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LISTen: The Podcast -- Episode #57 | LISNews. ONLINE MEDIA GOD: 400+ Tools for Photographers, Videobloggers, P. Online media is exploding...and with it, a new class of creative people producing their own music, podcasts, professional-level photography and video shows. We've compiled the largest list so far of useful tools for self-made photographers, videobloggers, podcasters and musicians.

These entries are compiled from previous Mashable articles - see the links at the bottom of this article for further reading. For photography gods, we've brought together more than 90 photo resources and tools. There are thousands of sites serving photographers these days, but we hope this acts as a good overview. Zorpia - Zorpia is like Myspace with some more photo features, you can upload you photos and share them on your profile.Clickfriends -Document your life with your own digital photo essay, then share it with friends and family through

Photobucket - one of the most popular image hosting services around, favorite amongst MySpace users. Turn Your Blog Into a Podcast With Odiogo | Tools | SlyVisions d. Podcast your Blog for Free! Make Use Of Podcast #48: How to Podcast Pt. 3 | Announcing “Instant Talkcasting” & Step-by-Step Instructions.

December 4, 2008 at 12:14 pm | Author: Dave Nelsen | In Announcements, Host Lounge News, TalkShoe Tips, What's New With the New Year, TalkShoe has launched On Demand Talkcasting®, an enhanced version of the Instant Talkcasting capability released just last month. Thanks to your feedback, now it’s even more like Twittering® with your voice (and optionally, up to 300 friends’ voices too). Grab your cell phone, call into TalkShoe, run your live On Demand Talkcast and — zoom — it’s available to the world. How cool is that? As before, you can do a movie review as you leave the theater, inform your audience about a breaking news story, or tell your friends about a hot new restaurant while the taste is still on your tongue, and now it’s even easier! You’ll need a TalkShoe account and an existing Call Series to get started. 1) Click the “Update” tab. 2) Check the box labeled “Create Episode on Demand”. 4) Save your changes.

Then you’re set. Thanks. HOW TO: Convert Your Blog Into a Podcast on iTunes for Free. Bloggers can now add text-to-speech capabilities to their site with new tools such as Odiogo, allowing readers to actually listen to blog posts on the website, and even on iTunes (as well as iPods and iPhones) as a podcast. While this is a cool feature for readers, it could be a very valuable tool for the visually impaired. These tools also provide benefits to readers with learning disabilities like Dyslexia. As a demonstration of how easy it is to setup this text-to-speech technology, we've actually gone ahead and helped Rachel from Why Not Rachel setup Odiogo for her blog.

Why Rachel? Well, she's legally blind and truly needed something like this so she and many of her subscribers could experience her posts in an audible manner. This means less strain and fatigue for the eyes and more accessibility as the posts can now be heard from mobile devices. Easy 10-Step Setup Guide for Text-to-Speech Conversion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Other Text-to-Speech Tools Conclusion.