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Npd - psychologists view. I do appreciate a doctor treating NPD as a cognitive disorder instead of a character flaw. This mistake was overcome with Borderline, and now BPD people have effective and highly successful treatment. The fact that NPD has such poor prognosis always seems to be blamed on the patient, rather than that the treatment is wrong. (If a medical doctor can't cure a disease, it's not blamed on the disease or the patent - the treatment was incorrect.)

BUT (ha ha).... Dittoing seems like that some of it doesn't exactly describe the experience exactly. It's not possible to "find" a true or inner self, because there isn't one to find. I personally don't see a need to "find myself"...I know who myself is, and while I may not LIKE that person, it's right here. what I'm saying is...I think you're contradicting yourself a bit in many spots of this essay, because you talk about the person's true self, and then say it doesn't exists. I somewhat disagree with this. Leaving a narcissistic spouse. Dear time2play you said, "I have been reading Vaknin's book, which I just got, and am finding my life with this man documented on every page. I will not stay and I will try to salvage the rest of my life. Does anybody have any suggestions, information, support or cautions for me? Is it possible to get your life, happiness and self back after living with NPD? I know my self-esteem is pretty low right now but I am feeling stronger as I prepare to leave this oppressive relationship. " Would like to recommend that you find an active support group with healthy dynamics with an emphasis on recovery.

I would suggest that you here At the top right, you will find links to a wonderful support group, to one of the best collection of links possible, and some of Vaknin's articles that have helped a lot of us understand things better. Hope to see you there. Aging narcissit. Sam vaknin. Created on Monday, 06 December 2010 20:16 Last Updated on Saturday, 22 March 2014 00:59 Published on Monday, 06 December 2010 20:16 Written by Sam Vaknin,PhD Hits: 28530 User Rating: Sam Vaknin is the author of , and runs the website Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited. Sam has served as the author of the Personality Disorders topic, Narcissistic Personality Disorder topic, the Verbal and Emotional Abuse topic, and the Spousal Abuse and Domestic Violence topic, Suite101.

Feel free to email sam with your questions about pathological narcissism, abusive relationships, and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Send your questions to: email address is being protected from spambots. Npd. How to handle a narcissist. Narcissist's silent treatment. There are nine symptoms that a psychologist will look for when diagnosing a patient with narcissistic personality disorder. Five of these nine must be met in order for a diagnosis to be made: a grandiose sense of self; living in a fantasy world of perfect beauty, love, power, genius, etc.; thinks of herself as special and only able to be understood by special people; demands excessive amounts of praise or admiration from others; feels entitled to automatic defense, compliance or favorable treatment from others; is exploitative towards others; lacks empathy with others; is envious of others, or feels they are envious of him; has an attitude of haughtiness or arrogance.