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DOPPLR. Dopplr is a service for smart international travellers. Dopplr members share personal and business travel plans privately with their networks, and exchange tips on places to stay, eat and explore in cities around the world. Dopplr presents this collective intelligence - the travel patterns, tips and advice of the world’s most frequent travellers - as a Social Atlas. You can use Dopplr on a personal computer and a mobile phone. After a period of exclusive availability to selected global companies, Dopplr opened to world travellers everywhere in December 2007. Dopplr has offices in London’s “Silicon Roundabout” district, and on the Helsinki seaside.

Google Maps: 100+ Best Tools and Mashups. Most people think of Google Maps in terms of finding a place or business, or getting directions from one point to another.

Google Maps: 100+ Best Tools and Mashups

Others use the satellite images and terrain mapping features. But there are tons of other uses out there for Google maps. 7 Travel Photography Tips. A Post By: Christina N Dickson Travel Photography is a lot of fun but presents some real challenges.

7 Travel Photography Tips

Today Christina Nichole shares 7 tips to help you on your next trip. I once heard travel photography described as one of the most important mediums of photographic communication.