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Moving WordPress to a new server. For awhile now, WordPress has been my favorite option for providing clients with a Content Management System. And since the release WordPress 3, it’s become the easiest sale on the planet. After showing them a demonstration, 75% of the time, the client loves it, and it persuades them to pay double the price they would have paid for a generic ol’ static website. It’s amazing how much WordPress 3’s menu builder has had such an impact on the entire software and the overall presentation of it. So, needless to say, I’ve been churning out a lot of WordPress sites recently at the agency. In this post, I’m going to talk about that last step you take in delivering your shiny, new WordPress site to your client filled with all of their content.

Generally, you’re not going to build the website on your client’s live domain. In creating all of these sites, it’s absolutely crucial to be transferring WordPress correctly. The Quick Version The Long Version Update: August 14, 2012 Click the Import tab. Firebug and theme editing. Over the next few weeks I’m going to take a look at some of the ways that you can use Firebug with WordPress.

firebug and theme editing

If you haven’t heard of Firebug, where have you been? It’s time for to come out from under that big old rock you’ve been hiding under and get it installed. Firebug is a Firefox extension and in-browser development tool . The idea of a development tool should not put you off. This is not a tool just for developers, Firebug can be used by anyone, and if you’re a person using WordPress it should be an essential part of your toolkit. Edit CSS in-browser to check out design changes without editing your theme’s filesAttach CSS classes to HTMLRun Javascript on your site before inserting in your themeDebug javascriptTroubleshoot problems on your site Today I’m going to look at how you can customize a WordPress theme using Firebug.

I’m going to show you how to make some basic customizations to the WordPress Twenty Eleven Theme using Firebug. Stop! Making a child theme is really easy. Gallery. Image galleries on are a great way to share your pictures with your friends, family, and your followers.


An image gallery will display a set of small images attached to a particular post or page. Readers can click on any image to launch a full-size carousel that allows them to scroll through the entire gallery one image at a time. With the slideshow option, images will automatically move from one to the next after a few seconds. Gallery Styles You have three choices for how a gallery will be displayed in your post: a thumbnail grid layout, a tiled mosaic-style layout, or in a slideshow. Tiled layouts can display in one of three styles: rectangular tiles, square tiles, or circular tiles. To switch to tiled layouts from the default, head over to Settings → Media in your blog’s dashboard, scroll down to “Image Gallery Carousel,” and select the box next to “Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic. . ” ↑ Table of Contents ↑ Adding a Gallery or Slideshow.