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I'm Hanging Printer by Marc JuHyun Cha. Free Up Your Desk All said and done, printers are a nuisance on the desk! They take up too much space and hold elegance to ransom with their unruly wires. The ‘I’m Hanging Printer’ is the proposed solution by designer Marc JuHyun Cha. In his words, “this looks like an art object when it hangs on the wall. It doesn’t look like some ugly machine. Designer: Marc JuHyun Cha. LOL! :D - Doctor Who Fan Art (32905619. Dr who. ThinkGeek :: Stuff for Smart Masses. Geek Crafts | Where geek and crafts collide. Firefly. Inevitable Betrayal. Hack Apart a Highlighter to Create UV-Reactive Flowers [Science] - How-To Geek ETC. College students have long been hacking apart highlighters to create glowing bottles of booze to line their dorm room walls.

Far more interesting, however, is the application of the hack to flowers. Many of you may remember a science class experiment from years gone by where in you put food coloring in a beaker and then some freshly cut white flowers; returning to the experiment a day later yielded flowers colored to match the dye you added. This little experiment relies on the same technique, only instead of blue food coloring the flowers suck up UV-reactive highlighter dye. Check out the video below to see the experiment in action: Have a fun science experiment to share? Let’s hear about it in the comments. Make Flowers Glow in the Dark (with Highlighter Fluid and UV Light) [YouTube via Make] Jason Fitzpatrick is warranty-voiding DIYer and all around geek.