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Outreach - School of Chemistry. CCDC Bite-sized Learning & Teaching Resources Welcome to this webpage which contains the final versions of the resources developed by this project, initially by my end of year 12 Nuffield Bursary students in August 2011 and 2012, but also some by Kate Leary, my Outreach Summer Intern in summer 2012 and Steven Carman, my stage 4 MChem project student in spring 2013.

Outreach - School of Chemistry

Steven was subsequently employed by the CCDC in summer 2013, for which we were very grateful, to review and edit the trial resources into a standard format, develop additional activities based on his project feedback and to produce the final versions available on this webpage. The students who were involved in producing resources for this project were: Hollie Staward, Heworth Grange School, Gateshead; Nuffield Bursary project student summer 2011. Mumena Ali, Sacred Heart RC High School, Newcastle; Nuffield Bursary project student summer 2012. Click here to access the WebCSD Free Teaching Subset website. IET Faraday - Home. Head Squeeze. LearnersCloud Blog: Tips on taking control of the classroom. You may be an NQT in your first teaching position or possibly a Year-1 teacher responsible for your first form class.

LearnersCloud Blog: Tips on taking control of the classroom

Whether you’re just starting out or have a few years of experience behind you, feeling nervous is more common than you may think. Building a presence in your classroom and exerting authority may not be something you’re used to. And developing a style that is authoritative but approachable may seem like a challenging prospect. ‘While you should be firm, it’s important not to be distant, a bit of warmth doesn’t go amiss,’ explains Julian Stanley, Chief Executive of the Teacher Support Network. To achieve this balance you will have developed your own techniques and classroom strategies but here are a few that our teachers’ network has recommended. Welcome your pupils Sounds simple enough and it is, but by greeting students at the door you are immediately establishing your authority. Making your voice heard Body language ‘Actions speak louder than words.’

Glen Gilchrist. Rader's CHEM4KIDS.COM. Meeting Nineteen (7th May): A School’s Experience of the Discrete Teaching of Scientific Skills at Early Secondary Level. The next meet­ing will take place on Tues­day 7th May at 7:30pm and will be mod­er­ated by @teachingofsci.

Meeting Nineteen (7th May): A School’s Experience of the Discrete Teaching of Scientific Skills at Early Secondary Level

Grime, R (2012) A School’s Expe­ri­ence of the Dis­crete Teach­ing of Sci­en­tific Skills at Early Sec­ondary Level, SSR 346 (.pdf) Abstract: Stu­dents at age 11 or 12 took a course where sci­en­tific skills were taught dis­cretely rather than in an inte­grated approach along­side sci­en­tific knowl­edge and under­stand­ing. There is evi­dence that this may be a more ben­e­fi­cial approach for devel­op­ing sci­en­tific skills. Dis­cus­sion points How would the expe­ri­ences in this case study inform your per­sonal class­room prac­tice?

SpectraSchool – Enhancing the teaching and learning of spectroscopy and spectrometric methods. Teachers' lesson plans for Key Stage 3, GCSE and PHSE. IET Faraday Challenge Day in a Box. GCSE Science Revision. The second half of this post will be mostly relevant to AQA Science A and Additional, because that’s mostly what I teach.

GCSE Science Revision

The rest will be my own opinions on revision. I say opinions, but I try to make sure these are evidence-based, because that’s what we try to do, right? Let’s start off with active revision, what it is and isn’t, and how to convince kids to do it. You could argue this puts the responsibility back on the students rather than us doing it, which strikes me as both moral and effective. Tallguywrites: The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. A fifteen page story about the MMR vaccination controversy.

tallguywrites: The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield

As ever, I'm sure a few spelling errors have slipped past me. Feel free to point any out so I can correct them. The reference links for the strip are in the next blog entry. Now! The Kinetics of the Bromate-Bromide Reaction. Introduction This laboratory experiment placed an emphasis on the determination of the order of reaction and ultimately the rate constant and activation energy of the bromate-bromide reaction.

The Kinetics of the Bromate-Bromide Reaction

The rate equation of this reaction is represented by: -d[BrO3-] / dt = k [BrO3-]x [Br-]y [H+]z Hence, by using varying and constant amounts of bromate, bromide, and acid in different trial runs, it is possible to determine the x, y, and z exponents of this equation, which are actually the order of the reactions. Book of Consequences. BOOK OF CONSEQUENCES - All Purpose Page First, write:1) I broke I have broken a rule.

Book of Consequences

It is not right that I break rules in class, for rules are the ways that society works. Concept Cartoons in Science Education, Revised Edition. Concept Cartoons in Science Education, Revised Edition. Concept Cartoons in Science Education, Revised Edition. Arithmetic, Population and Energy - FULL LENGTH.


Useful websites general. Youtube general channels. Lesson study and iris. QRquiz. Science teaching general. Social networking. STOP the clock day. Teaching and learning. Chemistry teaching. Admin stuff. Ipads.