play the game itself, Lucozade or Seat cars.

What follows then is an analysis of the efficacy and limitations of existing feminist frameworks through which anunderstanding of the kinds of gendered pleasures offered by Lara Croft as games character and cultural icon can be reached. Lara as Fatal Femme. A Salute to Dani Bunten, a Transgender Video Gaming Pioneer. Gaming's Most Beautiful Transgender Gamer Releasing Semi-Nude Photo Book. Darth VaPaula, Gender and Video Games. I play Star Wars the Old Republic. I live in Florida. As such, I was somewhat interested when the Florida Family Association decided to launch an email campaign against Bioware regarding the plans to allow LGBT relationship options in the game. Lest anyone think that the game is some sort of sex-fest, the relationships between a player character (PC) and a non-player character (NPC) is rather limited.

Essentially you get to engage in fairly tame flirting via selecting tame response options and there is some dialog that involves mild sexual themes. For those looking for racy action, you will find much much more on prime time shows than you will see in SWTOR. While Bioware does an excellent job crafting the personas of the NPCs that the players interact with, I have never been particularly interested in game romance myself. However, I know that some players really get into the romance options in Bioware games and it is a rich part of the narrative experience for these folks.

Why Gaming's Most Famous Transgender Character Remains a Controversial Topic.