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Rating BlogDesk. The Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - 11 Non-Traditional Uses of WordPress. Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now WordPress is probably the most popular blogging platform and it can also be used as a CMS to power other types of websites, such as a portfolio site. However, with some creativity and a growing number of available resources, WordPress’s limits seem to be expanding constantly. In this article we’ll take a look at a combination of tutorials, plugins and themes that can help you to use WordPress in non-traditional ways. Hopefully you’ll find something that you can use, or at least something that will be a valuable learning resource for extending your knowledge and skills of working with WordPress. 1.

Membership Directory Last year Chris Cagle wrote a tutorial, How to Use WordPress as Membership Directory, at WPDesigner. Update: Chris has posted a follow up to this tutorial since the release of WP 2.7 – The New and Improved Way to Turn WordPress 2.7 into a Membership Community. 2. 3. 4. RecruitPress is a fee job board option. 5. 6. 7. Beyond TweetBacks: Introducing TweetSuite. Google Helping Bloggers with Data Portability - ReadWriteWeb.

Twitter Avatars In Comments Wordpress Plugin | Developer's. Advertisement Over the last months, Twitter has become extremely popular across the Web, with more blogs, magazines and companies using it to communicate with their audiences and customers. Even we started Twittering a couple of months ago and have over 3,650 followers now. Please feel free to join us and follow Smashing Magazine on Twitter as well. Although we aren’t sure if Twitter will actually revolutionize blogs (as other blogs claim), Twitter is definitely changing the way website owners communicate with their visitors, and we, designers, need to be aware of that and use appropriate tools to meet the expectations of our clients. Twittar WordPress Plugin The objective was quite simple: create a plug-in that uses Twitter to show avatars in comments in WordPress blogs.

Features Loads user’s avatar by matching the email address to the user’s Twitter email address.If user doesn’t have a Twitter account, it first tries to load user’s gravatar. Download the plugin for free About the author. 20+ Great WordPress 2.7 Compatible Plugins. WordPress 2.7 has finally hit, and the first thought on most people's minds might be, "Will my favorite plugin work with it? " What follows is a list of over 20 great plugins that have already shown to work with 2.7 without any problems. Some of these you are sure to have heard of, others may be new to you, and that shouldn't stop you from trying them out.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to explore new plugins that may improve your audience's experience on your site. What 2.7 compatible plugins are your favorite? Add to Any - Social bookmarking, saving and subscription buttons optimized for WordPress, featuring Google Analytics integration, automatic updating and more. Akismet - The most well known of the anti-spam plugins always comes packed with the latest version of WordPress, so it is always a given it is ready to go. cforms II - An easy tool for creating submission forms on your site that can be inserted into posts and pages alike by just inserting a line of code. 100+ Wordpress Video Tutorials, from Basic to Advanced : Speckyb. While WordPress is known for making content management relatively simple, the depth of this CMS is surprisingly vast. There are multiple facets to discover, but you can learn about them on an as-needed basis. For example, if your goal is to input and edit content, you probably won’t need to learn about theme development.

And theme developers don’t necessarily need to know much about writing plugins. We’ve compiled a collection of cheatsheets and reference guides to help you along your journey with WordPress. They should come in handy – regardless of how you use the software. Introduction to WordPress Are you looking to learn some of the basics? WordPress Theme Development Theme development with WordPress is quite flexible. WordPress Plugin Development Whether you want to add functionality to your own site or share it with the world, building a WordPress plugin is a great way to get it done.

Advanced WordPress Below are guides to topics that go beyond traditional themes and plugins. Security.