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Sugarcane. <html>\n<body>\n<p>\nmade in <a href=" by <a href=" kopas</a></p>\nQuotes and images from Mira Bellwether's <a href=" Trans Women #0</a></p>\n<p>Read it. It's important. </p>\n<p>(Thanks, Mira.) </p>\n</body>\n</html> <html><body><p id="ftw"><img src="muffing8.png"></img></p></body></html>[[Back|14]] <html><body><p id="ftw"><img src="muffing7.png"></img></p></body></html>[[Back|12]] <html><body><p id="ftw"><img src="muffing5.png"></img></p></body></html>[[Back|10]] FTW uses language like 'testicles' to refer to trans women's bodies -- see the original zine for Mira's explanation of why this is, there's a link to download it at the end of the story.

[[positive space|Dedication]] In any passage with two links, the first link will display a quote or image from Mira Bellwether's on hiatus zine "Fucking Trans Women. " I cried some [[more|22]]. I love you [[too|End]]. Positive Space. HUGPUNX. Lim. All I want is for all of my friends to become insanely powerful. You ask the waiter for a carry out bag. \n\n[[Home]] <<if $stage eq 1>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d1]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 2>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d2]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 3>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d3]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 4>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d4]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 5>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d5]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 6>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d6]]<<endif>>\n\n<<set $drank = 0>> A wooden gate with a big black and white and red Beware Of Dog sign.

\n\nThey open the gate a crack, then all the way when they see it's [[you]]. [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n\n<<set $factory = 0>>\n<<set $belt = 0>>\n<<set $store = 0>>\n<<set $stage = 0>>\n<<set $makeup = 0>>\n<<set $end = 0>>\n<<set $music = 0>>\n<<set $sex = 0>>\n<<set $drank = 0>> Time for work. porpentine. Howling dogs. [[Stones|grown]]. Of course. \n<<set $court = "stones">> He asks where I've been. I want to scream, where could I have gone. Where. This doesn't look right at all. The hallways slam shut\n\nw a l l s [[b l o o m]] Relates back to something about some goddess descending on a certain legendary night and drinking with mortals.

([[she|Sink into the lake of cushions]] has the blue pallor of the Clay Isles) You're sitting at a fine table sipping tea. And they are indefatigable in their bad work: They never are faint or weary. Soporific [[fumes|chaos]] of smoky blue drift through the hall, heralding the beginning of the most august, most sacred, most portentous Festival of Sleep! Fortunately the saints died in an absurd number of ways. "Do you believe yourself a prophet? " We are lying in bed in the large rectangular brutalist structure on the moor and the quality of [[light]] is soft and blue.

Fortunately the saints died in an absurd number of ways. Are you really seeing her? Howling dogs Very well. Alternate Ending » Mainichi. This is an experiment in sharing a personal experience through a game system. It helps communicate daily occurances that happen in my life, exploring the difficulty in expressing these feelings in words. As well, it stands as a commentary of how we currently use game design for broad strokes of universal experiences instead of the hyper-personal, and often exclude minority voices. Mainichi was made in RPG Maker VX, an under-served program in terms of accessibility.

My goal was to make a game on my own that didn’t require programming and used community resources. I want to make games that feasibly anyone can do on their own. The only special skill I needed for this project was simple graphic editing. ExhibitsIndieCade Official SelectionMuseum of Design AtlantaAllied Media Conference – Imagining Better Futures Through Play Download Mainichi For Windows Here and for Mac here. Just making things and being alive about it: The queer games scene. Lim is a simple game. It only takes a few minutes to play. You navigate a square through a minimal world. You have not been told what to do, so you just move through the maze.

When you are alone in the corridors, you flash with all the colors of the rainbow. But before long, you start to encounter squares of different colors. They don't like you. But it is an imperfect solution. You should, eventually, be able to reach the maze's end. Lim is the work of Merritt Kopas, a queer woman who, among other talents, is a game designer, writer and photographer. Kopas doesn't have a professional background in game design.

"I was sort of hoping a few people would see it and it would speak to them in some way," she explains. The bittersweet irony is that here, on the outside, you are free to be yourself. While Lim might lack advanced visuals or perfect programming, it is carried far by Kopas' motivation to convey something that is personal and meaningful to her. HUman Angle: Queer Games But why now? Sugarcane. Flaregun up ahead in emergency case\n\n[[smash the glass|flare]] //Cut the bullshit out with a dagger, with a dagger, with a dagger. //\n\n<<back>> you were never one to take the low road\n\nyou leap across the catwalks dodging explosions\n\nwhoever did this is gonna pay\n\n[[fuck yeah|there]] photographs of [[emasculated men|Vagina Jungle]] taped to one wall\n\nslutwave power gear on the other\n\n[[prepare yourself for the upcoming battle with whatever fuckers|gear]]\n\n You focus on\n\n[[the shimmering crystals you wear|crystals]]\n\n[[the glitter pulsating in your bloodstream|glitter]]\n "i just wanna go home i cant handle cosmic warfare wahhhhhhhhhh"\n\nyou turn your glitter-smeared face to the shaking human.

CRY$TAL WARRIOR KE$HA\nby [[porpentine| SRC=" \n\n[[begin]]\n\n<<set $w = 0>> I WILL TAKE YOUR WORDS AND TWIST THEM BEHIND YOUR BACK\n\n[["You don't know me. Dys4ia.