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Top 15 Ways to Achieve Spiritual Enlightenment. The Basics of Spiritual Enlightenment Spiritual Enlightenment transcends religion. It transcends thought. It transcends mind and its senses. And it conveys a level of wisdom and knowledge about life and the universe that is unparalleled. The concept of enlightenment implies complete understanding of life and the universe, which usually is accompanied by a detachment of all things impermanent and a complete awareness of everything that is, at the moment that it is.

Pretty cool, huh? I passed through the portal of the enlightenment experience about 12 years ago. So how does one become enlightened? My theory on how to attain spiritual enlightenment is simple: Stop all conscious thought in your mind, and the experience of enlightenment will occur. 1. There are a number of different types of meditation. I. II. Zazen is often referred to as ‘just sitting’, because the intention is that is all you do… you just sit… you don’t think. III. Walking meditation is a form of meditation in action. IV.