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Feminism?  You want feminism?  Which brand would you like? Feminism — Definitions of Terms Affirmative-Action Feminism A.k.a.

Feminism?  You want feminism?  Which brand would you like?

Women in Black: Statements. Ex-client de prostituées, je suis pour la pénalisation des clients. Cours de prostitution en Espagne : débouchés assurés. Alors que le chômage atteint des sommets, une formation propose d’apprendre les rudiments du plus vieux métier du monde.

Cours de prostitution en Espagne : débouchés assurés

Et pour l’instant, ça n’a rien d’illégal. « Travail immédiat ! Cours de prostitution professionnelle. Un travail très rentable pour les deux sexes. » L’affiche, apparue dans les rues de Valence en Espagne, ne permet plus aucun doute : devenir prostitué(e), mais un(e) pro, cela s’apprend aussi. L’affiche proposant des cours de prostitution Une offre qui donne à réfléchir dans un pays qui affiche un taux de chômage de presque 25% de la population. Les affiches ont fait leur apparition dans les rues de Valence pour la première fois, en mai dernier : la formation s’étale sur une semaine et propose des classes théoriques mais aussi pratiques.

Une rentrée scolaire. Miss Major's Yale Speech. Miss Major is one of my trans elders and one of the few African-American Stonewall veterans still around as a living witness to that history.

Miss Major's Yale Speech

She is also an activist in her own right and advocate for trans prison rights in California and beyond that should have received an IFGE Trinity Award by now. In 2008, Miss Major testified at the United Nations about the abuses of transgender women of color in the United States. L’automne des femmes arabes agite Facebook. Les yeux fixés sur l’appareil, l’air insolent, les cheveux courts, Dana brandit son passeport à bout de bras.

L’automne des femmes arabes agite Facebook

Sur la photo du document, la jeune Syrienne est voilée. Feminist Current. Zene u crnom - Women in Black - Belgrade - Women in black. Remembering Robyn Few, the Patron Saint of Sex Workers. If you had been fighting cancer and your doctor told you that you had two weeks to live, what would you do?

Remembering Robyn Few, the Patron Saint of Sex Workers

I'll tell you what one person did upon hearing this news: She called a travel agent and began booking flights. She went to Cape Town, Dubai, London, and anywhere else she could. The woman I speak of is the Patron Saint of all Sex Workers, none other than Robyn Few. Catherine Samary. Agitate your imagination. Fiercelight - Where Spirit Meets Action. Carly Stasko is a self-titled Imagitator who agitates imagination as a Toronto-based but globally inspired artist, writer, activist, producer and holistic educator.

Fiercelight - Where Spirit Meets Action

Her most recent publication is a chapter titled "(r)Evolutionary Healing: Jamming the Culture and Shifting the Power", which has been published by Routledge in Next Wave Cultures edited by Anita Harris and which was developed out of a workshop Carly presented at the UNESCO Earth Symposium. Carly is interested in love, healing, jamming with culture, as well as working and playing towards environmental and social justice through education and the arts.

I first met Carly when I was shooting the documentary Culture Jam. Learning To Love You More. Nomy lamm - the whole wide world. Paris Was A Woman. The True Blasphemy: Slavoj Žižek on Pussy Riot. Nancy Huston : "On ne naît ni homme ni femme" - Les entretiens du Vif - Dossiers. Nancy Huston. © Edouard Coulot/Image Globe Le Vif/L'Express : D'où est né votre besoin d'écrire ?

Nancy Huston : "On ne naît ni homme ni femme" - Les entretiens du Vif - Dossiers

Nancy Huston : Il est vrai que c'est plus un besoin qu'un désir. Ma mère nous a abandonnés quand j'avais 6 ans. Notre correspondance nous a toujours permis de rester en contact. Sans faire de la psychanalyse facile, je dirais que ça a probablement fait de moi « une femme de lettres ». Pourquoi avez-vous dû « quitter votre famille, votre langue et votre monde pour oser écrire » ? Pour deux raisons contrastées. Baby, Boom. On Friday, we will celebrate my son being born and me nearly dying.

Baby, Boom

I assure you that it will be a happy day: my son is a light bringer for sure. Le portrait de Michelle Obama en esclave est de l'art raciste. Elsa Dorlin (avec la collaboration  d'Annie Bidet), Sexe, race, Classe. Bell Hooks verovert top tien van beste feministische non-fictie « De Zesde Clan. Leesgroepje - bijeenkomsten. Leesgroepje - teksten. En guise d'introduction : à propos de bell hooks, du féminisme, des noirs, des gays et de la France - Melanine - Afropunk negropolitan style. “I will not have my life narrowed down.

En guise d'introduction : à propos de bell hooks, du féminisme, des noirs, des gays et de la France - Melanine - Afropunk negropolitan style

Rita Mae Brown. Rita Mae Brown (born November 28, 1944) is an American writer and feminist.

Rita Mae Brown

She is best known for her first novel Rubyfruit Jungle. Published in 1973, it dealt with lesbian themes in an explicit manner unusual for the time. Analysis: how Pussy Riot rocked Russia. Earlier this month, Madonna had the band's name written across her naked back at a concert in Moscow. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Peter Gabriel, Sting, and Franz Ferdinand expressed their support—all in vain, as the musicians remained in jail. Meanwhile, as sympathy in the West coalesced, Russian nationalists threatened to execute the punks for humiliating the church and Russian traditions. Before their appearance at the church, Pussy Riot was a fringe activist group.

Nobody had paid much attention to the band's previous appearance in the center of Moscow's Red Square featuring smoky fires and a song with the chorus "Putin Sucks. " At the time, protests seemed ubiquitous in Moscow, with as many as 100,000 protesters chanting "Putin is a Thief! " Blind spots of Arab and Muslim feminism - Dallas Islam. Arab and Muslim women are not only making international news but are also the spotlight of local events and discussions in every American city, including the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

Take for example the latest presentation by Dr. Rima Abunasser, TCU Professor specializing in 18th Century British literature, post-colonial theory, and the intersections of ethnicity, race, and gender in the Arab world. Dr. Feminism Is a Hate Group. When some of the most prominent feminists and famous women make openly hateful anti-male statements, and the mainstream feminist organizations say and do nothing to distance themselves from such public statements, then it’s clear that the hatred of men has an accepted place in mainstream feminism. Does this seem like a harsh assessment of feminism? Perhaps. Is it true? Absolutely. One of the main problems with “feminism” is that it exploits the legitimate claims of equal rights as a cloak to usher in its divisive, hateful and neurotic interests. Would you work on a chat/sex line. “J’ai été animatrice de Minitel rose”

J'ai bien connu, et pratiqué, le Minitel, qui sera définitivement débranché ce 30 juin 2012. Rip Her To Shreds « Quiet Riot Girl. Punk music was very male-dominated but there are some great women punk artists such as Siouxsie Sioux and Poly Styrene. I have written about punk and metrosexuality before! Someone claims that Brigitte Bardot would ‘rip Debbie Harry to shreds’, showing simultaneously that they know Blondie’s work whilst also being able to gently put down the peroxide artiste. But I have news for them. Debbie Harry is as hard as nails.