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Sex and Aural Energy. “I always say, never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be” - Lisa Chase PattersonI believe the original author of the above passage is Lisa Chase Patterson.

Sex and Aural Energy

How she described the intimate nature of exchanging energy with another during sex is something that I’ve been lecturing friends about for years. It was nice to see someone else discussing it as well.We are all physical beings, but we are also so much more than that, including ‘energetic beings’. When you get intimate with anyone you merge with their energy. It doesn’t matter if it is OBE (astral) sex, physical sex, or oral sex — anytime you are intimate with another person (or people) you absorb some of their energy and they absorb some of your energy. If you have sex with positive, loving, uplifting people – that wonderful energy is absorbed and uplifts you. Oh, and just so you know, this isn’t a new discovery.

As we accumulate unwanted energies in daily life, regular aura cleansing supports health and well-being. Swimming. Rise of the Gnostics. Throughout history people who really seek the truth, open their minds, and dive into this reality have been demonised, ostracized and eventually slaughtered.

Rise of the Gnostics

Christians were slaughtered every day after the death of Jesus before Constantine declared Christianity the official religion in 325 AD at the council of Nicea. Were these early Christians really Gnostics?


Spiritual. Electromagnetic Spectrum. Telepathy. Ancient Civilizations. THE MYSTERIOUS ROSICRUCIAN, WHO WAS THE FATHER OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC. Chapter Eleven from: Great Secret: Count St.


Germain by Raymond Bernard Throughout his life, Francis Bacon's fondest hope was the, creation of a Utopia across the Atlantic, the realization of his "New Atlantis" in the form of a society of free men, governed by sages and scientists, in which his Freemasonic and Rosicrucian principles would govern the social, political and economic life of the new nation. It was for this reason why, as Lord Chancellor, he took such an active interest in the colonization of America, and why he sent his son to Virginia as one of the early colonists. For it was in America, through the pen of Thomas Paine and the writings of Thomas Jefferson, as well as through the revolutionary activities of his many Rosicrucian-Freemasonic followers, most prominent among whom were George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, that he hoped to create a new nation dedicated to his political philosophy. GEOSOFIA.


A verdade no mundo: O segredo dos Deuses. O que mais me chamou a atenção nesse artigo foi a notícia sobre a glândula pineal.

A verdade no mundo: O segredo dos Deuses

Todos nós temos essa glândula, que para a medicina está atrofiada e também é conhecida como Epífese Neural. Nas crianças ela ainda está ativa mas sua atividade vai diminuindo ao longo do tempo até se tornar calcificada e atrofiada. É uma glândula endócrina e que, "mesmo estando atrofiada" nos adultos, está diretamente relacionada a produção de melatonina e seratonina. E ... se você for pesquisar sobre esse assunto, chegará ao "segredo dos deuses" , sua relação com o sangue e ouro e claro, como sempre ao Anunnakis! Eu recomendo muito esse texto que ,mesmo sendo grande, merece ser totalmente lido, várias vezes! SIR LAURENCE GARDNER (aplaudido de pé) Muito obrigado, muitissimo obrigado. Há um monte de perguntas que vocês conhecem, que se originam da Escritura da Bíblia. O truque da escrita e algo como isto, um que tem que ir além da própria Escritura. O Velho Testamento nunca foi escrito para ser história.