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Charts Characters Unicode etc

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Comprehensive list of Windows hotkeys. ✿ Our favorite set. Markdown primer. Or, how do you do all that fancy formatting in your comments, anyway? All Japanese Emoticons | Japanese Emoticons. This is the Internet’s largest list of over 10,000 specially selected kaomoji Japanese emoticons. The categories from this site are listed in alphabetical order as you scroll down the page. You can also jump to any specific category of emoticon using the links in the main menu of this site. The categories are divided into 4 master categories: Feelings, Animals, Actions and Miscellaneous with sub categories under each of those master categories. If this is your first time here and you’re not sure what a kaomoji is or how kaomoji are different from emoji then check out this page explaining the difference between kaomoji and emoji emoticons. These emoticons are also sometimes called emojicons, dongers, facemarks or smilies.

These kaomojis are angry and man, there are a ton of them. Flipping the Bird Sometimes you feel so angry that you just need to give someone the finger. Angry to the Right These kaomoji emoticons are angry and facing towards the right. Angry to the Left Forward Facing Anger. List of Unicode characters. Unicode Chart. Unicode Chart - My fascination with writing sys­tems gave me the idea to cre­ate a po­ster con­tain­ing every Uni­code char­acter. Uni­code is a me­thod for en­cod­ing char­act­ers, like ASCII, but it can rep­re­sent virt­u­al­ly ev­ery writ­ing sys­tem in the world, not just English. I estimated I could print the whole thing on about a 36″×36″ po­ster. Well, my es­tim­ates were off. It turned out to be about 6 feet by 12 feet. To make a long story short, I down­loaded all the char­act­er chart PDFs from the Uni­code web site.

I then wrote soft­ware in Java to load in these PNG images, dice them up, and as­sem­ble them into the final po­ster image. The image only took about 10 min­utes to gen­er­ate, and its final size was 22,017×42,807 pixels. Successively closer zooms of the source image. As you might expect, Chinese, Jap­an­ese and Ko­re­an char­act­ers take up most of the chart. One complete, full-res row of the chart (422KB). Pocket Jury • View topic - Collection of table flipping emoticons.