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Sidrunimaitseline kõrvitsamoos. Kodune tomatiketšup. Hilissuvistest tomatitest, õuntest ja paprikatest saab valmistada imemaitsva koduse ketšupi.

Kodune tomatiketšup

Ketšupist saab kerge vaevaga kastme pastale või riisile, lisada võib ka hakkliha või kanafileed. Retsept raamatust "Lihtsad hoidised: Sahver" Vaja läheb: 2 kg tomateid 500 g phastatud paprikaid 500 g puhastatud õunu 300 g puhastatud sibulaid 300 g puhastatud porgandeid 1,5 sl soola 2- 3 sl suhkrut 2 sl äädikat Eemalda tomatitel varreosa ning tükelda kõik puu- ja köögiviljad ühesuurusteks tükkideks. Ketšup. Ketšup on selline kaste, mis meeldib paljudele lastele ja suurtele ka.


Sageli on ketšupis liiga palju selliseid koostiosi, mida me hea meelega tarbida ei tahaks. Aga selgub, et ketšupit on väga lihtne ka ise valmistada. Allolev retsept on üks paljudest, aga maitseb igatahes hästi. Retsept raamatust "Taluperenaiste hoidised" Adžika. Zucchini Pickles. By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches I love making quick pickles, quickles for short.

Zucchini Pickles

And the last time I made some for Poppytalk readers was way back in 2009! Let's remedy that, stat. Okay? Okay. One of the easiest vegetables to wrangle right now is zucchini. The best thing about them - well besides being mighty tasty on an open-face hummus sandwich or slipped into a burger - is that they take 1 day from making to eating. Some notes about the recipe. Also, mustard seeds are a bit of a pain to crush in a pestle and mortar. Or maybe my mustard seeds were a bit on the old side. These may seem like a lot of work, but you can have all the prep done in under an hour. Pickled Zucchini, Zuni Cafe Style These are refrigerator pickles, so you want the brine to be cool before you pack the pickles in jars. 1 lb zucchini or a mix of summer squash (or a bit more - up to 1 1/2 lbs) 1 small onion 1 red pepper.

Chile Pepper Sambal. By Ariel Nadelberg on September 21, 2012 Previous | Next Hot peppers of all kinds can be used to make this delicious sambal, a type of chile paste common in Asian cuisines.

Chile Pepper Sambal

Photo by Ariel Nadelberg. Chile peppers grow readily in NYC—a simple urban garden can sometimes out-produce a gardener’s ability to use them while fresh. Luckily, preserving them is easy. Chile pastes are common in Chinese, Korean, Mexican, Tunisian, and Hungarian cuisines, but they’re especially important in Southeast Asian cuisine.

Warning: Wear kitchen gloves any time you are working with chile peppers to protect your hands and eyes. Chile Pepper Sambal Active prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 10–15 minutes Heat: Only as hot as the peppers you use! Aadami aedoasalat. Kurkide hoidistamine. Kurke saab hapendada, marineerida, konserveerida või soolata.

Kurkide hoidistamine

Valmistamis­õpetusi on sadu. Hapukurgid Hea retsept, mille järgi hapendatud kurgid säilivad hästi ka siis, kui ei ole nõuetekohaseid hoiuruume. Soovitaja Elmar Õun (1913–1997), kelle kogemused tuginesid ligi 60-aastasele aiandustegevusele ja kehtivad veel nüüdki. Esimene erinevus tavalisest hapendamisest on mustasõstralehtede minimaalne kasutamine või nendest täielik loobumine. Hapendamiseks võtke kolmeliitrised, aga sobivad ka üheliitrised purgid. Lisandiks kasutage tilli, söögisibula lõike, musta terapipart, jämedat soola, mädarõigast, iisopit, estragoni, majoraani, melissi, punase kibepaprika kaunu, küüslauku. Pruukige keetmata vett. Kui on terveid kahjustuseta mustasõstralehti, laotage neid purgi põhja 4–5 tükki, mitte rohkem. Päeva esimesel poolel korjatud kurgid pange kohe külma vette. 3-liitrise purgi jaoks: Magus mais. Homemade Mustard. My brother and I are 21 months apart (he’s the older one).

Homemade Mustard

When we were 7 and 9, he had a friend, Kevin, who was seriously goofy. Kevin was always making us laugh with his silly antics. One time, he arrived right when I was hosting a tea party for my stuffed animals. Ever the joker, he grabbed a kitchen towel, folded it elegantly over one arm and, posing as a butler serving my soiree, inquired, “Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?” Playing on the commercial that was seemingly in constant rotation circa ’84. Kevin’s silliness aside, I’ve been a serious devotee of all things mustard since a young age.

The full post continues after the jump . . . Rather than reinvent the (mustard) wheel, I turned to three sources I always rely on for culinary inspiration. Spicy Honey MustardMakes 2 cups The Goods 1 cup dry mustard1 cup cider vinegar1/3 cup honey1/2 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper The Deal 1.