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RDT - Ruby Development Tools: Welcome. Facebook Releases Tool So Developers Can Move Fast And Break Things. Today Facebook open-sourced Tweaks, an application framework that lets iOS developers test changes to an app in real time, simply by using an iDevice, 9to5Mac reported. Incorporating Tweaks into an app provides a new settings menu by which developers can change parameters that affect how the app looks and feels—as it's running on an iDevice. Changing such parameters usually requires a developer to "recompile" an app, which can be time-consuming for repeated testing of different combinations. Some of the adjustments developers can make affect animation timings, colors and motion speed. Java Developer Tools: jHiccup Java Performance Analysis.

What is jHiccup? jHiccup is an open source tool designed to measure the pauses and stalls (or “hiccups”) associated with an application’s underlying Java runtime platform. The new tool captures the aggregate effects of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), operating system, hypervisor (if used) and hardware on application stalls and response time. You can read Azul CTO Gil Tene's blog post "How Java Got the Hiccups" here. jHiccup allows developers, systems operators and performance engineers to easily create and analyze response time profiles, and to clearly identify whether causes of application delays reside in the application code or in the underlying runtime platform. jHiccup is completely transparent and non-intrusive to the application, has zero performance overhead in operation, and is compatible with all Java applications using any JVM.

Top » What does jHiccup measure? The hiccups measured are NOT stalls caused by the application's code. How does jHiccup help developers? 8 Java Troubleshooting Tools For Java Developers. Java is one of the most acceptable computer programming languages that let application developers allow to “write once, run anywhere”. Its application compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine despite computer architecture.

However, many times, developers are facing problem in writing code. So, here we have listed some of the best Java troubleshooting tools for Java developers that help them with perfect development process. VisualVM VisualVM is an excellent visual tool for incorporating presented lightweight memory, JDK software tools and CPU profiling capabilities. Developers can use this tool for both development and production time and additional improves the ability of monitoring and performance investigation for the Java SE platform. GCViewer A free open source tool, GCViewer visualize data that produced by the Java VM options -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:<file>. Jconsole jconsole is available with JDK 1.5 and above.

JAMon JAMon is available for free. Back to Top. How does Facebook disable browser's integrated Developer Tools? Developer Testing Tools Roundup. 7 New Tools Java Developers Should Know | Java Code Geeks. JClarity – Performance Monitoring Launched last September, JClarity is now offering two products around Java performance: Illuminate and Censum. Illuminate is a performance monitoring tool, while Censum is an application focused on garbage collection logs analysis. More than just collecting data or visualizing it, both tools provide actionable insights to solve the issues they detect. “What we want to do is to move the problem from data collection to data analysis and insight” – JClarity Co-Founder Ben Evans. Key features: Bottleneck detection (Disk I/O, Garbage Collection, Deadlocks, and more).Action plan – Recommendations to solve the problem, such as “The application needs to increase the number of active threads”.Explanation – Defining the problem in general and the common causes for it, for example “A high percentage of time spent paused in GC may mean that the heap has been under-sized”.

Bintray – Social Platform for Binaries Librato – Monitoring & Visualization Cloud Services. The Results of my Essential Tools, Libs and Frameworks for Front-End Development Survey - Rey Bango. Two days ago, I put up a simple survey that asked what essential tools, libs and frameworks you were using for front-end development.

I closed out the survey last night a little before 9pm EST and after getting 1000+ responses. I now want to share the results. Why Am I Doing This? As I’ve mentioned, this was an incredibly unscientific survey and not meant to determine which tool is best. I’m doing this to help web developers (myself included) stay on top of commonly used tools. A couple of people buzzed me (some complaining and eluding bias), because I hadn’t listed “x” tool or lib in the survey. The Process After closing the survey, I removed all blank records and then went entry by entry to factor in the “Other” submissions and list out tools not originally added on the survey.

I ended up with 1031 total responses that I felt were good submissions. LESSGitExtJSEmber.jsprefix-freeJSBinJSFiddledabbletKendo UIWijmoCoffeescriptYUI Results from the Main List A note about Enyo The Raw Data.