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Create nice logo. Supalogo - create nice logo. Generate Your Own Twitter Logo | Twitlogo. 50+ Pro Logo Designers to Follow on Twitter | Siah Design. I’ve compiled a list tweeting logo designers. A lot of the individuals included in this list have world class work. Logo designers are a special breed and I hope you take the time follow them on Twitter! Twitter is a free social messaging (micro blogging) utility for staying connected in real-time. @clashmore (Robert McKenna) @dache (David Pache) @rajasandhu (Raja Sandhu) @climaxdesigns (Climax Designs) @KevinBurr (Kevin Burr) @davidpcrawford (David Crawford) @logomotivemike (Mike Erickson) @penflare (Sean Farrell) @hellolawrence (Lawrence Anderson) @Elephantik (Joseph Maguire) @leightonhubbell (Leighton Hubbell) @LogoMotives (Jeff Fisher) @kathrynaustin (Kathryn Austin) @atw (Aaron Taylor-Waldman) @lovehasnologic (Michael Gibson) @saawan (Saawan Ebe) @sp33078 (Spiros Klironomos) @sonatacreative (Stephen Olmstead) @relevantstudio(Jon Engle) @jaredlunde (Jared Lunde) @kodespark (Selvin Alexander Ortiz) @_1981_ (Joshua Geiger) @thisisnido (Nav Iqbal) @bartodell (Bart O’Dell) @neiltmcdon @logoholik (an Stefanovic)

Web 2.0 Write - everything written with icons of famous Web 2.0. I Am Paddy » Twitterigami. 4 Nov <div class="greet_block"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><img src=" If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> to keep updated on further posts.

<div style="clear:both"></div><div class="greet_block_powered_by"><a href=" by WP Greet Box</a></div></div></div><div style="clear:both"></div> After reading Lee Munroe’s post about creative Twitter backgrounds I discovered a list of 20+ Twitter Bird designs. It seems to be fastly becoming the latest craze to create your own Twitter bird for your blog. And I’m all about crazes! Here’s what I came up with. I really wanted something a bit different and obscure than the traditional ‘cartoony style’ bird so I went for an origami one.

Cheers! RedKid.Net. 31 Logos et boutons pour Twitter.