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Stuff to get, someday

Advanced Meditation Guide. Basic instructions Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, the crown of your head ‘pulled upwards’ and your chin turned in a little towards your chest.

Advanced Meditation Guide

If you feel any pain in the knees or in the back, sit a little bit higher on a cushion. It is of essential importance that you can relax deeper and deeper, and potentially even fall asleep while sitting. Get Dirty to Get Joy- Bacteria in Soil Acts as Antidepressant. A bacteria found in soil called Mycobacterium has been found to effect the same neurons as Prozac, offering people a natural lift in mood.

Get Dirty to Get Joy- Bacteria in Soil Acts as Antidepressant

This is just one more great reason to get out in the garden and grow your own foods. Not a green thumb? Just spending time in areas with rich soil will allow you to breath in these great benefits. – Intelligentactile Imagine: You’re feeling so depressed that you visit your doctor and request a prescription for a mood elevator. 5 Steps To Loving Your Body. By Maggie Lyon It is astonishing what our bodies support, put up with, and do for us over the course of our lives.

5 Steps To Loving Your Body

Having a body is in fact a pretty cosmic, far out thing. It is also totally regular and basic at the same time. Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat - The Huffington Post. Gluten-free is hot these days.

Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat - The Huffington Post

There are books and websites, restaurants with gluten free menus, and grocery stores with hundreds of new gluten-free food products on the shelf. Is this a fad, or a reflection of response to a real problem? Yes, gluten is a real problem.