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In New York City, a Chilly Library Has Rewards for Union Workers. Coca-Cola Launches New Social Media Policy  This is Adam Brown, Head Of Social Media at Coca-Cola, in a quick 3 minute interview on his new Social Media Policy for Coke.

Coca-Cola Launches New Social Media Policy 

What a job that must have been! The thing I love about this, is that it’s a simple policy (3 pages long), practical and full of common sense while the best part is that Coca-Cola is empowering global staff to become part of the PR & Customer Relations teams. 10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy. Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting.

10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy

She authors a blog at A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: "Okay, but what should it say? " There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Chad Houghton, the director of e-media and business development at the Society for Human Resource Management, told me that he thinks, “it might be beneficial not to create some arbitrary rules without first seeing where the opportunities and risks really are.”

Civ9i5.pdf (application/pdf Object)