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Physics. Quantum mechanics. Scale of the universe. Top 4 weird things about the universe. As a science writer, I am constantly amazed at how much stranger science is than science fiction; how much weirder the Universe we find ourselves in is than anything we could possibly have invented. Here are my Top 4 Bonkers Things About the Universe. Number 4: If the sun were made of bananas, it wouldn't make much difference This is because the reason the Sun is hot is that it contains a lot of mass. All that mass weighing down on the core squeezes it and makes it very hot.

Number 3: You could fit the entire human race in the volume of a sugar cube This is because matter is incredibly, mind-bogglingly empty. Number 2: 98% of the universe is invisible Only four per cent of the mass of the Universe is in the atoms that make up you and me, the stars and planets. Our best theory of physics is quantum theory. Number 1: Out there in the universe there are an infinite number of copies of you reading and infinite number of copies of my Top Four Bonkers Things About the Universe How much? Physics - hans bethe.