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ICT using popplet in Swiss/ipad/Board game/Life and Living

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Smartboard/錄影. Welcome. iPad as the Teacher's Pet. Update: iPad as the Teacher's Pet was updated to Version 2.0 Click to see the new version!

iPad as the Teacher's Pet

Hey, teacher! Got an iPad? Then you've got a toolbox that you can fill to help you be an even better teacher! Spend some time with this infographic to discover how your iPad can be your handy assistant. It's filled with apps and services that you'll wonder how you ever lived without. It's all about verbs, that is, the things teachers can do with an iPad. So take a peek to see how iPad can help you capture learning artifacts, plan lessons, poll students, visualize concepts, share demonstrations, and much more. iPad uPad wePad; Going 1-1 at St Oliver Plunkett. A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be invited to St Oliver Plunkett to be a part of their 1-1 iPad rollout to the very excited Year 6 class.

iPad uPad wePad; Going 1-1 at St Oliver Plunkett

Led by their fabulous teacher librarian, Ann-Marie Furber and fearless class teacher, Brooke Maguire, with consultation from the very dedicated and talented Education Officer Learning and Teaching Technologies, Danielle Carter, the Year 6 class participated in a series of workshops in order to develop their skills before they were officially given management of their very own devices. While the school maintains ownership, the students manage the purchasing of additional apps, and the care and maintenance of the iPads for the time they are at the school. This means the students have 24-7 access to their learning. The rollout has been a carefully managed process, with a great deal of professional development and pre-planning being done before the students had access to the devices. Eight Examples of Popplet in the Biology Classroom.

There is definitely something cellular in nature about the humble popple – the irreducible building block of all the Popplets ever created.

Eight Examples of Popplet in the Biology Classroom

Cellular not only in shape, a single popple also mirrors its organic counterpart in that it contains the vital information necessary – text, images, video – for the formation of things far greater than the sum of their parts – Popplets! iPad Animal Inquiry Project ~ Mrs. Wideen's Blog. Technology In Early Childhood - Page 4 of 12 - Teaching with Technology in Kindergarten and Pre-school Classrooms. Using Popplet in Content Areas.

I love integrating IT across the curriculum.

Using Popplet in Content Areas

I believe that it is important that the kids are able to apply 21st century IT skills both at school and at home rather than just "IT class". This year in Grade 4, the kids are more computer savvy. They come with a wealth of computer knowledge - appropriate to the grade level rather than last year where a lot of the first half of the year was dedicated to typing skills. Having said that, the third graders were able to produce some green screen and common craft pieces towards the end of the year. In Science, we have been regulated to the Scott Foresman series which I find particularly dry.

First, I divided up my class into five groups. In our school, we are aligned with the IB curriculum, so our rubrics are out a scale of 7. Life and Living using popplet.


Popplet allows your students to do collaborative brainstorming. Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience. Topic (required) Type the topic of your new AnswerGarden.

Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience.

This can be a question or a topic, such as: "What do you think of my website? " More options (optional) For your convenience, you can change the following settings for your new AnswerGarden. If you're using AnswerGarden in the classroom, we recommend that you provide a password, so that you can moderate the contents during the session. Using ICTs in English.

瑞士小學使用popplet 及 padlet 於自然課. Why Should I use ICT's in the Classroom. The Keio International Center for Internet and Society. As a student interested in Japan’s educational policies, the first thing I automatically when the government came out with its new ICT strategy was scroll down to page 88 and look at the Abe’s administration’s 10 page plan on “IT education system.

The Keio International Center for Internet and Society

My initial reaction? Taken aback and pleasantly surprised. What is ICT in education ? - "ICT"is Information and Communication Technology. "ICT in Education" means "Teaching and Learning with ICT". Attitudes toward the use of ICT in schools in Japan - Data. The development of an educational framework for the implementation of ICT In November and December 2013, I visited several schools that had opened their classes to the public as participants in the "Future School Promotion Project" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the "Learning Innovation Project" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Attitudes toward the use of ICT in schools in Japan - Data

Until quite recently, while positive results derived from the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in education such as increased motivation among children were noted, doubts were voiced about learning outcomes. A review of these various initiatives in the participating schools, however, indicates that schools are steadily developing ICT know-how and increasingly providing a more sophisticated learning experience in class. Table 1 below shows the conditions of ICT education in each school, based on a survey conducted by the Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute. 丫箱寶~心美看什麼都美: 「ICT-based未來教室」,如何運用教學上? 智慧教師的專業發展、創新教學模式及其成效(發行編號:HB20150601C) 網奕資訊 - 享受e化。優質學習~教學活動e化的領導品牌. iPads 如何取代 SmartBoard – 數位學習無國界. 像 SmartBoard 的互動式電子白板曾經有過風光的日子, 但是現在它們也將變成被 iPads 取代的工具之一, 您心想: 被 iPads 取代的東西還真多… 鬧鐘、計算機、電子字典、記事本、閱讀器、照相機、攝影機 … 但這個是怎麼回事呢?

iPads 如何取代 SmartBoard – 數位學習無國界

電子白板真的不便宜, 所以這件事值得好好瞭解一下。 當教室裡人手一台 iPad 時, 如何搭配善用原有的硬體設備, 這裡的幾種作法都連結到教師的使用經驗分享。 Today is Monday. Phonic spin and spell. ContentQuestionsBoardGame2. Content Questions Board Game. The Content Questions Board Game can be used as a stand alone communication activity or it can be incorporated into the wider content questions curriculum from Lanternfish ESL.

Content Questions Board Game

Each Content Question unit contains a reading packet puzzle, a few work sheets and a reading selection. Board game what do you eat to grow. ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets. 日本租車實用指南 @ blue大姊頭的旅行生活. 自從2007年9月日本開放持台灣駕照可以在當地開車,有愈來愈多人選擇以駕車兜風的方式暢遊日本各地。

日本租車實用指南 @ blue大姊頭的旅行生活

以下有幾個主要的租車網站,可以提供大家參考~ ◎TOYOTA租車中心:全日本有1200家店鋪,提供甲地租、乙地還的服務,而且可以輕鬆在網上預約,在出發前就搞定租車事宜。 不過沒有中文只有英文的說明。 若只在北海道進行租車,可以參考其北海道分站「 札幌TOYOTA租車 」網站上的介紹,這裡就有中文、韓文和英文的說明,甚至還針對海外旅客租車提供一些優惠。 ◎One Net Work:以二手車銷售為本業而推出的租車服務,因此價格便宜。 ◎微笑租車:號稱掀起租車革命,使用較為老舊的車款,降低租車的費用,租24小時不到3,000日圓。 [東京近郊旅遊/秩父]-第一篇-從池袋到秩父旅行!東京旅遊真好! @ Japankuru. 不為人知的深度旅遊景點 從池袋到秩父旅行 在日生活12餘年去過很多的旅遊景點。 但是, 還有很多不為人知的只有日本當地人知道的景點卻知之甚少。 Naughtyangel.pixnet. 汐留 Hotel Villa Fontaine SHIODOME. 輕井澤3天2夜懶人包、景點、交通整理:王子outlet、雲場池、石教會、高原教會、舊輕井澤銀座、舊三笠旅館 @ 走吧!讓我們旅行去~AJ的旅行地圖. 一年四季都有東西可以看的輕井澤是許多來東京自助的旅人首選近郊景點之一,這篇畫重點整理幾個輕井澤景點與路線安排,讓第一次前來輕井澤旅行的朋友可以快速入門! 台北東京來回機票$4,800元起. Mobile. You may already be familiar with the following websites, or this might be your first introduction. Either way, each of them can be a ready resource for your ESL teaching needs and a way to freshen your teaching plans and answer your questions. Every ESL teacher has to teach grammar, even if that is not one of your course names.

This site lists the grammar rules of English alphabetically, and they are easily accessible. 801之二. Jeopardy Template (1) Would you rather be. 801 5-2 What Do You Want To Drink? Scramble sentence-unit unit 5 by shyhpeng lin on Prezi.