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7 Habits Of The Best Public Speakers. Will wearing a ratty college T-shirt and sweats to bed soon go out of fashion?

7 Habits Of The Best Public Speakers

The pajamas industry is growing, and retailers aren't sleeping on how to reinvent the bygone ensemble. What was once a symbol of buttoned-down '50s attire (think Ricky and Lucy in collared PJ sets, tucking into their separate beds) has slowly inched its way back into pop culture. Look no further than popular TV shows—New Girl, House of Cards, or Scandal—to see protagonists clad in chic silk or cotton designs reminiscent of a tidier bedtime era. But while earlier decades cherished the ensemble for its conservatism, today's pajamas differ in terms of comfort, style, and intent. For consumers, the revival is partially inspired by recent Fashion Week runways, an overall trend toward healthier living, increased awareness of the benefits of sleep, and fresh new takes on vintage designs.

It's a sentiment shared by Ashley Merrill, who founded Lunya in 2012. "It’s not just a pajama company. 10 Characteristics of Professional Learning that Shifts Practice – Katie Martin. Across diverse districts I have asked teachers how they like to learn and what they want out of their professional learning opportunities.

10 Characteristics of Professional Learning that Shifts Practice – Katie Martin

Over and over I hear the same kinds of responses and wishes for how they could learn. There is a deep desire to develop their practice, not just be talked to but be inspired, valued, and pushed to take their practice to the next level. To help teachers shift their practices and make learning experiences for their students the best they can be, these are the desired characteristics of professional learning that shifts practices: Purposeful- There is nothing worse than sitting through a meeting without having a clear understanding of what the purpose is for the meeting or what you are supposed to do with the information. Clearly defining the purpose of learning and how it connects to the larger vision is critical.Goal-oriented- Second to not understanding the purpose is working on a task without and clear understanding of the desired outcome or goal. WeAreTeachers sur Twitter : "#edchat #ntchat...

Four Activities to Jump-Start Teamwork Among Teachers and School Leaders. Luca Nisalli By Gayle Allen Teachers and school leaders face very different challenges today from even a decade ago.

Four Activities to Jump-Start Teamwork Among Teachers and School Leaders

Sprinkling Pixie Dust. Testing How-to Layout. Thanks for bringing Ignite to your community.

Testing How-to Layout

Here's some information on how to get started. What is Ignite? Imagine that you’re in front of an audience made up of your friends, family, and people from your community, about to present a 5-minute talk on the thing you’re most passionate about. You’ve brought 20 slides, which advance every 15 seconds whether you’re ready or not. You have a few last-minute butterflies, but off you go—and the crowd loves it. Ignite is a fast-paced geek event started by Brady Forrest, Technology Evangelist for O'Reilly Media, and Bre Pettis of, formerly of MAKE Magazine. Ignite has two parts: the Ignite contest, where people make things, and Ignite talks, where presenters get 20 slides and five minutes to make their point. Below is all sorts of information that will help you get started. Animer un groupe.

Ce site est dédié au partage de notions et de méthodes pratiques pour l’animation de groupe et le développement de la coopération dans les équipes.

Animer un groupe

Vous y trouverez la description de différents outils et processus utiles pour toute personne chargée d’animer un groupe ou de faciliter un travail d’équipe. Les pages sont classées par catégories et par dates de parution (colonne de droite). Ce site est régulièrement mis à jour. Vous aurez un aperçu de l’ensemble du site en cliquant sur Carte du site. Les pages y apparaissent classées par catégorie puis par ordre chronologique (de la plus récente à la plus ancienne). Vous pouvez partager vos commentaires en cliquant sur le lien « commentaire » de chaque page-article. Pour être tenu-e au courant des nouveautés ou partager vos suggestions, veuillez communiquer avec nous en visitant le lien Contact.

Storytelling, POV, & the power of first-person narrative. I have long thought that 21st-century presenters can learn as much about communicating ideas from filmmakers—especially documentary filmmakers—as they can from traditional speech-communication resources.

Storytelling, POV, & the power of first-person narrative

Filmmakers are master storytellers and they have much to teach us about engaging an audience. A great story can do many things to an audience, but one thing it must do is make the audience feel. Your story does not have to make people feel good, but it must make them feel something. Now, like a filmmaker, 21st-century presenters/storytellers have many tools at their disposal including motion pictures (i.e., digital video for most of us), photography, sketches, data visualizations, and audio including narration, first-person interviews, music, sound effects, etc. In a live talk, short video clips of first-person interviews can be highly effective if woven into your narrative with purpose. When it comes to film, I'm rather keen on the first-person narrative approach.