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Reddit Tools. Subreddit_suggester. Graph Reddit Comments. CHART_BOT. Altereddit. A good explanation of the origins of SRS, from a former member themself via Shevilfempire, This fetishization of not censoring yourself, of... Reddit Users Go Rogue, Revolt Against 'Sick' Child Porn Forums. Creepshots and revenge porn: how paparazzi culture affects women. On the popular website Reddit, where users submit and share content, a member of a forum called "creepshots" was handing out advice last week.

Creepshots and revenge porn: how paparazzi culture affects women

His subject? How to photograph women surreptitiously. A Reddit Forum Prompts Questions of Where to Draw a Line. Jane Jacobs, an urban activist, made that observation in 1961 in her landmark book, “The Death and Life of Great American Cities.”

A Reddit Forum Prompts Questions of Where to Draw a Line

Although she was describing cities built of bricks and mortar, her ideas about cultivating vibrancy feel relevant today, as some of the most important metropolises of the 21st century are being constructed online, where chaos is in no short supply. The latest controversy surrounds Reddit, a community and social news site that lets members create and run their own forums on any topic, from movie news to local politics to the sharing of beautiful nature photographs. Reddit has come under fire for harboring a forum that encourages people to covertly photograph women on the street and upload the images to the site for others to ogle and comment on. Nerds and Male Privilege: Tropes, Trolls, Haters & Anita Sarkeesian. Nerds and Male Privilege Part 2: Deconstructing the Arguments.

On Reddit, We're Private Perverts! Sometimes it's hard to tell if you are on the Internet or not.

On Reddit, We're Private Perverts!

For example you are almost always typing into a box on a series of screens on your computer. The dark side of Reddit's GoneWild. Warning: This story might not be safe for some workplaces.

The dark side of Reddit's GoneWild

Reddit’s GoneWild is supposed to be a supportive, sex-positive community. The amateur porn subreddit prides itself as a mutual admiration society, where people, mostly young women, can post revealing photos for a quick thrill and complimentary comments in the hundreds. Trapped_In_Reddit 'flees' to /r/mexico and talks down on Americans. : SubredditDrama. Why do "prolific" Redditors acquire so much hatred? : TheoryOfReddit. Media 100 – Reddit Karmawhore. [recap] Karmanaut and r/IAmA : SubredditDrama. When “Trigger Warning” Lost All Its Meaning.

Once upon a time, "trigger warning" was an Internet shorthand for "Hey, look out, in what follows on this website, we are going to talk about rape or child sexual abuse or something really intense, and if you're not in the right emotional place for that, maybe go away and come back.

When “Trigger Warning” Lost All Its Meaning

" This was a useful kind of thing! If sometimes applied a little broadly, but you know: fair warning is fair warning. A couple of years ago now, a big dust-up went down. Oh, those were good times: "The debate over the feminist blog staple began with sex writer Susannah Breslin, who thinks trigger warnings are condescending at best, and a disingenuous ploy to keep feminist blogs relevant at worst. The topic then migrated to Feministing, which employs trigger warnings for the simple reason that it 'care[s] about rape victims.' And now here we are in 2012, where this useful thing has spread a litttttle far afield. The other day a woman asked a question of a group of Internet strangers (good idea or no?

Daniel Tosh Chuckles Through Own Violent Rape. The Pratfall of Penny Arcade - A Timeline. Megan Carpentier. 'Why Is Reddit So Anti-Women?': An Epic Reddit Thread Counts the Ways - Entertainment. Why You Should Feed the Trolls If You Damn Well Need To. This is what online harassment looks like. An online game invites players to "beat up Anita Sarkeesian". When I first wrote about the sexist abuse of women online, collating the experiences of nearly a dozen writers, the response was largely positive. Many hadn't been aware there was a problem; they were shocked. Others had assumed that they were the only ones whose every word on the web was greeted with a torrent of abusive, threatening comments. But a few reactions stood out, among them that of Brendan O'Neill, the Telegraph blogs section's resident contrarian. He wrote that feminist campaigners pointing this out was a "hilarious echo of the 19th-century notion that women need protecting from vulgar and foul speech".

The best response to that argument, incidentally, comes from Ally Fogg, who wrote recently: What you fail to understand is that the use of hate speech, threats and bullying to terrify and intimidate people into silence or away from certain topics is a far bigger threat to free speech than any legal sanction. The 'Rock Stars' of Reddit Won't Stop Being Sexist Just Because Reddit Says So - Rebecca Greenfield. The people of Reddit aren't taking kindly to this straightforward new plea from the site's co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, questioning whether acts of sexism on the site have served to "belittle and ostracize" its female audience.

The 'Rock Stars' of Reddit Won't Stop Being Sexist Just Because Reddit Says So - Rebecca Greenfield

Ohanian says "suddenly we are the cool kids," and so maybe Redditors need to cool it with the sexist comments — "with great power comes great responsibility" and all of that. The Redditbomb. Derailing for Dummies. In attempting to communicate with you, the Marginalised Person™ may bring up examples of the sorts of daily manifestations of discrimination they face.

Derailing for Dummies

Many of these examples seem trivial to Privileged People® but clearly reflect the way the Marginalised Person™ has been “othered” by society. Poe's Law. Poe's Law states:[1] It is an observation that it's difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between parodies of fundamentalism or other extreme views and their genuine proponents, since they both seem equally insane.

Poe's Law

For example, some conservatives consider noted homophobe Fred Phelps to have been so over-the-top that they argue he was a "deep cover liberal" trying to discredit more mainstream homophobes. [edit] History Poe's Law was originally formulated by Nathan Poe in August 2005.[2] The law emerged at the Creation & Evolution forum on the website[3] Like most such places, it had seen a large number of creationist parody postings. These were usually followed by at least one user starting a flame war (a series of angry and offensive personal attacks) thinking it was a serious post and taking it at face value. The law caught on and has since slowly leaked out as an Internet meme. [edit] Earlier Sightings [edit] Expansion of the concept [edit] A Poe. Theory Of Reddit: Be the change you want to see. How “The Atlantic” successfully spammed Reddit. When redditor slaterhearst got banned from Reddit last month, it was easy to assume he was just an ordinary Reddit spammer, selling out his services to the highest bidder.

How “The Atlantic” successfully spammed Reddit

He wasn’t. The Daily Dot has confirmed that slaterhearst was Jared Keller, the associate editor and social media editor at magazine giant The Atlantic. The revelation proves that media companies aren’t just trying to game Reddit for pageviews by paying off influential redditors. In The Atlantic’s case, they’re taking up residence on the site itself under high-profile, pseudonymous identities and bringing in potentially millions of new visitors. Tying the account to Keller was simple. Keller created the slaterhearst account in January, 2011, well after he began working at The Atlantic in 2010, according to his LinkedIn profile. And those submissions are just for The Atlantic. Reddit’s biggest sections see hundreds of thousands of unique visitors every day.