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Top 20 Best PowerPoint Presentation Design Posts for 2012. By Jon, on January 1st, 2012 In order to create an amazing PowerPoint presentation, you have to learn the process of effective presentation design .

20 Best PowerPoint Presentation Design Posts for 2012

After four years of blogging, I’ve written a number of posts designed to help you create better, visually engaging and effective PowerPoint presentations. As all blogs posts do, some resonated better than others and often provided great discussion in the comments. Instead of forcing you to sift through my site, page after page, or trying to search my site with keywords just to find the best posts, I have aggregated 20 of my best blog posts, including the 5 most viewed post written in 2011, to help you become a better PowerPoint presentation designer. Post types include specific presentation design techniques, book reviews, tips, methods, and more. Des photos gratuites et libres de droit : Photopin. Liebfraumilch. Liebfraumilch is a vivid handwriting script that relies on the OpenType features Contextual Alternates, Discretionary Ligatures and Stylistic Alternates, which are available only in OpenType-aware applications such as the Adobe Creative Suite or Quark Xpress.


Liebfraumilch or Liebfrau(en)milch is a style of semi-sweet white German wine which may be produced in the regions Rheinhessen, Palatinate, Rheingau and Nahe. More… The name is a German word literally meaning “Beloved lady’s milk”. The original German spelling of the word is Liebfrauenmilch, given to the wine produced from the vineyards of the Liebfrauenkirche or Church of Our Lady in the Rhineland-Palatinate city of Worms since the 18th century. Free Font: Yanone Kaffeesatz. Presentation Tips from Olivia Mitchell.